It's not the site as a whole, just whoever happens to be writing that article or press release. I personally don't mention the alphabets or Ring belts in any of my articles unless it's specifically about them, like when the IBF cleaned house last year. For me, if a fighter isn't a lineal champion, then he's a titlist to me, and is usually how he's referred to in my articles, without mention of which specific title it is. I can't even limit the scope to the ones you suggest, due to each developing its different branches of champions (super, regular, interim, silver, emeritus, etc.). For example, honoring say everyone the WBA called a champion would mean that I'd have to recognize Khan-Maidana as a unification bout, which to me is absurd. Hope that helps.
That is exactly what my efforts were about trying to bring a World Champion on board here, and a number 2 ranked contender, the fans, that is until the actions of four or five jerks ruined it for everyone concerned. Cupey is right about most fighters being sensitive to criticism, as they lay their lives on the line each time out. Some don't care what people say like Diaz does not, but his people sure do, and that is why they put fightbeat out of business as far as their fighter was concerned, due to the forums. I can't recall any other boxing site out there that has lost so much due to the cowardly trash typing of some jerks, and to think what might have been with Juan coming on board 5 years back when he was red hot in boxing and climbing on HBO with thrilling fights. Karl
If you look at my earlier post Andrew, I acknowledged that. I was referring to bringing him on board with his own forum, and that was shot down.
I'm not going to call you or Karl liars, but I just find a lot of this to be tough to digest. The only time I've ever heard of any forums suffering on the level you suggest was Frank Warren's own direct involvement in SecondsOut. Even at that, his meddling merely affected the forum, never the home page. Their ratings barely took a hit, as I doubt that even 10% of the posters at the time even visited S/O home page or - when prompted - name more than two writers for the site (then or now). Fight Beat has never had backing like that, and I'm sorry, but I flat out refuse to believe that anything said on here would affect credential status. I seriously doubt that guys like Ed Keenan, Andy Olson or Langdon Flynn scan message board as part of the process for determining who gets to sit ringside and who is sent a rejection letter.
Are you calling me a liar punk. I'll crack your back, and make your liver quiver :: First Ed Keenan doesn't give a fuck about anything. The dude is completely clueless. He's approved credentials for newspapers and magazines that don't even exist anymore. However, we were denied credentials by Top Rank due to some postings on this forum. Feel free to call Lee Samuels to find out. Now some people that I've spoken with did the interview with us but mentioned the forums and were a bit worried we would chew them up. But I'd say that most people seemed to want the publicity and be on the home page and disregarded forum comments. Cupey
Keep in mind, this site also had a long history of writers getting credentialed and not filing afterwards.
I'm sure you use the term "journalist" loosely. Running a radio show from your mom's basement doesn't qualify Cupey
That radio show was recorded in a professional studio. Loosely, as in, I make my living (a good one at that) as a journalist.
:Wah: I kid, I kid. You are fantastic... and honestly, I don't know the background of a lot of the guys who used to file here. Also, why did you delete me on Facebook, man? :Wah:
Ha, wasn't me. My wife maintains my account more than I do these days and started deleting my boxing friends. I have a separate account for my boxing friends to befriend me on... but I'm not on that one very much either lately. Just don't have time.
I guess. :nono: One day you're wishing me a happy birthday, the next? BAM! Like a slap in the face, Jake. A slap in the face. It's cool though. ::
Actually yes I did. I was PR rep for Star Boxing as a full-time job. You deal with Canadian hicks interviewing farmers about their crops hahahahaha Cupey