The difference is that Kelly was perturbed by what Mundine had said about 9/11 which, kind of, happened in New York, unless you are Conspetre and think it happened elsewhere. Kelly did the right thing. In fact, that was one of the rare instances where a Paul Sita inspired 20-count would have gone down nicely. <object width="480" height="385"><param name="movie" value=""></param><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><param name="allowscriptaccess" value="always"></param><embed src="" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true" width="480" height="385"></embed></object>
I certainly wouldn't be mourning Mundine's death in the ring...said without one iota of exaggeration. He is everything bad about sports.
Mundine is a classic bully. The very epitome of it. When that Danish Cartoon thing flared up, Mundine said he was going to go and win a big fight for the poor impoverished Muslims of the world. Kessler, a Dane, in a Re. would have been the perfect opponent.....instead he went and fought little Sam Soliman Mundine is just a straight up piece of shit. People talk about how Tyson was a bad seed etc. Nonsense. Mundine is a bully, a con man, a whinger and a shite fighter to boot.
Man, with due respect to Ramonza and Kau, Andrew and any other Aussies here..your TV boys are almost as Bad as the Irish "Mundine fell victim to a well thought out plan". What was that? Punching the other guy often and hard?? :dunno: <object width="640" height="385"><param name="movie" value=""></param><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><param name="allowscriptaccess" value="always"></param><embed src="" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true" width="640" height="385"></embed></object>
It was truly disgracefull officiating in that bout by Wayne Kelly. That & Cotton in Lewis-Tyson are two of the clearest examples of a ref being biased towards one fighter that I've seen.
Only appealling thing Mundine ever did was burn the union jack, I rather fancied that one, ofcourse Mundine had other things in mind, ...'kill da crackers'...but I like the union jack being burnt, it hurts the frustrated and confused monarchist gimps. Also love it when the English come over for the Ashes and humiliate them in chants .."Get those stars, off our flag"... :crafty: owned somewhat.
Look- the way I see it- protect yourself at all times. Don't speak smack about 9/11 and then go to GERMANY of all places to fight a fucking mule like Ottke with an American referee.
I hear Shag Warne has given up the fags and booze and coke and sluts and is in training like Rocky to do it for Oz. Warne is ready to die like Biggie.
The papers use Rugby League & Union columnists & reporters to cover Boxing whenever it crops up. Today's masterclass from the Telegraph included one such dilettante's top-10 all-time Boxing upsets list --- minus Turpin-Robinson I (there was plenty of room in said top-10 for an oh-so-predictable dash of jingoism, mind, with the addition of Harding's win over Andries qualifying). I really cringe when I see the sport reported in Australia, by Australians, because I know 98% of people reading, watching or listening in these fiercely non-Boxing country have no idea about the sport, & have no idea the people, "informing" them are just like they are.
I used to find a lot of Australian bashing of the Poms and what not to be really appealing, as an Irishman and all, but it seems their chauvinism is now as deep-rooted as that of their English counterparts. The Irish carry it on with a sort of cheap self-deprecation, but there are people out there in Oz who think that Tszyu was the greatest 140lb fighter of all time and that Danny Green lost to Markus Beyer "because it was in Germany" :dunno: As I say, I used regard it as a breath of fresh air, but now it just comes across as hot-air, a lot of outback talk mixed in with some very inward lines of thinking.
Yes. I was born here, & lived here until I was twelve. From then through to twenty, I lived in the States, & at twenty, I came back here. I feel a sense of, "home," genuinely, to both countries, but if by some cruel twist I was made to choose, it would be Australia (after much thought).
I tend to look at it as taking good with bad. The upside is Australia, with a rather tiny population, & less multi-culturalism than a lot of Western counter-parts, is a hugely successful sporting entity as a nation, & the passion for continuing that success is very, very deep indeed within all Australians, which I think is just wonderful. An acute sense of competition. The downside, inescapably, is something you see in many individual athletes who are famed for being bitterly-determined --- that is, a very ingrained sense of denial in the face of defeat. Any time something goes awry in sports, the papers, television, & all other media are absolutely awash with excuses & sore loser talk. I would have bet every penny I have ever earned on such a response when our World Cup bid was scuttled --- & sure enough, the next day, there was literally nothing but excuse-mongering & cries of corruption, favouritism (all true in FIFA's crooked case, but that would be the response no matter the situation) & double-crossing. It happens every time one of our own loses. Like I say, that brings a lot of good, but plenty of bad. You take one with the other.
I've no idea the make-up of the trash shipped off,... but most are disgracefully pasty,... I've heard the north of England is the poorest,.. it also coincides with the Fritz-Danelaw regions,... the poor and desperate make good convict material, and hence that's why most here are as flourescent as Sir Richard Hatton,... without any of that good Hispania stuff, prevelant in the Irish Cork county. ....also explains the lack of culture and imagination ^ as you've aptly identified.
Ricky was very fluorescent after being "lit up" by Messrs Floyd and Manny. The Ozzie trash mentality is derived as much from what Ramonza has described- small, successful country with a low population miles from anywhere {Indonesia to the North, Ice to the South} with an ingrained and inbred sense of it's own destiny, a sort of a USA-lite.
Well,.. the only thing good Germanic tribes ever did was smash the Moors advance into Europe, they are a cold strain of people with mere base-instincts, a tribe with a narcisstic pulse that rivals modern day gangsta rappers, with the greed of oppurtunistic jews,.......comparatively Celts have been creative sorts, living for the day,...endearingly useless in times of war,.. but creative nevertheless,.. This here, a hopeless Irish bushranger, but a creative flirt put him on the map.
man that was a great rabbit punch KO. these guys are so far over the hill they dont merit discussion.