Considering Hopkins' longevity, his resume isn't all that good. His best wins are over guys who were under-sized to the point of being significantly lesser fighters - Trinidad, ODH, Wright and Pavlik. The best career middleweight he beat was Joppy. The best light heavyweight he's beaten is Tarver. RJJ's resume is better than Hopkins. Bottom line is, Hopkins made a concerted effort to wait around at middleweight and then to feast on smaller fighters whose fame was won in lighter weight classes. Then he moved to 175 and did the same shit against Wright and later Pavlik. The guy is addicted to fighting smaller fighters. He's damn good at it. He's a weasel. A cheat. And a fucking disgrace. And he can go straight to hell. Merry X-mas.
Can you refute any of my claims? The guy fights crap at 160 for years, begging fighters at 154 to move up and fight him, never even entertains moving to 168. Can you honestly think of a guy with as many title defenses as Hopkins who managed to fight as shitty competition? And this a guy who could've for years comfortably fought at 168 and at 175? Hopkins is a puss. A perfect microcosm of this, a perfect illustration, is his rematch with RJJ in which he, one of the dirtiest fighters of the 90's and the 00's both, pretended that RJJ had hurt him with rabbot punches repeatedly. Fuck Hopkins. He's a sleezy as all of the promoters he's quarreled with all these years. Can't wait to see Hopkins get laid out.
Well RJJ made a living feasting on tomato cans and bums. So much that HBO finally told him to fuck off. He had some good wins, but he had a LOOOOOOOOOOOOOTTTA bullshit tomato cans.
Give me Hopkins' resume over Jones', but for their extended stays in the sport, there certainly are a lot of stretches where the competition was, to put it conservatively, less than fierce.
The REAL Question is, Would YOU Take Ricardo Lopez's Resume OVER Roy Jones'??...It's CLEAR by your Posts that U're NOT Much of a Roy Jones Guy, so REED Prefers REMOVING the Cloak of "Objectivity" that U Attempt to Wear on the Matter... BETTER Resume???...Roy Jones or Ricardo Lopez???.... REED:egypt:
:giggle: Hopkins has 20 defenses of the Middleweight title, has beaten Tarver the linear and true LIGHTHEAVYWEIGHT champion and beat the young and undefeated Kelly Pavlik who was physically a bigger man than himself. So fuck you and Merry X-mas back at ya. Why do these people post with their somewhat primitive skills? They're as good as dead.
take roy's win over hopkins outta that resume, hopkins' resume shits on roy's. roy's still the better fighter (not by much), but top to bottom, hopkins' resume is one of the best ever.
Jones. While we're at it, let's discuss the resume of Curtis Cokes...& Don Curry...& John Henry Lewis...for all the relevance they have in a Hopkins-Jones discussion. You seem to have it firmly in your head I am somehow anti-Roy Jones. Where this comes from seems to be posts made which have been critical of Jones, which is pretty silly, isn't it? No one can criticise a fighter unless they have an agenda? I mean, think about it, Reed. I can't recall anything positive said on your behalf about Ricardo Lopez --- have I deduced you are therefore, "anti-Lopez," wear a false cloak of objectivity, & accuse you accordingly? Of course not. I take Hopkins' resume over Jones', but don't go getting so offended by that. I understand & acknowledge you are a very committed Jones fan.
At their peak, Jones was the superior boxer I think. Resumes are not close. Hopkins wins by a mile. Strangley enough, if peak Roy had shown the willingness to make the fights he has been the last few years, this would be a different conversation. Roy may have had a few losses even in his prime but he would be regarded with much more respect.
Double L is right that Hopkins is a bully picking on smaller fighters the fact that he started his career at 175 further proves this.....he first tried at his natural weight..failed miserably, went on to fight drastically smaller guys at middleweight...and then finally went back to his natural weight to fight smaller guys there
and Hopkins NEVER stepped up to 168 and 175 when RJJ was reigning. He was more than content to fight Robert Allen 3x.
That's just It...U CANNOT Hold that Win AGAINST Roy Jones, No Matter HOW BADLY U Want to Hate on him.... REED:shit:
hopkins and jones jr. both reigned over shitty divisions for years. hopkins just managed to milk some bigger paydays out of it with two super fights. hopkins performances the last five years bump his resume up and ahead of jones jr.'s without a shadow of a doubt.