By the way, it looks like the UFC is matching Nam Phan with Leonard Garcia on the finale Saturday night. I assume that means Phan dropped back to 145. That should be entertaining and it will be interesting to see Phan at the lighter weight. Also, for the Cody Mckenzie fans, he will be taking on Aaron "English" Wilkinson. But the big deal on this card for me is the return of undefeated wrestling stud and future WW title challenger, Johny Hendricks.
Same, I think Brookins pretty much destroys Johnson. I thought Nam won yesterday by the way. However, it was VERY close, so not exactly a bad decision. I was impressed that Johnson didn't gas actually. Brookins is on another level to him though. I think Kyle would also beat Johnson. By the way Trpl, thanks for the info. I hope Nam beats Garcia, and I'm rooting for Cody over my countryman Wilko. And jarhead, I almost feel sorry for Koscheck. He really does look like a complete idiot. One thing that's somewhat amusing is for the whole show that ratty little Stevens guy has been Koscheck's little bitch, following him around etc, and he was the prime piss taker, basically doing all the mocking.
Watching Koscheck's team punk him was pretty funny, including Marc Stevens. I also found it funny that the whole team was jealous and pissed off at Nam Phan for being the only guy left. What a bunch of chumps and turncoats they turned out to be---much like Koscheck actually.::
Yeah, Stevens really got under my skin. The guy just oozes punk and bitch. I really like Nam. But I must admit I think he lost the 3rd round. He actually looked as gassed or more than Johnson. Johnson controlled that 3rd round. He didn't do much damage, but he really was the only one trying anything. The two takedowns were huge. But even in the stand up I didn't think Nam was putting much pressure at all. Nam could have won that round if he just let his hands fly. Brookins will immediately go into 155 and challenge the top contenders. Not sure who he can beat and I'm not saying much more than that he will not get run over by anyone in the UFC at 155.
I agree. The guy is very dislikeable, he does just seem like a bitch. Following Koscheck around like a little prison bitch, then turning on him. He also talked shit about Cody for no reason, saying stuff like "a punk is what he is". He's a yappy little scrub. About the 3rd round, I wasn't sure who won it at the time. You're right, Nam looked at least as gassed actually, which is odd, Johnson seemed to have suspect stamina and Nam's looked fine. But Johnson got those takedowns and that's it, didn't really do much. I guess it depends on how highly you score takedowns. I felt after the round that Nam landed the meatier blows, so I gave the round to him.
I thought it was odd too. And if you notice, Nam looked like he shot his wad a bit at the end of the second round. I'm right there with you about the takedowns in the 3rd. Johnson did fuck all with them. I really thought the round was up for the taking down to the last 30 seconds. Nam just looked to spent to put together a huge flurry and let it all hang out. I was bummed when I saw Cody/English. I liked both guys would have liked to see them matched against two others like maybe Dane and the Judo dork.
Just caught the semi-final episode on Tivo last night. I felt bad for Nam. In one sequence they show GSP prepping Michael Johnson for the fight and then in the next they show Nam training by himself in the gym without even Koschek present. Yeah his team should have been there, but Koschek even more so should have been. What a useless trainer he turned out to be. Michael Johnson hit it on the head when he said that he had seen each of Nams fights while on the show and that he hadn't seemed to improve at all between each one. That's in no small part due to him being on the Yellow team. Seems like each of the Yellow team guys, despite them all coming across as douches (sans English and Nam) really got the short end of the stick when it came to training and preparation. With that said; very close fight. If it had been 5 rounds then Nam would've won. Those body shots he throws are brutal.
Agree. That was pathetic. I've said it before and I will say it again, GSP made a fan out of me during the TUF show. His attitude and willingness to go the extra mile with his fighters really showed up in the results. It's no accident that he is a successful fighter. His ability to remain above all of Koscheck's trash was amazing. You know deep inside GSP wanted to say "Bitch SFTU. I already beat your sorry ass once." But he never did. At first I think his fighters didn't know what to make of GSP's reluctance to fire back and probably thought he was being a bit of a pussy. Ultimately though, I think they understood it was just his focus and determination.
agREED... Dude EMBRACED the "Little Koscheck" Title Only To Become the Main Guy Talking Shit ABOUT Koshcheck, in the End...His Complaints Fall on DEAF Ears, Because he was TWICE Embarrassed During his Bouts...Easily the LEAST Impressive Fighter of the Season, yet he Talked the MOST Shit about the Level of Coaching???... REED:shit:
Brookins is Gonna Have his Way w/Johnson, N REED's Opinion... Brookins has that Underrated, "Skinny Guy" STRENGTH...Kyle Watson LOOKED to B Stronger than Brookins, but that Couldn't have Been Fuuuuurther from the Truth During the Actual Fight...Brookins Took him Down @ Will, KEPT Him Down for as Loooooooooong as he Wanted & Even Worked In that Signature THROW of his... All Season, Brookins Fought @ a HIGHER Level than the Rest of the Competitors...Johnson is Solid but Very UNspectacular, so Brookins Should B a HUGE Favorite... REED:hammert:
I can't see picking anyone on the show over Brookins except the coaches. Cody is the one I was picking, but he's not at Brookins' level and may never be. Johnson is not UFC worthy. I think he is basic and not good. I also think Phan deserved the decision, but it wasn't a robbery. GSP and Brookins have similar outlooks on life. And despite my usual dislike of dickheads, I still like Koscheck. Not really sure why, but I think he has just enough self-awareness to make up for his dickhead moments. Did he get pissed at Stevens for the impersonation? Not at all. And I think he was pretty astute about people looking for others to blame when things go wrong. And he admitted he got his ass kicked on the show. But, yeah, I'll still be rooting for gsp when they fight, haha.
He was Koscheck's first pick. Josh lobbied hard to get him a wild card spot. And the dude is brainless enough to talk shit about the coaching? I haven't sided with Josh on much this season, but I will say I agreed with him when he told his fighters at the house that eventually they will grow up and realize where the blame should really fall. Stevens was pathetically making a back handed excuse for his ultimate failure during HIS fights. Furthermore, 8 fighters from this season will get to fight at the finale. Stevens ain't one of them.
Koscheck has no business talking about "eventually they will grow up". The guy isn't exactly a model of maturity. I thought that he was doing the same thing that he was faulting his team for. He was blaming the fighters and the fighters were blaming the coaching. I think both are to blame and both should therefore be blaming themselves.