Gotta give credit where credit is due. Calzaghe did what he had to do to win. He dominated and be my hero down. I'm a RJ fan to the day I die but he just don't have it anymore. Anyways I'm here to eat my crow and say congrats. I'll Holla 5000
I am a man of my word. I will sport whatever sig u want. I win like a champion and I lose like a champion. I'll Holla 5000
Yeah, kinda sucked watching Roy lose like that. Joe showed that he is a true great champion. Just was sad watching Roy dominated like that.
dsimon writes: But a prime Roid would have.........:crying::: Joe was a gentleman and was kind to Roy and spared a real beating in the later rounds. As soon as it became evident Roy could not throw punches, particularly in the center of the ring (where speed wins) Roy's corner might have thrown in the towel. Roy might also have spared us the BS about being put off his plan when the truth was more like what he said tohis handlers 'I can't get him." I am with Dawg and take my hat off to Joe. He never came up short. He looked a hell of a lot better in this fight than the Bernard fight.
Fuck Sloppy Joe. I think I had a sig bet with someone too, but you won't get any of that feel good gay shit from me.
F*ck Calzaghe. This fight was a piece of sh*t. He beat up on the scraps of Roy Jones. Big deal! And Calzaghe is a showboating arrogant motherf*cker! What a lot of unprofessional crap. This fight proved nothing other than the fact that boxing is a dead sport and is marketed through a bunch of shot old men still trying to rip off the public with bogus ppvs. Crap fight! The DLH/Pacquiao fight coming up is an even bigger joke than this.
It was funny when Joe Calzaghe was doing a ringside interview with Lampley a while back and Lennox was standing next to him. Joe came up to Lennox's chest, looked like a weedy little cunt next to him. I wish Lennox would've just laid one shot on this arrogant f*ck's jaw and smashed his teeth out!
I do believe Joe is a great fighter. He proved it against Kessler. But Roy is an all time great. Theres a differance.
Calzaghe DEFINITELY Deserves his PROPS & REED Actually APOLOGIZES for NOT CLEARLY Doing So EARLIER... Calzaghe COULD have Been Another Sven Ottke or Darius MichalSHITski, but he BELIEVED N his OWN Ability & DEMANDED MORE... As Such, Calzaghe's Place N Boxing HISTORY is SECURE...GREATEST Supermiddle Ever & a LEGIT Threat to Beat MOST Lightheavy's N History... REED:hammert:
Congrats to Joe. Well deserved victory. Calz actually fought a terrible fight. He left himself way open, clowned and let his opponent off the hook. There is no way he would have fought like that if they had met earlier in their careers so it's a little out of place to say Roy would have destroyed him prime for prime based on this fight. I'd certainly favour Jones however. I hope Roy retires. The openings were there all night but he couldn't get it done. He was flat footed from the start and laid on the ropes all night hardly offering a counter. Either way, I won't be forking over anymore cash to watch Jones fight. It's too much like agreeing that he still has something left in the tank. He has to see that it's over. His corner and handlers have to see it's over. Hang up the gloves Roy. You've done more than enough to be recognised as great.
But WHEN did Kessler PROVE HIMSELF Definitively???:dunno:.... Calzaghe IS a GREAT Fighter, but REED Isn't Quite Ready to Pretend that Kessler is a PROVEN Commodity... Not Yet, Anyways... REED:mj: the tail end of their careers! F*ck Calzaghe. Overrated arrogant showboating prick! Unprofessional f*ck! Too bad he won't get his face bashed in since he's retiring. Can't stand that guy.
Yeah, props to Joe making a deal with the sun when it comes to speed and reflexes. That was some ancient planning right there, who could have seen that game plan coming.
Yeah, he won the fight clearly, but I have to wonder, is there such a thing as TOO much showboating? I usually have no problem with showboating, but Calzaghe does it to the point where its almost to the point of parody. Its almost like watching a movie star overacting.
yes it was pretty unecessary, especially against an undermatched opponent....fair enough at the start of the fight when it was close and he wanted the mental edge....but showboating in the 12th against a battered Roy who was trailing by 10 rounds was just a cunt move :shit:
Why is everyone complaining about the showboating? He could do whatever the fuck he wants if he's winning the fight. I'd see a problem is he was losing and showboating, but he handled Roy and wanted to rub it in. What's the fuckin big deal?
Cause he looks like a retarded f*ck while doing it. He probably doesn't watch himself on tv much. He's trying to act like something he's not. It's not cute or flashy, it's just annoying as f*ck. He'd be better off just fighting his fight and leaving the antics to others. Kinda like when Ali was doing rhymes, it was ok. When Lewis tried that sh*t, you'd cringe and feel embarrassed for him.:: Some people just don't look good doing that showboating sh*t.
Maybe because he did a poor job of showboating(although I wasn't complaining), he looked are supposed to look on top of your game and smooth when you do that, it just wasn't a good impression, he failed.
maybe if he forced a stoppage in the 12th instead of showboating then the win would be a little impressive
Nobody really looks good showboating. The purpose of it is to show how easy of a time your having against the competition.