From what I have been told by someone close to the situation, he was bankrolling the girl and she was fucking around on him, so he slapped her around a bit. Forty years ago, that was no big deal at all, and the police probably would have sided with him. Sounds like a similar situation that O.J. was in when he was supporting those Brown leeches and then decided to take matters into his own hands, doesn't it? I'm not supporting what Floyd did at all, he was wrong, but the girl evidently was using and manipulating the guy, and fleecing him financially.
I hope he's found guilty (even if he isn't) and the punishment is that he has to fight Pacquiao for free.
:atu: PBF got fleeced by a ho? Is that what we call supporting your family? Bank-rolling a ho who just happens to be the mother of one of your children? Do you actually believe that your post somehow exonerates or even lessens PBF's culpability in this? It actually makes it worse if it's in fact accurate, because it paints the portrait of a really rotten person who doesn't have much of a case if you ask me to be part of this civilization. And the source that's close to the situation? That wouldn't happen to be one of PBF's friends, would it?
If Merriweather gets jail time he could just fight Pacquiao in the pen just like Dwight Muhammad Qawi did against James Scott
I could care less about the little punk, personally. Yes, she most likely is a whore, many girls are. There is such a thing as supporting your children, such as child support, and then there is something entirely different such as taking advantage of a person.
I heard it was because of this chick who came out and said that Floyds ex is just jealous because Floyd and her are getting married. She posted these pics on twitter a couple of days ago.
What are you talking about. This country is still racist as fuck. Shit ain't changed. I'll Holla 5000
When you say racist I hope you don't mean whites being racist against blacks only. It goes both ways you know.
Whatever...U Can LMAO, ROTFL, SMH or Whatever Else U Wanna Do...The FACT is, U're Probably THE BIGGEST Pac Sac Swinger on this Site...& EVERYTHING REED has Stated is T.R.U.E.... TTYL... REED:shit:
please christmas came early for Mayweather, now his dreams and hopes of retiring UNDEFEATED might actual come to fruition...
Floyd has already plead guilty to domestic violence and battery charges in the past, when he beat up another baby momma.
Nice Try, but REED's been Criticizing Floyd Mayweather Since he "Retired" After the Hatton Fight... NONE of that has ANY Bearing on YOUR Pac Sac Swinging, However... REED:shit:
Yawn... CEASE & DESIST w/the "Nuthugger"/"Your Boy" Card, Until YOU BACKthefuckAWAY from the Filipino NUTSACK, Homegirl... Until YOU STOP Dickriding, SHUTthefuckUP about Dickriding... Got It???... REED:shit:
Agreed....Hitting females is fucked up but if some female lays a hand on someone in my family, it's time to attack with extreme prejudice.
"Everybody" REED's Ass...Pro-Pacquiao Sentiments LITTER your Posts & Denying the OBVIOUS Doesn't Lessen that Fact..."Mad"???...Yeah, OK... REED:boohoo: