What fighters were robbed of a career defining win and faded into obscurity? Jose Armando Santa Cruz vs Casamayor---Santa Cruz would have been a champion and gotten a pay day but that was not to be thanks to horrible judging. He ended up getting stopped a year or so later and never had a chance at a belt again. Sam Soliman vs Winky Wright---a very entertaining fight, Sam forced Winky to fight and had non stop pressure on him. I thought he won a close decison, maybe not a robbery but he never got back to that level again.
Winner. Schultz was robbed of the greatest win of his career. Schultz was on his top game that night, and he never hit those heights again, losing to Wladimir Klitschko a few years later, a fight he never would have lost in his prime.
No way, are you implying Foreman lost to a mediocre HW with no power and got a gift? Are you implying that 90s Foreman never did shit except a fluke KO in a fight he was losing badly? No way.... Might as well add every disputed decision 90s Foreman had against the tomato cans he fought. Of course, this cans are better than a Prime Roy, and Axel Schultz would beat the shit out of Jack Johnson. opcorn:
Schulz was not mediocre- remember, this was the era of Moorer, Foreman, Evander Hospitalfield, these were Halcyon days, people like Schulz and Morrison doing as well with Foreman as Hospitalfield did, and even going on better than Moorer, Glory Glory Days.
Give me a break. Sam Solimon did NOT win that fight in any way. He put up a much better performance than expected, but he did not win.
Hagler vs Antuofermo I I think, if Hagler had won that, he would have eclipsed Monzons record for title defences.
Dave Tiberi defeated James Toney, lost a hideous decision and never fought again... he fits this thread title better than anyone
At the time, Lewis' win (ruled draw) over Holyfield was a career defining moment that was robbed from him. Of course Lewis more than made up for it in other fights, but at the time it was his career defining fight.
Yeah but that draw was the best thing that ever happened to Lennox, imo. He won the fight by a wide margin, but it was a safety-first, boring decision win over what appeared to be a shot old man. He gets the decision and all he gets is criticism for not looking more impressive, for not taking more chances, and for not stopping Holyfield. Instead the entire focus shifted to the fact that he didn't get the decision and everyone including most Americans ALL got behind Lennox as the clearcut best heavyweight in the world who was shafted by the judges in a highway robbery event. Lennox didn't lose any luster for not getting the official decision that night
Pernell Whitaker first title fight against Jose Luis Ramirez. That was plain highway robbery and delayed the career of Sweet Pea as a sport star a good one year.
he retired rather than fight again, he was disgusted by what happened it should have been HIM offering the rematch for HIS Middleweight championship
this is one of the better examples. a club fighter who may have edged a top guy. it begs the question, would you rather live with a robbery or cash out and face a guy you allegedly beat when he is more prepared? tiberi made his choice plenty of guys in his situation would have sacrificed their first born for a rematch. ask hugo dianzo if woulda turned down a rematch with ayala
he should have been prepared the first time around, how the hell is that Tiberi's fault at the end of the day... Dave Tiberi won the fight and was denied official recognition... theres no excuse for that
Good thread. I think Tiberi/Toney and Collazo/Hatton are great examples, as is Armando Cruz/Casamayor. How about Hugo Dianzo and Bones Adams? In their fights with Paulie Ayala? Manual Medina/Tapia?
Ray Mercer against Lennox Lewis (arguable) Felix Sturm against Oscar De La Hoya (not arguable, that was an easy win for Sturm)