Right, Pac/Floyd aint gonna happen and I think Pac/Martinez could definitely take place next year and am excited about the prospect of these two meeting. Styles make fights and this would make one of the best stylistic fights we would see in years, so join the BandWagon! :mj:
I'd rather see Pac-Floyd but if that doesn't come off then this is about the only other logical big fight opponent.
martinez pacquiao would be a mismatch. im sure they would demand martinez come down to 150 or some shit that isnt feasible. at 156 he crushes everyone's little hero.
we'll see if pacquiao can even get past little mayweather jr before we consider him a threat to Martinez
lil may has his hands full with lil may's baby mama right now. Too busy pounding her to worry about the #1 PFP fighter in the world Manny Pac
Anybody other than Martinez or Mayweather, it will be reduced to an exhibition with Pacquaio training 3 weeks and dominating everyone else. Pacquaio seems to know how valuable his TIME is...
I would rather Cotto fight Chavez jr. Cotto needs a few breaks. Or a rematch with Margarito after he heals. Pacquaio would beat him down again.
Just having Pac fight bigger and bigger and bigger guys until he eventually meets a wall and loses isn't good match making. It won't tell us anything interesting about either guy.
Pac doesn't need to fight Martinez, you guys are crazy. He shouldn't have even been fighting Margarito at 150 and you guys want him to move up 10 more fucking pounds and fight Martinez? He needs to stay at 147 or 140 and fight Berto or Bradley.
Exactly. Did people demand Whitaker fight James Toney or Michael Nunn because nobody could beat him at welterweight in 1992? silly shit.
Agree. It's amazing. Martinez destroys Williams at 158 pounds and now he is the next "logical" opponent for Manny? Why because he had a big win and is within 15 pounds of where Pacquiao was in his last fight? It's ridiculous. And it will become even more ridiculous if Manny chooses to retire or fight someone else like Mosley and gets accused of 'ducking' Sergio. I guess it says something about his greatness when the next logical challenge is a guy 52 pounds north of where Manny started his career.
It's getting to the point that if Pacquaio was a stock, he is currently overbought and due for a decline. People think he is unstoppable, that is when a defeat happens. More is demanded of him because he SPOILED us so much. If he fights the current crop at 140-147, he cleans house. If he throws a curveball and fights Martinez at 150, it is what he accustomed his world wide audience to. Mayweather family isn't scared to fight Pacquaio, they're PETRIFIED. SR is talking his son losing his life to Pacquaio in the ring.
Crazy how people would think pac is unstoppable huh? Strange how fight fans want to see someone tested over and over again. Just the strangest concept ever.
I couldn't agree more. Pacquiao should just dominate at 147/140. His unprecedented transcending of weight classes seems to actually be going against him now. Are people going to expect him to keep moving up all the way to heavyweight? :: I do like ye olde Irish 2002, but his recent statement of "Pacquiao is not as good as people think he is, not until he beats Martinez" is qwerty/TLC levels of stupidity.
Awesome, Pacquiao is also fighting Floyd's best win in 10 years, so Floyd literally has nothing on him.
It's very impressive i agree fighting a guy coming off a draw and a loss. Not exactly the same as fighting Mosley coming off a win.
I don't get why you pansies wouldn't want to see Pacquaio go for the middleweight title? What are you against the idea of seeing something historic?
Exactly. They just arent use to this Andrew. They see this guy willing to fight everyone and kick their ass in the process and just cant believe what they are seeing. Lets stop this before it goes to far. Thats bullshit. Go for it pac. Test yourself. Pac has nothing to lose here.
Maybe he should beat Mosley, rest on his laurels, and just debate how he is the best without really fighting the best. Just shout over and over: "Legacy don't pay bills and you don't know boxing."
The point isn't that he shouldn't try it. The point is that fighting a guy at 158-160 lbs shouldn't be the next 'logical', publicly-demanded step for Manny.
Pac's ALREADY Done the "Historic" Thing, Steve-Dave...Considered a "Champion" of Some Sort in 8 Different Weight Classes...Beating Men that OUTWEIGHED him by as Much as 30 Lbs, just 3 Years Ago...Like Star Trek, Pac has "Boldly Gone where NO MAN has Gone Before"... Aside from that, there's PLENTY of Business to B Handled @ 140/147...The Winner of Bradley/Alexander, Andre Berto...A Condom Match w/Marquez (if he's Impressive Against Katsidis this Weekend)...& Who Knows, Maybe Floyd will Surprise Us All by Actually Locating his Ballsack & Fighting Pacquiao... REED:dancingBaby:
Exactly. It's not that I'm against it per se, I just think it would be absurd for this to be expected of Pacquiao. Like I said, that would essentially be his multi weight crusade working against him.
agREED... What's Next???...Tie Manny's Left Arm Behind his Back???...Maybe have him Box a Grizzly Bear???...Manny HAS Tested himself & there's STILL a Few 'Tests' within the 140/147 Ranks.... REED:kidcool: