Pac vs. Martinez DOESN'T Need to Happen...A Bigger, SKILLED Man is a BAD Matchup for Manny Pac...Had Williams WON, that'd have Been a Good Matchup, but Martinez is just ALL WRONG for Manny Pac.... REED:kidcool:
If Pac is as good as they are saying, then a straight 154 fight is where he can prove it. Of course, he isn't as good as they say he is, and so Pac will not fight him. Too fast, too southpaw, too big, too good, too brave for Pac.
Floyd won't go near Martinez. But Pac would probably do it. Martinez is an attractive opponent for him, though his style may be all wrong for him.
Yeah it is the style that does it for me. He won't be hurt by Pac, and, likely, he won't be out sped for the sort of periods Pac needs to rack up rounds.
Fighting or NOT Fighting Martinez has NO BEARING on How Good Pac Is...That's ALREADY a Given, Dude...Pac has NOfuckingBUSINESS @ 154 to Begin w/...Factor in a BIGGER Man w/EXQUISITE SKILLS, Not to Mention the LOW Risk/HIGH Reward Factor, & it Makes ZERO Sense (Cents) for Manny Pac to Face Martinez... U're Expecting Pac to Take the Kind of Risks that a Guy like Calzaghe NEVER EVER Would Take.... REED:kidcool:
Why should he, he just got KO'd. Williams is gonna have to get some big wins to get a fight with Mayweather now.
Yes he would. Pacquiao is much faster. Martinez is VERY quick for a middleweight, but Pacquiao is absurdly quick at 147/154. Pacquiao would beat Williams, but probably not Martinez. Ironically considering he's not meant to be a puncher, Martinez looks like a solid puncher at 154/160, and I'm not sure Manny would be able to take Martinez's shots, even though he has a very good chin at welterweight. I think a legit 154 pounder might be a step too far for Pacquiao.
He's clearly the #1 P4P fighter in the world. He started his career at flyweight, and has just cleaned house at welterweight, barely losing a round. So how exactly is he not as good as they say he is?
You guys really think that Pac will fight Martinez. His own promoter is working out a fighter with Mosley as we are typing on here.
I am going against the flow here: Pacman can beat Martinez. He will be much easier for Pacquiao to beat than Margarito. Mark my words.
Based ON???... Margarita was a 6'0, Stationary PUNCHING BAG...Martinez is Anything BUT that...'SPLAIN your Logic Please, Lucy... REED:hammert:
:: This fight really shouldn't even be considered. Pac is a small welterweight and Martinez is an excellent middleweight champion at the top of his game. I think it's stupid people are talking this fight taking place. There is no way this fight will happen when bigger money fights can happen against less formidable foes aka Mosley and it shouldn't happen, the size difference is too much.
IF Pac were indeed to move up and beat Martinez.... then we are indeed talking top 10 all time status AT LEAST.
People need to chill on this fight. Theres fighters around Pacs weight who are big winnable fights for him like Floyd, Marquez, Berto and Alexander-Bradley winner. People are acting like Pac is gonna fight him next, when he clearly isn't.
Based on the fact that Pacquiao has beaten bigger and better boxers than Martinez. Don't get me wrong, I love Martinez and enjoyed enormously his KO win over Williams, but he is not in Pacquiao's league. Pacquiao is faster, has better skills, throws more accurate punches and punches hard. A fight at 155 lbs with Martinez will be no different than a fight with anyone else Pacquiao has defeated at catchweight.
Huh???:scratcher: WHO has Pac Beaten w/Martinez's Combination of SIZE, SPEED & SKILL???...Not to Mention the FACT that he's a SOUTHPAW... JM Marquez is ARGUABLY a Better Pure Boxer than Martinez, but he's Waaaaaaaaaaaaaay SMALLER...Martinez would Absolutely DESTROY Marquez...Cotto ISN'T More Skilled than Martinez OR Bigger...A PRIME Dela was AS SKILLED, but SMALLER...But that's a MOOT Point Since Pac DIDN'T Fight Anything Resembling a PRIME Dela... Bottom Line, Manny Pac has NEVER Fought Anyone the Likes of Sergio Martinez...Bad, BAD Matchup for him... REED:kidcool:
Before this KO win, Martinez was considered a beatable fighter. Now suddendly he is this invincible monster. Please...his defense is not that good. When he leans low with his arms down, that is when Pacquiao will murder him with punches he didn't saw coming.
:laugh11::laugh11: In the Last DECADE, the ONLY Loss Martinez has is the Disputed 1st Fight w/Paul Williams...NOBODY is Saying he's Invincible, but @ SOME Point SIZE MATTERS...Martinez is a GREAT Counterpuncher, a Butter Smooooth PURE BOXER who's a SOUTHPAW w/FAST Hands & Good Mobility... If U've Seen EITHER Pac-Marquez Fight, there's NO WAY U Should Come to the Conclusion that Pac will "Murder" Sergio Martinez...STYLES Make Fights & Martinez's is BAD for Pac... REED:mj: