I think the wildcard is a good way to keep guys motivated in the house after they've lost a fight. That being said, if you get subbed in the blink of an eye, your name should be scratched from any wildcard list.
The only thing worse than Stevens getting another chance is if he wins the thing. That will really suck. No offense to our man, OG, but winning these tournament shows after suffering a loss just doesn't feel right and in the case of Stevens, it will be a travesty of justice.
Yep. Even losing a decision in a close fight where both guys looked impressive would be fair enough I think, but getting choked out with ease in 18 seconds? It's fucking absurd, a mockery. Stevens is literally the LEAST deserving of the wild card.
I just think that in a tournament style setup, its one and done. I don't care what keeps guys that lost already motivated. I want to see the winners train and compete. IMO, the wildcard is a bitch move. If you want a second chance, then win. You will get to fight in the second round. If you lose, shut up, train, and get better. The selection process is rediculous too. IF you got me to agree to a wildcard it would have to be by a tournament as well. Have all the losers fight. The winner of the loser bracket gets back in. Dana is a fucking tard for giving Stevens another shot.
Interesting Quarterfinal Matchups... Brookings vs. Psycho Cody vs. Nam Kyle Watson vs. English Bruce LeRoy vs. Michael Johnson REED:cheer:
Fucking Koscheck. I like the guy even though he's a prick, but he should have been kicked off the show for getting physical with the fat guy. Twice. The 2nd time he was just an asshole and wasn't kidding. The fat guy beat him at his own game and beat him badly.
I told you. I knew Stevens would get beaten again. You don't give the wild card to a guy who gets choked cold with ease in 18 seconds. Wilkinson is strange. He looks all lanky and feeble, but he can fight. It's a shame Cody and Nham are fighting, I like both of them. I hope Bruce Leroy wins. Something about that Michael guy is intensely irritating, I hate his stupid facial expressions and accent.
It's a waste for GSP to fight Koschek again. His whole 2010 year has been wasted with Hardy and Koschek.
Koschek really showed how seriously stupid he is in this episode. The fact that he can't get under GSP's skin he goes after the Medic. And then when the medic beats him at his own game, he gets mad. Koschek is your typical "dish it out, but can't take it" type of guy. And then when he makes an ass out of himself, he tries to blame it on GSP. The medic didn't start any of it. Kos started it all, from the very beginning. He got mad when he called out Kos for faking getting hit by the knee. If I was part of his camp, I would be embarassed. Another note, Dana was going waaay overboard saying that English was destroyed in that first round. It was very competitive. I would have gave it to Stevens but Dana was just trying to justify why he gave the wild card shot to Stevens is all. Stevens is a typical wrestler, never tried to become well rounded. I like English, nice enough guy for sure.
(1) Agree completely. Hell, Koschek even pulled down his pants 90 seconds before the medic made him bitch out. (2) No doubt. (3) Agree completely. Stevens didn't do all that much damage when he should have and he took damage the last 1/3 of the round. And wtf is it with Koschek crying over none of his guys getting to fight Alex? Fuck you, Josh. It was the least Dana could do after licking your nuts with the Stevens wildcard.
I felt bad for Wilkinson---in fact, that was the storyline of the episode for me. It's obvious he's in it to win it, but then he gets that message about his grandmother dying. If you're a kid who's close with their grandparents, then that is devastating. You could tell as he went out to fight that he'd been crying and wasn't in the proper mindset. He turned it around and got the win, but he had a pretty big obstacle to overcome. Koscheck flirting with GSP's nurse was secondary. We're talking about a muppet who doesn't give a shit about his team whatsoever.
glad the brit wom, he seems like a real nice guy funny as hell that mini-kos got choked out by a guillotine.... again i know for a fact that wouldnt have happened to GSP's guy Dane
jarhead - absolutely. Stevens won that first round but it was competitive, it's just that Aaron's face looked fucked up from that elbow. Apart from that, Stevens didn't do much. Stevens getting convincingly beaten again shows that it was an awful decision to have him as the wild card and justifies us complaining about that decision. Honestly I'd have more respect for Dana if he just said "Fair enough, that was the wrong decision, lesson learned, don't give the wild card to a guy that gets demolished in 18 seconds" :: Dane is raw and inexperienced but he is tough and strong and has heart, he would have done much better against Aaron than the stumpy little wrestler. People are calling Sako a bum, but actually he's an olympic level judo guy, and for Dane to even be competitive with him in grappling and manage to not get thrown around like a ragdoll is impressive.
U CAN'T B Serious... Can ANY of Us Count the TOTAL of "15 Minutes" that Koschek has BEEN Trying to Build Off of GSP??...Koscheck has Been a Straight Up DOUCHE The ENTIRE Season, Dude...Koscheck SHOULDN'T Throw HIMSELF Into Verbal Altercations that he CAN'T Get Himself OUT of.... Simple as That.... REED:hammert:
agREED on BOTH Counts... Koscheck even Got OWNED when he Told Dude "I"m about 2 Minutes from Beating your Ass"...Dude Replied, "So I Got 120 Seconds?"....Koscheck was OUTWITTED from Jump & he'll B OUTMANNED (AGAIN) by GSP... & Yeah, REED had the 1st Round of English's Fight EVEN or a Slight Edge TOWARDS English...REED was Equally Dumbfounded by Dana's Take on the Round... REED:mj:
Agree with pretty much all of the comments reagrding that last episode Koscheck = childish douche Stevens = undeserving to an extreme Dana = trying hard to cover up a retarded wildcard pick
felt bad for cody, good first round but gassed a bit, his lack of stand up really would up hurting him, plus that tall thin frame man koscheck acted like a total punk after the fight, i hope GSP caves his face in with an elbow or gives him the paulo thiago treatment
brookins is a bad motherfucker, fucking armenian genocide part deux this season care of jonathan brookins, jesus
I love Cody, he is my new favourite MMA fighter. He did pretty damn well in the first round too, beat a well rounded guy like Nam clearly. Just gassed in the second round. Nam is a solid little fighter, no doubt. The semi albino should win the show I reckon. The guy just knows how to fight, simple as that. The final is probably going to be Brookins Vs Nam. I think Nam is better than Michael Johnson, I don't see the big deal with that Johnson guy, looks pretty average to me, I pick either Brookins or Nam over him.
if cody works on his standup and cleans up his BJJ he can be an animal, dude is tough as fuck, his height and length could give people issues