
Discussion in 'Hall of Fame/Shame' started by TFK, Dec 21, 2007.

  1. TFK

    TFK WBC Silver Diamond Emeritus Champ

    Petre, you can't start a thread, post only your opinions in it, and not allow others to post theres. Quit abusing your mod powers to push your agenda.

    If you don't like what people have to say about Paul, then don't start topics about him.

  2. Trplsec

    Trplsec Sleeps in a Cage

    You beat me to the punch on this one. Petre locks the thread so that he can spew Ron Paul BS without fear of anyone questioning or opposing his viewpoint.

  3. PetreTG

    PetreTG WBC Silver Diamond Emeritus Champ

    Why am I not surprised you'd be the first to cry. :clap:

    Feel free to bring up any issues in new threads you want to whine about. That thread I was hoping people would be mature enough to recognize as a daily updated informational one where you can view latest info on him and form your own opinion. That doesn't mean the bickering can't happen in other threads.

    You're also free to start your own threads on oppossing candidates or on Paul if you so choose.
  4. PetreTG

    PetreTG WBC Silver Diamond Emeritus Champ

    I'm not giving my opinions in the thread ... I'm posting info .
  5. monkeystyle

    monkeystyle Undisputed Champion

    I come here for the Petre threads :clap:
  6. PetreTG

    PetreTG WBC Silver Diamond Emeritus Champ

    If it means that much to everyone , I'll open it so you can bash away and chalk it up to being a failed experiment where the maturity level was simply too low to handle not being able to piss on and ruin one thread.

    As I said ... any issue that came up in the INFORMATIONAL thread could be brought up in a new thread and I would not ignore it.

    Trying to get a coherent daily update thread with all the clowning would be impossible and starting new threads on what is basically the same subject , RON PAUL , was already "complained about" in a manner when Nobleart made the thread on it , to which I was sympathetic .

    Which is why I started that ONE thread.

    So what's the concensus .... can we be given one thread without all the bickering that you can pick info from which to complain about in other threads ??? Or should I open it and let it dye off the board and go start my own blog ???

    Majority rules.

    I await your decision.
  7. TFK

    TFK WBC Silver Diamond Emeritus Champ

    Petre, it's not crying, it's pointing out what a raging hypocrite you are.

    You're always crying about the evil 'MSM' and how they only let you hear what they want you to hear, can't you see by creating a thread with your opinions, and not allowing any opposing opinions or debate, you're doing the same exact thing?

    If people want to read about Ron Paul, they can check out his website. But if you want to discuss Ron Paul, we can do it here, but it has to be an open discussion.

    Why doesn't it surprise you that I was the first to speak up? Because you know I don't stand for bullshit like this, I hate hypocrisy, and I despise abuse of mod powers.

    Now I suggest you unlock the thread and open it for discussion immediately. Failure to do so would be an outright abuse of your Mod powers, and the posters at Fightbeat won't stand for that. Just ask Phonetap.

  8. Trplsec

    Trplsec Sleeps in a Cage

    I am curious. As a non-mod, do I have the ability to lock a thread and only update it when I want to?

    If not, then I think Petre should be able to see the issue with this. If he can't, then he is a hypocrite as TFK describes.
  9. TFK

    TFK WBC Silver Diamond Emeritus Champ

    Petre, if you want ONE Ron Paul thread, that's fine. We can keep all Ron Paul discussion in one thread, but for you to be the only one posting is ridiculous.

    If you want a Ron Paul discussion, then by all means, start one. But if you just want to post Ron Paul articles and not allow anyone to comment on or debate them, then there are plenty of free internet message boards that are very easy to set up. I suggest you find one, and post about Ron Paul to your heart's content.

  10. TFK

    TFK WBC Silver Diamond Emeritus Champ

    The worst part of this all is, I'm not even against Ron Paul. There is a lot about him that I admire, and while I haven't chosen who I'm supporting yet, there is a chance I will choose Paul.

    I just call BS when I see it.

    This is a perfect example of Ron Paul's biggest weakness being his Tin Foil Hat Wearing following, who do nothing but make him look bad.

    And that's a shame.

  11. Trplsec

    Trplsec Sleeps in a Cage

  12. TFK

    TFK WBC Silver Diamond Emeritus Champ

    I'm guessing 'No'.

    Just to add, this is not the first time Petre has pulled this shit. He did it awhile back with another Ron Paul thread, if I remember correctly. Add that to the disappearing threads of the past, and it doesn't look like Petre is a very good moderator.

    Personally, I like Petre and I welcome and appreciate all the content he brings to the board, of which without it, Fightbeat wouldn't be nearly as entertaining or informative. That being said, I think it's crystal clear he has no business being a moderator.

  13. Arben

    Arben "Twinkle Toes" McJack

    This is a DISCUSSION board, not an RSS Feed.
  14. dsimon3387

    dsimon3387 WBC Silver Diamond Emeritus Champ

    dsimon writes:

    I see dymipepel lurking around... What do yu think D? I am with D. whatever he says! :cheer:
  15. PetreTG

    PetreTG WBC Silver Diamond Emeritus Champ

    I don't think you can lock a thread . What you can do is request a mod or admin to do it and update it in the same manner.

    See you want to call me a hypocrite for posting an informational thread , but I'd have no problem doing the same for anyone else ... especially on an issue like the campaign's for president.
  16. Trplsec

    Trplsec Sleeps in a Cage

    Petre, I am shocked that you don't see the issue here.

    I have never once questioned you as a moderator. But if you honestly don't see the issue with this, I have my doubts about you.
  17. PetreTG

    PetreTG WBC Silver Diamond Emeritus Champ

    Now I'm a bad mod ... :lol:

    For the record I didn't do anything with another Ron Paul thread , you don't remember correctly and I have never deleted any thread I wasn't asked to or told to delete.

    I've been the advocate of open discussion here , less controls and banning only in extreme cases .

    The old addages of grass being greener and careful what you wish for come to mind .... but I wouldn't expect you to understand.

    As for mod powers , seeing as how I barely use them except when someone gets really nasty yet still the accusations come ??? As far as I'm concerned , you guys can vote whoever you want to be a mod in my place and I can take my marbles and leave. Trust me ... I get no pleasure from being a mod.
  18. PetreTG

    PetreTG WBC Silver Diamond Emeritus Champ

    Well so far it's only been the two of you really complaining but ...

    EXPERIMENT FAILED - One thread is too much to ask.

    The NAYS have it , the playground is open and the well will run dry.

    Have at it kiddies ...

    The mob RULES ! :clap:
  19. Anthony

    Anthony Admin Staff Member

    What thread are we talking about here? I dont see anything locked.
  20. PetreTG

    PetreTG WBC Silver Diamond Emeritus Champ

    This one .... and I unlocked it .

    However , years from now you'll hear about how I locked threads to control them and prevent opposition to my opinions.

    Yeah .... that's me alright! The guy that debates with more people on this board than anyone most of the time.

  21. Anthony

    Anthony Admin Staff Member

    Its cool. No big deal. Lets just move on. You locked it, people complained and you unlocked it. No controversy there.
  22. toomuchsol

    toomuchsol Undisputed Champion

    You can relock your thread if I can have a "Ron Paul is a racist and accepts money from Neo-Nazis" thread that only I can post in.:warning:
  23. Trplsec

    Trplsec Sleeps in a Cage

    And therein lies the problem that Petre doesn't see.
  24. CleanYourClock

    CleanYourClock "Twinkle Toes" McJack

    Petre , I don't know enough about Ron Paul either way to make any comments on him.
    However I do know that you are always speaking "the control of power" and how its slowly getting taken away from the people.
    You post about new laws , Police officers actions , etc.
    Now you take it upon yourself to do the same type of thing.:nono:
  25. TFK

    TFK WBC Silver Diamond Emeritus Champ

    My mistake. You didn't lock another Ron Paul thread, you stickied it. This one here.


    That was the example of you abusing your mod powers to push your Ron Paul agenda that I was thinking of.

    And yes, you have deleted entire threads before. I still have your PM's with your explanation of why you did it, if you want me to post them.

    And yes, I do agree with you....your experiment did fail.

    The members of this board do not want opinions shoved down their throats without an opportinity to respond and to debate them. The members of this board will not allow you to do the same thing you criticize the 'MSM' for doing. It's clear, the members of this board are not your sheep.

    And I don't see what the purpose of locking the thread was anyway. I have yet to see any discussion about Paul that was offensive, or spamming, or trolling, or anything other then people giving their opinions and telling their side of the story.

    Now as far as you threatening to 'take you marbles and leave', that's even more pathetic then locking the thread. If it angers you that people don't want threads that they can't respond to, and that people don't want Mods who abuse their powers to push their own agenda, then your problems go much further then the 'Tin Foil Hat' issues you clearly have.

  26. ArturoGatti

    ArturoGatti WBC Silver Diamond Emeritus Champ

    :bears: :lol: :laughing:
  27. 60/40

    60/40 Undisputed Champion

    Two good Posts.:bears:
  28. 60/40

    60/40 Undisputed Champion

    Exactly, Why bitch about the same thing you think is wrong with this country? We are just doing what you want us to do petre.
  29. Arben

    Arben "Twinkle Toes" McJack

    The other Ron Paul thread in question here is one that Petre wanted to have stickied. It was open discussion though.
  30. PetreTG

    PetreTG WBC Silver Diamond Emeritus Champ

    it was a poll that I didn't want to have to bump and was going to be gone most of the next few days. Votes wouldn't hold it up for people to see.

    Pinning a poll is an abuse of mod powers ? ....

    I swear , sometimes I think you MEN are really a bunch of women and I think I seriously need to think about whether or not I want to waste my time bickering with women .

    One non opinion , informational thread was too much.

    When I leave I nominate TFK for Mod .... let's see how well he does.

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