It's an intial mockup just for ideas, a blog-style format. Simple content system that anyone can upload to, clean look, some social media integration, audio and video links etc. Thoughts?
Apparently some netweb 'portals' use it for interfacing with humans. I'm not convinced. Does it have a sleek contemporary feel?
first, get rid of the logo on top and put the title in the white area instead using black letters. Saves space and looks tighter with next article There should never be a complete article on the home page, only links to read the full story. Move the things you have on the right to the top of the page horizontally. This allows you advertising space at the right. I have a large screen and everything goes to the left leaving and empty gap on the right. Maybe you can center it. For submitting articles there is no options for the person to send images. I know there is image url link but that means that they most post it somewhere. give them the option to upload. There should be a section for videos and photos possibly sorted by fighters or events. if you are going to post mma and boxing news give the readers the ability to choose on or the other that is all for now
Thanks, while you're here can you reprogram our home page pls? We need to get rid of the flash animation that has "The Dinosaurs - Fact or Fiction?" as it's dating the site. A new CMS would be cool too.:giggle: Actually all good points dude, but that particular blog has a pretty hard theme and little customisation that hasn't already been optimised. You get what you pay for. We're still looking around and hopefully can get something cool.
Get rid of the fightbrat logo in every posted item. Also don't post a full article, just an excerpt with link to full article
I can't access the link from work, but in reading your post... When you say "anyone can upload," do you mean that literally, or that there are fewer limitations than is the case with the site in present form? I agree with Cupey that posting articles in full-length is a no-no, that it should be no more than a paragraph/few sentences, with a link providing the rest of the story.
I don't want to answer for him, but in looking at the page, it has a "Submit your articles" link which takes you to a page that you can easily input a Title, Text, and then just click on the "I accept Terms of Submission" and Submit. If those are the steps, then that would be very simple and easy. Of course, if it was taht easy, some of the jokers on this board might have a little too much fun with that...if they're ever told about the existence of this "front page".
I imagine Punk will let Noble, TKO, and me know about it. Are you looking to contribute something, Cupey? Punk's doing a good job on it so far. :bears:
I don't think I will have much input, although maybe if I have free time I can help in some way. Currently I'm just providing some advice based on what Punk has done. I think it's a noble effort and a step in the right direction. However, there is no perfect template out there, so basically there will need to be someone to edit the template with the requests of the staff. I like the article submission tool. I love the big format, however I think it's two big and forces the users to scroll to much to see the next article. Search tool seems to work fine. The font for fightbeat can be improved, looks a bit novice. That's all Cupey
What's Comical is that YOU, of All People, Decided to Offer "Input" NOW, After Sufficiently Running the Site Into the Fucking Ground...That's Akin to Throwing Out Iceberg Warnings AFTER the Titanic has Already Sank... REED:shit:
As Looooooooong as T-Rex Remembers that his Arms R Toooooooooo SHORT to Verbally "Box" w/REED, Everythings Good.... REED:dancingBaby:
Amazing how people remember that I sank it. Who brought this shit to the top to begin with. So if I sank this shit I had the right to do so. So step off bitch. LOL Just trying to help, but you know you don't know shit about website or design, you took to many hits to the head playing football. Or where you the Bobby Boucher of the team? Cupey
Despite Having NO Technical Design or Website Expertise, @ the Core REED is an ARTIST...Knowing What's Aesthetically PLEASING Isn't Difficult for REED to Decipher... The Future Mrs. Cupey is Obviously an ANIMAL RIGHTS Activist, Since She's Dating a T-Rex...Did Ya'll Meet @ the Dinosaur Exhibit of a Local Museum???.... REED:mj:
I yeah, I remember your art. It was good stuff. Of course, it has nothing to do with websites. So step back son and let a pro do it. As far as your jokes, you aren't even good at that are you? Maybe you should be looking for more tomatoes like Emmanuel Augustus to put on your card. Geez, how can anybody use that can when he's been damaged goods for years. Cupey
Give REED Access to Star Boxing or Whatever Promotion it was that You SHILLED For & he'll Get Augustus a Couple More Wins, Guaranteed.... REED:kidcool: