Oh, now all of a sudden sanctioning body rankings are somehow valid? If so, Vitali.Peter = Wlad.Chagaev Vitali.Gomez = Wlad.Peter Vitali.Arreola = Wlad.Thompson Vitali.Johnson > Wlad.Rahman Vitali.Sosnowski < Wlad.Chambers Not so conclusive. Wlad's obviously been more active. I'll give you that. But Wlad's list in no way shits on Vitali's.
Head to head..I'd pick Vitali to win the fight...but Wlad is overall the better fighter...and certainly more dangerous.
I wasn't talking about sanctioning bodies, I went with publications such as Fightnews, the Ring etc. Sure, those are debatable too and if you want to argue that Vitali's resume is just as good (because you don't like Wlad's style), there is really no way to actually prove it. In my opinion however it should be obvious
But Wlad "Fights like a PUSS", According to DOUB...That HAS to Count for Something, Right???... REED:shit:
If Brothers "Mustn't Fight", Brothers "Mustn't" CHOOSE to Rule the Same DIVISION in the Same SPORT...Boxing is an INDIVIDUAL Sport, Brother Sly...The Klit Brothers R Applying a TEAM Concept to an INDIVIDUAL Sport & it's NOT a Good Thing.... REED:kidcool:
I hear you....but i see it as a unique situation. It's not often that a regime has two kings...but if it happens...it can be viewed as an interesting time in history...
I'm arguing against the careless and thoughtless statement that Wlad's resume makes a mockery out of Vitali's. So I don't intend to prove anything as to whose resume is better. I think I have demonstrated, though, that Wlad's is not so much better than Vitali's so as to make it seem ridiculous, or horrible. And it's not about styles. It's about the fact that Vitali fights, whereas Wlad throws a series of punches, followed by bear-hugs that he uses illegally to compensate for his shitty stamina and his crappy defense.
But that's just It, Sly...How "Interesting" is it Being Viewed by NON-Boxing Fans???...Again, MOST Mainstream Americans CAN'T Differentiate 1 Klit from the Other....For the Sake of CLARITY & the Recognition that they BOTH Deserve, they Need to Fight... Having 2 Kings is Akin to Having ZERO Kings, in REED's Opinion... REED:hammert:
What U Need is a BIAS FILTER, Doub...EVERY Sentence U've Typed in this Thread is Based on the LAME, Underlying Premise that Wlad "Fights like a PUSS".... REED::
This is nothing new in boxing. The top guys in a division hardly every face one another. Look at PBF and Pacquiao. Not saying they shouldn't, or that it's ridiculous to have two brothers get away with the premise they will never face each other, just saying, they aren't alone in their refusal to face each other. I mean, can you think of a single undisputed champion right now? I can't.
....and Because Floyd & Pac AREN'T Fighting, Boxing is Having 1 of its WORST Years in Recent Memory & Floyd's Stock is RIGHTFULLY @ an All Time LOW... There's NO Downside to the 2 Best Guys (Lb for Lb OR Per Division) Fighting Each Other, Whether they're Brothers R Not.... REED:hammert:
So you think Wlad's resume does make a mockery of Vitali's? Is that what you're saying? Or are you attempting to refute this apparent fact by bringing up Wlad's boxing style and the fact he holds every 15 seconds? By the way, are you suggesting that Wlad's approach to boxing is legitimate? That holding every 15 seconds is okay by you? It's bullshit. And it's probably why he was first, before his borther, to disappear from U.S. TV.
Didn't YOU just Complain about "Exaggerating", Several Posts Ago???...Yes, Wlad Holds, but "Every 15 Seconds"???....:nono:....Of Course Wlad's Approach to Boxing is LEGITIMATE & he's Been VERY Successful w/It.... Wlad Klit has Reigned Looooooooooonger & Against a BETTER CROP of Opponents than Vitali has...That's a FACT, Doub...When RANKING Guys or Assessing their Greatness &/or Accomplishments, Style Points R IRRELEVANT... REED:hammert:
They will never fight and, as much as I would like to see it as a fan, as someone who has brothers who box I can understand entirely why they don't. Don't get me wrong, I've sparred with my own brothers countless times but there is a major difference between that and trying to knock each other out in front of how-ever many spectators. It wouldn't be right :dunno: Haye needs to stop fucking about and grow a pair. After Valuev and Ruiz he is entitled to a 'stay busy' fight but one is all he gets and any more Harrison's will expose Haye to pretty much universal ridicule. Audely Harrison indeed... MTF :shit:
you keep bringing up the word, "style," but style has nothing to do with the conversation. And you think it's an exaggeration to say that Wlad holds 12 times a round? I don't. I wouldn't be surprised if it were more than that, depending of course, on who he's fighting.
HBO likes to blame the Klitschkos, when HBO is the real problem. Boxing will never be mainstream in the USA again, because it has no mainstream exposure regardless of who the heavyweight champion is. The Klitschkos fight regularly, they draw huge crowds and ratings in Europe, they behave themselves (unless in the Ukrainian parliament), they are always in top shape, they fight all willing and available challengers and the title situation has been fairly steady. Now compare that to the other superstars and weight divisions of the sport. With the possible exception of 168 and 118 - the top fighters dance around each other, - battle the law more often than opponents, - arrange catchweight fights for the difference of a good shit, - every division has at least as many interim, regular, silver and whatnot champions as recognized champions. The only complaint about the Klitschko´s is Wlad´s holding, but that cancer is killing all of boxing from within for years. If you don´t enforce a rule, holding will eventually be seen as part of the game and a good tactic to stale offense.
You COMPLAINING about "Wlad Fighting like a PUSS" is CLEARLY a STLISTIC Issue, Doub...REED Sees Boatloads of JABS & Crushing Overhand Rights, when Wlad Fights...Occasional Left Hooks Too...On the Other Hand, YOU See 12 Clinches Per Round... REED:hammert:
It also doesnt help that both are big and powerful, yet fight like cautious bitches! Shit and people thought Lewis was cautious at times. Lewis would be putting away these bums in HALF the time as the Klit sisters.
so you're encouraging me to look beyond the tedious holding that constitutes the majority of Wlad's fights, and instead focus on the 2-3 big punches he lands per round?
still, you can't lump Vitali in there with Wlad - Vitali gets the job done. he just doesn't hit as hard as Lewis. Wlad? he'll hold for 12 rounds if he has to.
:crying::: Eventually this big, commie nightmare of yours is going to go away. Just keep praying on the holy spirit of Tyson. It is not like Larry Holmes would have attacked his opponents, he kept jabbing and moving as long as he needed to. Muhammad Ali's last title defenses sucked. Evander Holyfield during his first reign carefully outpointed Foreman and Holmes.
I dont want them to fight each other because they are brothers. But i would like to see Wlad get his block knocked off yet again then immediately retire.
Yes. Foreman fight was OK but Holyfield never tried to finish the old man. Sick Holmes stood on the ropes for 12 rounds doing very little and Holyfield couldn't hurt him once. Seriously, it is one of the more boring (and well forgotten) heavyweight title fights ever and the only climax of the fight was Holmes throwing up in the end.