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Well, those were cool vids, Carlos. The problem was during your watch and that still remains today is, these cowards that type filth and pornographic posts here, that goes unregulated for the most part. For instance, five years ago or so, I wanted to bring the WBA Lightweight Champion on board here with his own section as you may recall, but after his manager took a look at those garbage posts concerning his fighter, he told me "No way!" The same thing happened about six months or so ago when I tried to bring the WBA Number 2 Light Heavyweight Contender here, he read that vile filth and told me to "Forget those pussies at fightbeat! I'm not doing anything for them!" But when fightbeat was regulated, I have to say it was the best forum out there, bar none. Karl
You mean NOW? Under Cupey, the site was moving along nice, but the forums were a disaster. Now it's the other way around.
again, you have no one but yourself to blame for ALL OF THAT It would make sense to you, if you weren't an imbecile
From what I recall, you were one of those that blew it for all of the boxing fans here with cowardly, profane posts about two gladiators that have more courage in their pinky fingers than you have in your entire body. Keep to cement mixing, as you and some of your girlfriends here ruined a potentially terrific and groundbreaking event which would have brought a then current Champion and a future Champion on board. Karl
Peyton needs to stop posting under Karls name. It makes Karl look like a complete ass and really isn't fair to the guy.
If you feel it goes unregulated, you should talk to Godfather and steve_dave as they are the Forum Admins. Address your concerns and if they are fair, I'm sure they'll be dealt with accordingly.
Well at some point I don't think the site was moving along nicely. It was simply a matter of administration. I think what hurt us was the design of the website, although is nice, is not mean for easy admin, hence, leaving me to do everything. If I did it again, or just some advice to the owner, I would be my top priority, to have a site with easy updates and some technically savvy partners who could help with administration. cupey
Cement mixing?? I adjust Health Insurance claims for a living, you twit No one blew anything for anyone here except YOU I would tell you to go back and read the threads again to see how you immediately took on a defensive, threatened position before anyone had said anything to you... but again, you are a FUCKING IDIOT so there is no way that would do any good
You always bring this up and claim it as your excuse, and my response is always the same... If message boards played that great of a role in fighters granting sites interviews,then Boxingscene would never get any play. In fact, the irony in your comments is that there was a good stretch where Savannah wouldn't go a day without calling Rick or myself in efforts to make sure he/Juan remained in the headlines at all times. Boxing websites go well beyond forum behavior. There are a lot of assholes out there in cyberspace (and also IRL for that matter), especially within the industry we've chosen to cover.
I will say that promoters do look at forums and based on the comments here have backed away from granting access to their fighters. However, I think in the case of Boxingscene they could have made exceptions because of the sites popularity. Possibly if we were in the same position they might have ignored our forums to get the publicity. However, I also think that Fightbeat does have (or at least had) one of the best forums with enough knowledge to bash anyone trying to hype a fighter that was less than stellar. Cupey
Yeah, this isn't the NFL. It's boxing. No one covers it. It would be an irresponsible career move to avoid sites that can give you exposure.
Idiot because they don't want their fighters verbally bashed? Hmm. I fail to see the logic? Promoters know when they have shit fighters, do you honestly think they want to make that common knowledge to the general public? Cupey
Further proof to the contrary... At the exact same time that Diaz was encouraged to stay away, his home boy Rocky Juarez participated in chats and was always available for interviews.
That's because Juarez had already been exposed enough times where even he realized he'll never be a champion and was just happy to get big pay days IMO Cupey
I would. With so many internet boxing website willing to sell their soul for a few $$$ why would I work with a site that will destroy my fighters reputation. I guess we just don't agree. Cupey
Granting access is not working with a site. It's agreeing to talk. If the reporter is credible, what's the issue? Message board trash talk is a lame excuse. And as Jake points out, not a relevant one when the page has credibility.