With so much talk of Pac not facing a black american fighter. I'd like you guys to explain this to me. There are 4 names being mentioned Mosley Berto Bradley Alexander Please explain to me what in the hell these fighters have in common other than the fact that they are black and american? These four guys fight nothing alike. I would consider it a vaild point if there was somethign similar about the styles of these guys, but there isn't. They are black and that is where it ends. Is there a certain style a black fighter must use? Do all black fighters fight the same? Seems that is what is being assumed. I would be willing to bet that most if not all of the guys demanding that Pac face a black american, are black themselves. Please state your race and discuss. :stir:
What sort of problems does this Black American style pose to Pac? What EXACTLY is it about this Black American style that pac has never seen before?
I'm Irish and I think the entire thing is ridiculous because outside of Floyd Mayweather, I haven't heard any of the proponents of this theory put forth the name of a single black american fighter that in any way has earned a shot and huge payday from Pacquiao when ZAB FUCKING JUDAH is among the most popular candidates floated around, you know we are dealing with an incredibly short-sighted point of view
Well, you could forget about the race thing and take out Mosley's name, since it's only Pacquiao's people (and biggest supporters) that seem to want to see Pacquiao fight him, and you'd be left with three undefeated champions in their 20's.
I agree with your point. It's almost insulting, to suggest they are all the same. Funnily enough, most Mexican fighters are more similar stylistically than "Black American" fighters.
Lets not pretend Black American fighters don't tend to be unusually fast. Berto, Mosley & Judah are all very fast. Alexander is no slouch either - faster than Cotto, Clottey or Margarito.
Sorry, he's been specifically mentioned by certain posters on this very board. You can also add Judah to that list. Who is on the list makes no difference to me so long as they are black and American. I'm just trying to find the similarities that must be present in all black american fighters. I must have missed something.
Truth is that black boxers used to dominate back in the day. It's not the case anymore (because all good black boxers are playing football and rapping. Duh! ) People need to stop living in the past. The only black fighter that currently is out there who "could" give Pac a fight is Floyd but Floyd is a pussy so that's not going down. Pac destroys you whether you're black blue yellow ,it's only the piss drinkers he seems to struggle with.
It can't be speed, are you going to tell me Pac who came up from friggin diaper weight to 150 hasn't faced someone as fast as Berto, Alexander, Bradley and Judah? Are hese bigger guys really faster than the small guys Pac has faced or are they just fast for their size?
Fast for their size. Pac has adapted his style at the higher weights to really exploit his speed advantage. I mean it would be interesting to see how he dealt with a welterweight with comparable speed.
Ever in his career. We can't just pick apart his WW resume as if the rest of his career never happened. Everything counts.
No but at any given time, 8 of the 10 fastest fighters are probably gonna be black. Black fighters tend to be the fastest on average by a distance. Of all the fighters around 140-147 not named Pac, the fastest 4 or 5 are all black Americans. These are all obvious observations, skirting around these things in PC ways is a bit tedious.
Oh ya for example Floyd is so fast that when PAC was starting to dominate we blinked and next thing we know Floyd was retired.
But isn't part of the question that the people who raise the point asking is how he'd do against a 140+ pounder with that kind of speed?
He's a very different fighter at the higher weights. Exploiting a completely different style and accent of physical advantages relative to his opponents.
Is it a new criticism of Top Rank fighters? It was said about Erik Morales...moreso after the Zahir Raheem fight.
Actually that is true. To be honest I was thinking purely in terms of style. Stylistically those fighters are all very different, they have almost no similarities. Alexander and Bradley aren't particularly fast, but yeah Berto Mosley and Judah are all fast. The way I see it though is it's not that relevant in this case, because Pacquiao is freakishly fast. He's significantly faster than all those fighters. Unlike Floyd vs Judah for example, Pacquiao won't be at a speed disadvantage against any of them.
Just to piggy back off your post, why is nobody saying "Pac needs to face a fast fighter" All I hear is "Black American" So it must be a specific style.