He has boxed a total of 20 rounds in 10 fights. He is 27 years old now. Here is a video of Foreman vs Ray Jones, his third fight:
It was only his third fight. Cut him some slack. His footwork looked decent. Give him a year or two to hone his skills.
I have never met him, but he seems like a nice kid, never had any interest in meeting with a fighter that does not know how to fight, a rank amateur. I declined an offer to do a feature on him, as I only care about writing and hearing about real fighters, like the large majority of you folks do as well. Karl
Well sometimes we need to be careful who we turn down. What happens if this kid blows up and then you want an interview with him? He'll remember you, believe me. You could always do it and keep it in the back burner until something happens. Cupey
He has as much chance of being a good fighter as the 49ers have of winning the Super Bowl this season, Carlos.
hahahahaha. Damn. I see. Still, I like to support some of these young guys. I interviewed a few hopeless boxers and man did they appreciate the support. Cupey
The Last Time Rainmaker Started a Monk Foreman Thread, Monk SUCKED...NATHAN has Changed... REED:hammert:
As I alluded to, he's basically got all his father's weaknesses in terms of co-ordination, speed & balance, and a nearly identical style without his redeeming strength, power & innate ability.
The kid needs to buy a franchise like a Taco Bell or KFC since he has all the money in the world. He is not a fighter, by any stretch of the imagination. Karl
I think the easy route is to discredit Monk as never having any hope to reach his father's level of greatness. And it's quite easy to pick apart the fact that he had an easy childhood with prep schools instead of his father's growing up on the streets, fighting for sheer survival. Having earned himself a Rolls Royce upon graduation from Rice University, the closest thing Texas has to the Ivy league, would equally point to his not having the hunger required of a fighter.. But to do this disregards the fact that he not only has his father's genetics, he's actually MORE athletic, with a bigger frame to work with. He played sports like lacrosse as a teenager, while his father refused to let him take up boxing, which COULD lead to him having greater flexibility and agility than his father.. Genetics coupled with the fact that this kid is VERY intelligent may be what makes him a WORLDWIDE household name. Big George has one of the most impressive fight libraries I've ever heard about, and Monk has full access to this. So, when he's not doing his three daily workouts, he is watching all the greats. He's well studied on guys from Sugar Ray Robinson to Bernard Hopkins and has described trying to incorporate each into his own development. So what do we KNOW from his bouts thus far. NADA. Marvin Ray Jones is almost 50 years old, and didnt want any part of that fight. In ten bouts, probably 8 of those dudes SHOULD NOT have been given a license. Most of the guys have fought just for a photo op with Dad. One guy was rumored to have negotiated a signed GF grill into his bout contract.. And that lone decision, James Johnson has taken too many blows and is more of a grabber now than the fighter that once showed potential as a WELTERWEIGHT. What do we know about his gym work? Close to NADA. Sparring sessions take place at the GF facility with normally four ppl in the room. Kid, Dad, co-trainer, & opp. Sparring partners from other gyms dont even bring their own trainers. So I'm told...cuz I've never been invited...was kicked out once though! He's sparring guys like Angel Herrera, 1-1-1 in the past 7 years with lone win coming over a 3-25 dude. Which seems appropriate since that's likely their next "step up" in level of opposition. Where is he headed? It's clear he's headed for a nice record, similar to JCC Jr. before we ever saw him get into a fight versus anyone we were familiar with. They can do that on the East TX / Arkansas circuit quite easily and fairly quietly. To be fair, comparison with a 1 year amateur who's just turned OPEN would be appropriate. On those terms, is he off the charts special? No. Is he terrible? Not really, he has potential. But his grade will remain INCOMPLETE until we see him fight someone beyond the gym dummy with no arms and no legs. However, it would BEHOOVE the boxing world for guys like myself and KARL to NOT totally discredit a person with an incomplete grade this early in their career. Especially with someone who's name and potential drawing power can bring MILLIONS of eyes and $$$ to the sport we love which so desperately needs it..
I have to call it as I see it, folks. The young man should really concentrate on his business interests. Karl