going into the tournament I thought Kessler was the man at 168 well WArd beat his ass and took his belt. So don't act like Kessler was just another scrub at 168. Ward beat him more impressive than Calzague. It's funny I didn't watch the fight live and I read a buch of shit about how he cheated his way to victory. When I saw the fight I thought it was funny how far from the truth it was. Ward out classed him period. If you think he cheated his way to a victory your smoking. He was faster and more skilled fighter than Kessler. Not to mentioned he stopped him. I wasn't impressed with Green even on this board people were claiming Green would KO WArd. Once WARd beat him he was back to being a scrub. Ward beats everyone in that tournament. Which is why I think a fight with Bute is more interesting.
It was a technical decision? Why was it a technical decision you ask? Because TWO accidential headbutts opened cuts above both of Kessler´s eyes. Where did I say he cheated? Name a Top 30 super-middleweight Allan Green has beaten? Green was soundly out-BOXED by Edison Miranda. :laugh11: Besides that your whole argument that Ward is established as the top 168 pounder because he beat Kessler, is obviously very flawed. Why did Hopkins even fight Pavlik or Tarver? If he couldn´t beat Taylor or Roy, how was he suppsoed to beat them, just to use a more recent example.
I think the modus operandi here is to allow other fighters fight themselves and each other to a standstill, and when it is all said and done, the likes of Dirrell and Ward will come out and clean up.
I already said I wasn't impressed with Green. he just happened to be the second guy he faced. you act like it was Ward's idea to go out and schedule these fights. Like he hand picked Green or something! The point is he had two easy fights including the Kessler fight which is the best win in the whole tournament.
You acted like Ward had proven his superiority to Froch, Abraham, Dirrell and Bute by beating one top super-middleweight in this tournament. Not me.
Agree. I think the entire Super Six methodology acknowledges that a single win is not conclusive of anything. This tournament was about really solidifying a claim to being the best by giving fighters more than one chance. I don't mind people thinking Ward is the best 168 lber, or Bute, or whoever...I still lean Kessler, but concede most will rate Ward above him with good reason...
Back on topic: By Rick Reeno Back in March Gary Shaw, promoter for super middleweight Andre Dirrell, informed BoxingScene.com that his fighter was released from a local hospital after undergoing several tests to rule out a possible concussion. "Andre was just released from the hospital. He tested negative in the brain scans. We did the urine tests. The commission was there," Shaw told BoxingScene.com.
Seriously. WTF were you thinking? You IDIOT! I will never let you live this down - not after all of the crap you've given me year in and year out about my, "hopes" that Gonzalez would beat RJJ.
Ward easily beat the guy most tabbed as the best of the lot...and that guy coming off a loss beat Froch. I'd say that makes Ward the front runner here. Bute's coming off impressive KO's but they aren't exactly top notch guys either. Ward easily beat Miranda and Abraham beat his ass long before Bute got to him. Andrade is known for having a sturdy chin and taking punishment...even with that said Bute had the benefit of a corrupt judge who gave him what...27 seconds to recover from a hard knockdown?
Ward isn't on the level RJJ was at that time. Everyone makes shit predictions from time to time. I was convinced Lewis would beat Tyson until talking to folks over the Hall of Fame weekend...then I changed my mind and picked Tyson by KO. We all do it...you're just more consistent than most.
I think Bika deserves it. He has stood in with and done OK against top dogs like Bute and Joe Calzaghe. He has also beaten the spunk out of lower level dogs like Cod-Ring-Ton and Petey "Can't Fill My Speedo" Manfredo. He is a big strong dirty motherfucker.