It's not "bluster" as you so constructively claim. Consider the fundamental tenet of the argument: the brothers are bad for boxing because they are dominant fighters who will never fight each other. If that is the case, then it is only very recently they became bad for the sport. Because it is only very recently {October 2008} that they simultaneously occupied top-spots. Factor in further that a unification bout would still leave Haye unaccounted bogus as his claim is. And again....given that either of Floyd or Manny is denying us of the BIGGEST fight of them it therefore safe to say that Floyd and/or Manny are bad for boxing?
I voted no They or at least wlad looks like he "could" be .. He has the physical tools IMO but he fights like a gay German bum and fights like he is scared to get stretched Add the fact of the questionable sexuality of them and they are bad for boxing
It would have been interesting if the Klitchkos came around in the early - mid 90's! I think they came a decade too late. They are not the problem it's the rest of the heavyweights that are an embarrassment to the sport. I had hopes with David Haye when he came up to heavyweight. But fuck that guy too he's all talk.
Of course Mayweather is bad for boxing. Even some of his most hardcore fans have turned on him after his latest, most shameless duck-job... :dunno: Similarly, Manny's attitude with regards Mayweather has also damaged the sport IMHO. I don't care if they (the Klits) became bad for the sport fifteen years ago or yesterday- the fact is that they are bad for the sport as it stands today because they are the only real marquee fighters (even this is debatable) in boxing's marquee division and they will never fight. MTF
I said something like this awhile ago and got jumped on for it. The sport is about proving who the best is. Not having a champ willing to take on all comers hurts from a marketing standpoint and a fan's standpoint. Boxing fans want to see one dominant champion whenever possible. That's why unification bouts are so important. You don't want more than one person running around and claiming to be the man---and if there is more than one person in that division claiming to be the man, you want them to prove it.
In this sport, ANYONE could get seriously injured. Not just one of these two. And if you subscribe to Adam and Eve, "brothers" fight all the time.
CAREFULLY OUTPOINTED FOREMAN? Are you frigging KIDDING???? Holy tried to get Foreman out of there and had him hurt at one point. Holy was hardly careful against Foreman. Against Holmes, he couldn't figure out how to get him out of there and Evander was still a very light fighter in the heavyweight division. His power developed much more after he got together with Emanuel Steward, and he became a bigger, stronger, heavier fighter.
This is exactly why I think it's for reasons aside from the fact they won't fight each other that they're bad for boxing. Although, I don't consider Vitali bad, just Wlad.
:scratcher: This is why you can be so annoying. Cain killing Abel isn't exactly a vindication of the viewpoint that two brothers should fight now is it? Jeeeeeez! And I was saying, ANYONE can get seriously injured in boxing (did you even read my post) wouldn't it be even worse if it was one brother injuring the other in the name of money?
Count me as one of those. The Klits have created a dynamic where the two best heavyweights will never fight and that is not good for the sport, imo. Would it be better if they both retired? No. I certainly would have been happier if Vitali had jsut stayed retired tho.
Its the competition thats to blame overall - there just isn't much around. The Paterson -Johansson years were pretty poor but these last couple of years have been absolutely dire.
agREED... Vitali MUDDIED the Picture by Returning & @ the Time, Jim Lampley INSINUATED that Wlad WASN'T All that Happy about it...By Now, Wlad would've Ran Roughshod Over the ENTIRE Division to the Point that he MIGHT B Held in Higher Regard than EITHER of the Klit Brothers Currently R.... In Boxing, LESS IS MORE... REED:dancingBaby:
Floyd is good for boxing, one of t he few undefeated guys who boxes incredibly, i don't get how people hate on him and not PAC? I know pac is likable and all but he won't take a drug test..... That says it for me. For Millions and MILLIONS he wont take a drug. Test
The kiltschos are bad for boxing, they wont fight each other, they fight scared, they aways have some sick quasi gay. Stuff going on.... We don't need people looking up to these freaks
Admittedly, there'd B a Bit of a CIRCUS Atmosphere to it, but Klit vs. Klit would B a HUGE Promotion... Even if the Fight Itself Stunk, the General Public WOULD Take Notice...AND we'd Know Who THE MAN is... REED:hammert:
I don't think Vitali really did all that damage by returning, especially to his own resume, which was probably all the guy gives a fuck about in the first place. After all, he is not here to make his brother look good, and if he was, he wouldn't have fought Sanders and Peters and put brutal beatings on them both.
Boxing has ALWAYS Resided in the "Red Light District" of the Sports World Though...Boxing has ALWAYS Been a Bit SEEDY Compared to Other Sports...2 Brothers Fighting for Money would PUSH the Envelope a Bit, but if ANY Sport Could Pull it Off, it'd B Boxing... REED::
Disagree...although I know that your post is part tongue in cheek. It's BECAUSE it is boxing that it would be tasteless.....I don't see anyone having any concerns regarding Venus playing Serena for a title, for example. It's because the nature of boxing is to beat up the opponent and injure him to the point where he can't continue...which is why i would be particularly tasteless in this sport.
If it went to the cards could one of the brothers come over to America with bold proclamations of "never fight in Germany"??
I don't know why people desire this fight so much. I think it would be horrible. I don't think either fighter would go all out for fear of hurting the other.
The thing with these German freaks is that they love to cheat.. Act all serious and then cheat like crazy Between the steroids and the poison gloves etc.. There is just too much! I really can T believe Germany is not totally banned from boxing! Seriously..maybe. They could go to k1
Tonight, Ian John Lewis was bad for boxing. Briggs collapsed in his corner at the end of the 10th. I missed it originally as my stream was shit but I saw it in the video Sly posted. He had to be picked up as they repositioned the stool underneath him. Briggs, for all intents and purposes, just sat down in his corner like a guy who had lost the use of his lower half. He collapsed. Ian John Lewis, on the other hand, seemed more concerned with the language of Briggs cornermen, rather than their insistence on asking a hormonally infused Briggs to continue to take flush right hands to the noggin. At that stage of the fight, from the 9th round on, that's all Briggs was. A mass of substance enhanced beef taking an almighty pounding. If people like Ian John Lewis spent less time entertaining rhetorical questions about whether the Klitschkos are good for boxing or not, and more time understanding the nature of the athletes whose fights they officiate, they would understand that there are few better exponents of the drawn-out beating than Vitali Klitschko, and would have acted accordingly at the end of the 10th round tonight. Briggs needed saving. His corner need shooting and IJ Lewis needs sanctioning.
I voted no but it is purely for the fact that they won't/can't fight. Both are clearly in the upper echelon if not the very apex of the current HW crop. If they were not related, we would all be clamoring for them to fight and it would be the biggest HW fight to be made. That it can't be made is bad for the sport.
I am not sure about Kltshkos fighting each other. Sure, it is wrong when brothers try to beat each other up for money and respect. However it is also wrong if we don't have a champion in a sport where we are supposed to have one because the two best candidates refuse to fight. If we accept that, then we could accept that friends, teammates etc don't have to fight each other, which is against the principle of the sport.