Stereotype List: European fighter: Pretty much an American club fighter born in Europe. Not very skilled, but as long as he doesn't leave his home country they can make a career out of boxing. Puerto Rican fighter: Normally crafty, but has a big mouth. They'll probably become a coke head, alcoholic, or a womanizer and eventually become a stepping stone for better opposition. Mexican fighter: No Defense. Normally a guy that blocks punches with his face and has a huge following because of their tolerance for pain. Will be successful for a while with good match making but after a few years will become a human everlast bag. Filipino fighters: hungry fighters but normally just a bunch of lucky pugs who win fights because their opponents never heard of them. Black fighters. Quick, slick but cocky. Normally talk to much shit and then get KTFO brutally because they spend to much time at the club getting lap dances. Eventually they wind up poor, homeless, or fighting until they can't spell their own name African fighters: tough as hell. The type of guy that doesn't know the meaning of quit. Normally they lack confidence but not hunger. Hard to beat unless they come from South Africa. Middle Eastern fighters. If they get past a couple of bums they'll talk about how much they hate America, Christians, and want to commit jihad. They'll eventually get the shit beat out of them by some pagan or christian fighter. White fighter: As Leslie Nielsen would say "All I know is never bet on the white guy".
Huh? When people used to use "European" style - as they used to to with Lennox Lewis and later the Klitschko's - it wasn't because of a poor skill set....but I get the joke.
Pretty fucking accurate in general. The exceptions to all of them are the champions and the contenders.
Ricky Hatton didn't even have a typical 'European' style. Tszyu had more of a European style. But I get it, you've managed to amuse Double L.
The typical European style is being a bum born in Europe. If you are a European Champion, you are pretty much a bum born in Europe who beat another bum born in Europe. Cupey
None of those guys have a true Euro style, especially Hatton. Wlad and Kessler are examples of modern guys who fit the stereotype.
Wlad style is basically holding on for dear life until you land a lucky punch. is that the new Euro style?
Sort of. Euro style is stand up straight, concentrate on the jab/right hand combination. Very little infighting.
if Hopkins reads this forum I hope he knows about the "I never want to see Bernard Hopkins Fight Again" thread.
But the Thing is, Ali,Floyd & Whittaker were Also VERY Athletic...NOT to the Degree that Roy Jones was, but Amongst THE MOST Athletic Fighters of THEIR Day... Did they Fight ALIKE, No...But as Hut has Pointed Out, the SIMILARITIES R Their In Terms of Emphasis on SPEED, MOBILITY, COUNTERPUNCHING, REFLEXES, POTSHOTTING, DEFENSE, etc... & the Thing is, the "Black American Style" is a DIRECT RESULT of Black American's Watching Other Black Americans...Ali Watched Sugar Ray Robinson, Ray Leonard & Whittaker Watched Ali, Roy Jones & Floyd Watched Ray Leonard, Whittaker & Ali...There's ELEMENTS Of All of these Fighters IN EACH OTHER... Pretending it's NOT There is just SILLY.... REED:kidcool:
The Point Hut is Making is that there's a CORE FAMILIARITY in their APPROACH...Athleticism was ALSO a Part of Ali, Whittaker & Floyd's Approach, just NOT to the Degree that it was Part of Roy's... What Race of Fighter Relies on Athleticism MORE than Any Other???... REED:kidcool:
Oh Really???...Well REED Thinks YOU'RE Racially IGNORANT...Moreso, You're LYING to YOURSELF... REED:kidcool:
I'm just messing with you REED, you can stop typing the novel you were about to drop on me now. I'm serious, the last two posts were jokes and this whole thread was just for fun.
So here is my real take on the whole black american thing. I don't believe for a second that it should be called a style, BUT, it's definitely true that most of the fast handed guys above say 140 or so are black. It's just a fact. I have no problem at all with people wanting to see fights like Pac vs Bradley, Alexander or Berto. I would prefer those guys over anyone else not named Mayweather. I mean Pac's just at a point where the only guys who are worth a shit in and around WW are black. So while I don't agree with it being a style, I do agree that it's going to take someone fast to give Pac trouble, and who does that leave us? Bradley/Alexander/Berto
For what it's Worth, as Others have Said, Floyd Mayweather is THE ONLY Guy that Epitomizes the Traditional "Black American Style", that's Available to Pac...Shane Mosley Doesn't, Berto is Mosley LITE, Bradley is a Mosley WANNABE & Alexander is a Pillow Fisted Volume Puncher... Floyd's the ONLY Option, but he's "Not Thinking about Boxing Right Now"....Considering the GENUINE Effort that Pac Made to Face Floyd, REED Won't Penalize him @ All if he Retires w/Out EVER Facing the Traditional "Black American Style".... REED:kidcool:
Damn, REED, I think you're slipping a little didn't think this was a troll attempt from the beginning?
Fair point. That is possibly very true, that it became almost a trend that spawned the "black American style" from watching each other. I agree there are certainly similarities, but I just Roy is being a bit too different from the standard BAS. Also obviously Floyd and Whitaker are athletic too, but not to the extent of Roy. Roy was a light heavyweight with the speed of a fast featherweight. By the way there is another group of fighters that I think of when talking about slick styles etc that I'm surprised no one else has mentioned. Puerto Ricans. Not Trinidad or Cotto, but a lot of Puerto Rican fighters tend to be fairly slick and "cute" compared to most other groups. Famous examples like DeJesus and Benitez were slick, and even guys like Collazo and Quintana are fairly slick. Even some fairly average, not very good Puerto Ricans tend towards slickness in terms of style. Strangely, the most famous contemporary ones aren't slick though. Tito was the opposite of slick. Cotto can be somewhat slick, but not really, and Lopez not at all.
A fairly successfull troll job I must say for my first attempt. I didn't really have trolling in mind though, just having a little fun.