
Discussion in 'Hall of Fame/Shame' started by Socrates, Nov 4, 2004.

  1. cdogg187

    cdogg187 GLADYS

    <div class='quotetop'>QUOTE</div><div class='quotemain'> <div class='quotetop'>QUOTE</div><div class='quotemain'>
    I ADMIT the only real difference is between the amount of RESPONSIBILITY a Human lifeform has as compared to other animals.

    And you can't compare Insects with mammals. :huh: Insects are completley emotionless creatures. How many people have a pet Fly???

    Bottom line...

    If you think that watching a dog get EATEN ALIVE WHILE IT IS DEFENSELESS FOR KICKS IS OKAY AND SOMEHOW MORE ACCEPTABLE THAN KILLING A PERSON, then go ahead and think that.

    I think you are just as much of an asshole for doing that as you are for killing a man or a woman.

    Either way, you're a sick fucker.

    I cannot understand why you fail to grasp this point of view.

    Obviously, seeing a dog get tortured wouldn't bother you that much, that's why you can't see a dog in a loving light is such an alien concept to you.

    Do you have anymore dumb questions for me, you jackass? [/b][/quote]
    "And you can't compare Insects with mammals. :huh: Insects are completley emotionless creatures." - Cdogg

    Says who? How do you define emotionless? Insect have brains, survival instincts, offspring and have a right to live just as much as any mammal.

    You are just being invertebrateist!! :D

    Secondly, I'm not saying that it doesn't show bad character if a human deliberately tries to torture and kill a dog. I'm against unnecessary violence towards animals. I don't like people killing animals for hide, tusks, blubber or whatever.

    However...I don't FOR A SECOND equate animal life with human life. If I did I woudn't eat meat. I wouldn't dream of killing a human to eat him, or eating a hman that someone else has killed...but I would eat chicken, beef, pork etc without blinking an eye.

    Are you saying that killing mammals for food is as bad as killing Humans for food?

    Thirdly, The conversation that spawned this was people saying that Gman deserved everything that happened to him on account of killing a few dogs. I disagree with this...because you CANNOT equate human life with animal life.

    This discussion and your inability to deal with my questions and logic proves the point!!

    Idiot. [/b][/quote]

    I never once said that McClellan DESERVED anything!!!! Read the thread, you're attributing the words of a thousand different posters onto ME!

    Learn about insects, they are COMPLETLEY EMOTIONLESS. What do you think, I just make it up for the hell of it?

    The reason you wouldn't think twice about eating beef or pork or chicken but eating a human being repulses you is because A)most living things are not cannibalistic and B)We are CONDITIONED to think and feel that way about Cannibalism.

    I'm not saying it's right to eat people, the idea of it sickens me. But I disagree with the notion that Human beings have some superior entitlement to life that Animals don't. We all serve our purpose in the end.
    And don't say it's because we are smarter than they are, therefore it's survival of the fittest. :huh:
    The Lions kill the Zebras, does that mean the Lion is more valuable? Does that make its life more important or precious? NO! Because without the Zebra, the Lion might starve. Just as likewise, without the Lion, the Zebra would overpopulate and destroy the plains and the grass.
    Do you see what I'm getting at? There's a balance to Nature. In the end, no matter our level of intellect or dominance, we all become part of the Earth again. That's the cycle of life.
    We have more IMPACT, but we are not more entitled to live than any other animal.
  2. cdogg187

    cdogg187 GLADYS

    <div class='quotetop'>QUOTE</div><div class='quotemain'> <div class='quotetop'>QUOTE</div><div class='quotemain'>
    I think it's completley disgusting, and I could never accept someone who did that because I just think it's fucking weird and psychologicaly insane but again, it doesn't affect my life or YOUR LIFE for that matter. Who gives a shit? If you don't like it, don't associate with that person.

    As long as we.re talking about ADULTS, here. :huh: [/b][/quote]
    So would it be, shall we say, UNACCEPTABLE to you? And if so why? And why can't you apply that reasoning to homosexuality as a whole?

    If you think it acceptable then you are telling the forum that you think that a father and son, or brother and brother should be allowed to marry.

    Either way you're fucked!

    I'm waiting... [/b][/quote]
    It would unacceptable to me because I think Incest is fucked!

    If a man married his mother or sister, it's the same thing.

    You're not supposed to fall in love with your family, you're not supposed to want to fuck them.

    Homosexuality is just like you or me falling in love with a chick, the only difference is that Gay people fall in love with someone of their own sex. It JUST DOESN'T BOTHER ME. No one has ever proven to me that it causes harm.

    Incestual relationships in our modern society are PROVEN to be harmful. Learn some Psychology 101.

    THAT SAID...as long as it were two adults, I DON'T CARE.

    If some Justice of the Peace or some weird, cult church wants to MARRY couples like that, then I DON'T GIVE A FLYING FUCK about it!

    So, no, you jackass, I'm not FUCKED.
  3. cdogg187

    cdogg187 GLADYS

    <div class='quotetop'>QUOTE</div><div class='quotemain'> <div class='quotetop'>QUOTE</div><div class='quotemain'>
    I think it's (father/son incest) completley disgusting, and I could never accept someone who did that because I just think it's fucking weird and psychologicaly insane .... If you don't like it, don't associate with that person.

    But wouldn't that be discrimination? [/b][/quote]

    It's discrimination if I make laws impeding the basic civil rights of Incest participants.
  4. Socrates

    Socrates Guest

    <div class='quotetop'>QUOTE</div><div class='quotemain'>

    I never once said that McClellan DESERVED anything!!!! Read the thread, you're attributing the words of a thousand different posters onto ME!

    Learn about insects, they are COMPLETLEY EMOTIONLESS. What do you think, I just make it up for the hell of it?

    The reason you wouldn't think twice about eating beef or pork or chicken but eating a human being repulses you is because A)most living things are not cannibalistic and B)We are CONDITIONED to think and feel that way about Cannibalism.

    I'm not saying it's right to eat people, the idea of it sickens me. But I disagree with the notion that Human beings have some superior entitlement to life that Animals don't. We all serve our purpose in the end.
    And don't say it's because we are smarter than they are, therefore it's survival of the fittest. :huh:
    The Lions kill the Zebras, does that mean the Lion is more valuable? Does that make its life more important or precious? NO! Because without the Zebra, the Lion might starve. Just as likewise, without the Lion, the Zebra would overpopulate and destroy the plains and the grass.
    Do you see what I'm getting at? There's a balance to Nature. In the end, no matter our level of intellect or dominance, we all become part of the Earth again. That's the cycle of life.
    We have more IMPACT, but we are not more entitled to live than any other animal. [/b][/quote]
    I don't agree with your post in its entirety but it is a good post.

    What about if I kill a RAT (a mammal)? Now I'm not talking about a rat that has invaded my home....I'm talking about a rat that I may see on a subway platform and I just kill it for the hell of it. Is it really as bad as killing a human? You see Cdogg, Human life is more valuable than animals, not just because of impact but because we are superior creatures. It's only liberal earth first bastards that would think otherwise....
  5. Socrates

    Socrates Guest

    <div class='quotetop'>QUOTE</div><div class='quotemain'>

    It's discrimination if I make laws impeding the basic civil rights of Incest participants. [/b][/quote]
    So should father/son incest partnerships and legal marriages be permitted? Or should they be ILLEGAL? What is YOUR opinion on this matter?
  6. cdogg187

    cdogg187 GLADYS

    <div class='quotetop'>QUOTE</div><div class='quotemain'> <div class='quotetop'>QUOTE</div><div class='quotemain'>

    I never once said that McClellan DESERVED anything!!!! Read the thread, you're attributing the words of a thousand different posters onto ME!

    Learn about insects, they are COMPLETLEY EMOTIONLESS. What do you think, I just make it up for the hell of it?

    The reason you wouldn't think twice about eating beef or pork or chicken but eating a human being repulses you is because A)most living things are not cannibalistic and B)We are CONDITIONED to think and feel that way about Cannibalism.

    I'm not saying it's right to eat people, the idea of it sickens me. But I disagree with the notion that Human beings have some superior entitlement to life that Animals don't. We all serve our purpose in the end.
    And don't say it's because we are smarter than they are, therefore it's survival of the fittest. :huh:
    The Lions kill the Zebras, does that mean the Lion is more valuable? Does that make its life more important or precious? NO! Because without the Zebra, the Lion might starve. Just as likewise, without the Lion, the Zebra would overpopulate and destroy the plains and the grass.
    Do you see what I'm getting at? There's a balance to Nature. In the end, no matter our level of intellect or dominance, we all become part of the Earth again. That's the cycle of life.
    We have more IMPACT, but we are not more entitled to live than any other animal. [/b][/quote]
    I don't agree with your post in its entirety but it is a good post.

    What about if I kill a RAT (a mammal)? Now I'm not talking about a rat that has invaded my home....I'm talking about a rat that I may see on a subway platform and I just kill it for the hell of it. Is it really as bad as killing a human? You see Cdogg, Human life is more valuable than animals, not just because of impact but because we are superior creatures. It's only liberal earth first bastards that would think otherwise.... [/b][/quote]
    See, that's the problem.

    You think Killing something for no reason is "FUN"

    That's why you and I will NEVER see eye to eye on this subject.
  7. Socrates

    Socrates Guest

    <div class='quotetop'>QUOTE</div><div class='quotemain'>
    It would unacceptable to me because I think Incest is fucked!

    If a man married his mother or sister, it's the same thing.

    You're not supposed to fall in love with your family, you're not supposed to want to fuck them.

    Well you can say the EXACT SAME THING ABOUT homosexuality!!!!!!!!!!

    let me show you....

    It would unacceptable to me because I think Homosexuality is fucked!

    If a man married another man or a woman married another woman, it's the same thing.

    You're not supposed to fall in love with PEOPLE OF THE SAME SEX, you're not supposed to want to fuck them.
  8. cdogg187

    cdogg187 GLADYS

    <div class='quotetop'>QUOTE</div><div class='quotemain'> <div class='quotetop'>QUOTE</div><div class='quotemain'>

    It's discrimination if I make laws impeding the basic civil rights of Incest participants. [/b][/quote]
    So should father/son incest partnerships and legal marriages be permitted? Or should they be ILLEGAL? What is YOUR opinion on this matter? [/b][/quote]
    I think it should be left up to whoever is doing the MARRYING. It should be a private choice, no government involment, state or local.

    If the Church says "Fuck you", they are more than welcome to do that.

    If a Justice of the peace says "no way", that's his choice.

    But if the two whack jobs can find SOMEONE willing to unify them in marriage, then that's fine too and should be recognized.
  9. cdogg187

    cdogg187 GLADYS

    <div class='quotetop'>QUOTE</div><div class='quotemain'> <div class='quotetop'>QUOTE</div><div class='quotemain'>
    It would unacceptable to me because I think Incest is fucked!

    If a man married his mother or sister, it's the same thing.

    You're not supposed to fall in love with your family, you're not supposed to want to fuck them.

    Well you can say the EXACT SAME THING ABOUT homosexuality!!!!!!!!!!

    let me show you....

    It would unacceptable to me because I think Homosexuality is fucked!

    If a man married another man or a woman married another woman, it's the same thing.

    You're not supposed to fall in love with PEOPLE OF THE SAME SEX, you're not supposed to want to fuck them.
    What about the REST of my post?

    :huh: :huh: :huh:
  10. Socrates

    Socrates Guest

    <div class='quotetop'>QUOTE</div><div class='quotemain'>
    Homosexuality is just like you or me falling in love with a chick, the only difference is that Gay people fall in love with someone of their own sex. [/b][/quote]
    Since you think that I ignored the rest of your post....

    What you said here can be applied to incest with the same reasoning...

    Incest is just like you or me falling in love with a chick, the only difference is that Incestuous people fall in love with someone in their own family.
  11. Socrates

    Socrates Guest

    an btw to adress this "GAY GENE" issue.... :YeahRight:

    As Bigdawg said in an earlier post.....can bisexual people blame their CORRUPT behaviour on a bisexual gene? Can incestuous people blame their behaviour on an incest gene? Can beastiality people blame their behaviour on a beastiality gene?

  12. Ropadope

    Ropadope Undisputed Champion

    Homosexuals are among the most intolerant people on the planet, and the fact that I was banned from BF and ESB for no good reason proves it.
  13. cdogg187

    cdogg187 GLADYS

    <div class='quotetop'>QUOTE</div><div class='quotemain'> <div class='quotetop'>QUOTE</div><div class='quotemain'>
    Homosexuality is just like you or me falling in love with a chick, the only difference is that Gay people fall in love with someone of their own sex. [/b][/quote]
    Since you think that I ignored the rest of your post....

    What you said here can be applied to incest with the same reasoning...

    Incest is just like you or me falling in love with a chick, the only difference is that Incestuous people fall in love with someone in their own family. [/b][/quote]
    Psychology, Socrates, Psychology.

    You need to do some reading.
  14. cdogg187

    cdogg187 GLADYS

    <div class='quotetop'>QUOTE</div><div class='quotemain'> Homosexuals are among the most intolerant people on the planet, and the fact that I was banned from BF and ESB for no good reason proves it. [/b][/quote]
    You could say that about anybody.

    What were you saying on those websites?

    Intolerance comes from ALL walks of life.
  15. Freddy

    Freddy Scrub

    <div class='quotetop'>QUOTE</div><div class='quotemain'> Homosexuals are among the most intolerant people on the planet, and the fact that I was banned from BF and ESB for no good reason proves it. [/b][/quote]
    What did you refuse to tolerate?
  16. Punk

    Punk "Twinkle Toes" McJack Staff Member

    <div class='quotetop'>QUOTE</div><div class='quotemain'> <div class='quotetop'>QUOTE</div><div class='quotemain'> My overriding concern is the popularity of gay threads on this forum.[​IMG] [/b][/quote]
    When was the last one, punk? [/b][/quote]
    I was referring to the number of pages primarily.
  17. Orion

    Orion Not Ordinary

    <div class='quotetop'>QUOTE</div><div class='quotemain'> <div class='quotetop'>QUOTE</div><div class='quotemain'> <div class='quotetop'>QUOTE</div><div class='quotemain'> First off Buddy your mom is a whore and your dad is gay.  How do you think I used to bang your fat ass moms.  Just kidding dawg.

    But anyways I DO have a problem with gays.  It is unacceptable behavior that was learned.  There is no proof indicating that they were born that way.  Let's take for instance you have twins.  Identical twins.  Now one is gay and the other isn't.  How could that be?  Also what about being bi-sexual.  What genes were they born with?  People CHOOSE to live their lives in certain ways.  Pretty soon child molesters are gonna say that I was born to like children.  What about thieves, murders etc.  The list can go on and on.  Also there is no comparison when comparing the way black people have been treated to the way gay people are being treated.  So what happens if you are black and gay.  You are still one up on a gay person that is just white and gay.  Now I don't have a problem with gay people as human beings.  I just feel that their way of thinking is fuked up as far as wanting to sleep with the same sex.  I honestly feel like there's no difference between a gay persons thinking when it comes to sexuality and a child molesters.  But hey that's me.  Now do I go out of my way to harm them nope.  I just don't deal with them and I don't want them trying to teach my kids that it's ok to be gay cause it's not.  How can a kid tell his hommies that he has 2 daddies or 2 mommies.  The world is coming to an end quickly.  I'll Holla 5000 [/b][/quote]
    Good post bro, I completely agree. [/b][/quote]
    Ouch, Orion completely agrees with bigdawg that my mother is a whore and my dad is gay. :mellow:

    It seems like only yesterday that bigdawg and rahrah were doing a double penetration on Orion, but now they have apparently forgiven and forgotten (about their less-than-wholesome threeway). :D [/b][/quote]
    Not that part Buddy, I guess I should have edited that part out. :mellow:
  18. Mr. Blue

    Mr. Blue Scrub

    When did this come out about Gerald McClelland? What exactly did he do?

    If it is true that he tortured/killed a dog, then I'm glad he got beaten into a slobbering retard. (And no, Socrates, I'm not getting into a debate with you about animal and human lives, etc. because first and foremost, I DON'T GIVE A FUCK what you think.) Fuck anyone who tortures animals.

    Another thing I am always wondering is how ANYONE can think that being a homosexual is a choice. Who would choose that lifestyle given the persecution they face? Let me guess what happens with you guys. You're in a pub and a giuy and a girl walk by you. By nature you check out the girl's ass and then the guy's ass and then because you want to be normal and a good Christian and not a sinner, you decide you like the girl's ass more and want to hit it? There's no fucking choice at all with me. I have always been attracted to women and women's features. If you have to make a CHOICE between the sexes then maybe we should wonder about you.
  19. Socrates

    Socrates Guest

    <div class='quotetop'>QUOTE</div><div class='quotemain'> Another thing I am always wondering is how ANYONE can think that being a homosexual is a choice. Who would choose that lifestyle given the persecution they face? [/b][/quote]

    Murderers face persecution (and prosecution), I guess they don't make a choice either...
    And if "murdering" is different because someone gets harmed... :YeahRight: ...what about the persecution suffered by incestuous people? Perhaps they were born with the incest gene as well....

  20. cdogg187

    cdogg187 GLADYS

    <div class='quotetop'>QUOTE</div><div class='quotemain'> When did this come out about Gerald McClelland? What exactly did he do?

    If it is true that he tortured/killed a dog, then I'm glad he got beaten into a slobbering retard. (And no, Socrates, I'm not getting into a debate with you about animal and human lives, etc. because first and foremost, I DON'T GIVE A FUCK what you think.) Fuck anyone who tortures animals.

    Another thing I am always wondering is how ANYONE can think that being a homosexual is a choice. Who would choose that lifestyle given the persecution they face? Let me guess what happens with you guys. You're in a pub and a giuy and a girl walk by you. By nature you check out the girl's ass and then the guy's ass and then because you want to be normal and a good Christian and not a sinner, you decide you like the girl's ass more and want to hit it? There's no fucking choice at all with me. I have always been attracted to women and women's features. If you have to make a CHOICE between the sexes then maybe we should wonder about you. [/b][/quote]
    If I were gay, I'd bang you, Mr. Blue. :D

    Great post!
  21. cdogg187

    cdogg187 GLADYS

    <div class='quotetop'>QUOTE</div><div class='quotemain'> <div class='quotetop'>QUOTE</div><div class='quotemain'> Another thing I am always wondering is how ANYONE can think that being a homosexual is a choice. Who would choose that lifestyle given the persecution they face? [/b][/quote]

    Murderers face persecution (and prosecution), I guess they don't make a choice either...
    And if "murdering" is different because someone gets harmed... :YeahRight: ...what about the persecution suffered by incestuous people? Perhaps they were born with the incest gene as well....

    :YeahRight: [/b][/quote]
    you are such a fucking Idiot, it's incredible.
  22. Socrates

    Socrates Guest

    <div class='quotetop'>QUOTE</div><div class='quotemain'> <div class='quotetop'>QUOTE</div><div class='quotemain'> <div class='quotetop'>QUOTE</div><div class='quotemain'> Another thing I am always wondering is how ANYONE can think that being a homosexual is a choice.  Who would choose that lifestyle given the persecution they face? [/b][/quote]

    Murderers face persecution (and prosecution), I guess they don't make a choice either...
    And if "murdering" is different because someone gets harmed... :YeahRight: ...what about the persecution suffered by incestuous people? Perhaps they were born with the incest gene as well....

    :YeahRight: [/b][/quote]
    you are such a fucking Idiot, it's incredible. [/b][/quote]
    What did I just say that was so "idiotic"?
  23. cdogg187

    cdogg187 GLADYS

    <div class='quotetop'>QUOTE</div><div class='quotemain'> <div class='quotetop'>QUOTE</div><div class='quotemain'> <div class='quotetop'>QUOTE</div><div class='quotemain'> <div class='quotetop'>QUOTE</div><div class='quotemain'> Another thing I am always wondering is how ANYONE can think that being a homosexual is a choice.  Who would choose that lifestyle given the persecution they face? [/b][/quote]

    Murderers face persecution (and prosecution), I guess they don't make a choice either...
    And if "murdering" is different because someone gets harmed... :YeahRight: ...what about the persecution suffered by incestuous people? Perhaps they were born with the incest gene as well....

    :YeahRight: [/b][/quote]
    you are such a fucking Idiot, it's incredible. [/b][/quote]
    What did I just say that was so "idiotic"? [/b][/quote]
  24. Socrates

    Socrates Guest

    <div class='quotetop'>QUOTE</div><div class='quotemain'>
    :YeahRight: [/b][/quote]
    As usual your comeback is weak. If you believe that I said something idiotic, try to refute it....IF YOU CAN?

    While you're at it refute this:

    If a person has the NATURAL URGE to kill a person as soon as that person upset them...does this justify murder?

    If a person has the NATURAL URGE to have sex with his mother (and she was willing also)....does this justify incest?

    Can the Homosexual gene conspiracy theory be applied to Polygamy, Incest, Pedophilia, Beastility, bisexuality and any other DEVIANT behaviour?

    I'm waiting Mr Liberal Homosympathizer....
  25. Orion

    Orion Not Ordinary

    <div class='quotetop'>QUOTE</div><div class='quotemain'> When did this come out about Gerald McClelland? What exactly did he do?

    If it is true that he tortured/killed a dog, then I'm glad he got beaten into a slobbering retard. (And no, Socrates, I'm not getting into a debate with you about animal and human lives, etc. because first and foremost, I DON'T GIVE A FUCK what you think.) Fuck anyone who tortures animals.

    Another thing I am always wondering is how ANYONE can think that being a homosexual is a choice. Who would choose that lifestyle given the persecution they face? Let me guess what happens with you guys. You're in a pub and a giuy and a girl walk by you. By nature you check out the girl's ass and then the guy's ass and then because you want to be normal and a good Christian and not a sinner, you decide you like the girl's ass more and want to hit it? There's no fucking choice at all with me. I have always been attracted to women and women's features. If you have to make a CHOICE between the sexes then maybe we should wonder about you. [/b][/quote]
    People make choices every day knowing the consequences, some people simply don't care what society thinks about them.
  26. cdogg187

    cdogg187 GLADYS

    <div class='quotetop'>QUOTE</div><div class='quotemain'> <div class='quotetop'>QUOTE</div><div class='quotemain'> When did this come out about Gerald McClelland? What exactly did he do?

    If it is true that he tortured/killed a dog, then I'm glad he got beaten into a slobbering retard. (And no, Socrates, I'm not getting into a debate with you about animal and human lives, etc. because first and foremost, I DON'T GIVE A FUCK what you think.) Fuck anyone who tortures animals.

    Another thing I am always wondering is how ANYONE can think that being a homosexual is a choice. Who would choose that lifestyle given the persecution they face? Let me guess what happens with you guys. You're in a pub and a giuy and a girl walk by you. By nature you check out the girl's ass and then the guy's ass and then because you want to be normal and a good Christian and not a sinner, you decide you like the girl's ass more and want to hit it? There's no fucking choice at all with me. I have always been attracted to women and women's features. If you have to make a CHOICE between the sexes then maybe we should wonder about you. [/b][/quote]
    People make choices every day knowing the consequences, some people simply don't care what society thinks about them. [/b][/quote]
    So you made a conscious choice to be a Heterosexual, is that what you're saying?

    And this happened WHEN, exactly?
  27. cdogg187

    cdogg187 GLADYS

    <div class='quotetop'>QUOTE</div><div class='quotemain'> <div class='quotetop'>QUOTE</div><div class='quotemain'>
    :YeahRight: [/b][/quote]
    As usual your comeback is weak. If you believe that I said something idiotic, try to refute it....IF YOU CAN?

    While you're at it refute this:

    If a person has the NATURAL URGE to kill a person as soon as that person upset them...does this justify murder?

    If a person has the NATURAL URGE to have sex with his mother (and she was willing also)....does this justify incest?

    Can the Homosexual gene conspiracy theory be applied to Polygamy, Incest, Pedophilia, Beastility, bisexuality and any other DEVIANT behaviour?

    I'm waiting Mr Liberal Homosympathizer.... [/b][/quote]
    I've never brought the "gene" up. :huh:

    I believe that at some point during very early development these things just form for themselves.

    Most people are Heterosexual, but some develop a little differently and Homosexuality occurs.

    Of just about every Gay person I've ever met (all 10 or 15 of 'em :D ) I have always asked them this question: "When did you first realize you were different?"

    EVERY SINGLE ONE OF THEM told me that they felt different at kindergarten age. They knew, even then, that they were different from the other boys and girls.
    Now, this is before the ages when a kid becomes sexually aware or curious.

    How do you explain that away?

    I've never met a gay person who said "Well, I just decided to start sucking cocks for the hell of it when I was 18. I decided I didn't like Pussy anymore"
  28. Mr. Blue

    Mr. Blue Scrub

    <div class='quotetop'>QUOTE</div><div class='quotemain'> <div class='quotetop'>QUOTE</div><div class='quotemain'>
    :YeahRight: [/b][/quote]
    As usual your comeback is weak. If you believe that I said something idiotic, try to refute it....IF YOU CAN?

    While you're at it refute this:

    If a person has the NATURAL URGE to kill a person as soon as that person upset them...does this justify murder?

    If a person has the NATURAL URGE to have sex with his mother (and she was willing also)....does this justify incest?

    Can the Homosexual gene conspiracy theory be applied to Polygamy, Incest, Pedophilia, Beastility, bisexuality and any other DEVIANT behaviour?

    I'm waiting Mr Liberal Homosympathizer.... [/b][/quote]
    In a gay relationship you have something between two consenting adults. In a murder you have one person killing an innocent victim who is now an unwilling participant (sans the Jack Kervorkian files). I don't believe a sane adult could draw a comparison between the two.
  29. Orion

    Orion Not Ordinary

    <div class='quotetop'>QUOTE</div><div class='quotemain'> <div class='quotetop'>QUOTE</div><div class='quotemain'> <div class='quotetop'>QUOTE</div><div class='quotemain'> When did this come out about Gerald McClelland?  What exactly did he do?

    If it is true that he tortured/killed a dog, then I'm glad he got beaten into a slobbering retard.  (And no, Socrates, I'm not getting into a debate with you about animal and human lives, etc. because first and foremost, I DON'T GIVE A FUCK what you think.)  Fuck anyone who tortures animals.

    Another thing I am always wondering is how ANYONE can think that being a homosexual is a choice.  Who would choose that lifestyle given the persecution they face?  Let me guess what happens with you guys.  You're in a pub and a giuy and a girl walk by you.  By nature you check out the girl's ass and then the guy's ass and then because you want to be normal and a good Christian and not a sinner, you decide you like the girl's ass more and want to hit it?  There's no fucking choice at all with me.  I have always been attracted to women and women's features.  If you have to make a CHOICE between the sexes then maybe we should wonder about you. [/b][/quote]
    People make choices every day knowing the consequences, some people simply don't care what society thinks about them. [/b][/quote]
    So you made a conscious choice to be a Heterosexual, is that what you're saying?

    And this happened WHEN, exactly? [/b][/quote]
    When I reached the age of pubery and started liking women. The option is always there for me to date men, I choose not to because I have no desire to. If there is one thing about people that makes them unique is that they all have different interests.

    You might decide to become a fireman for a living, its not what I want to do but its your choice. That doesn't mean you don't have other choices, you simply choose not to.
  30. Orion

    Orion Not Ordinary

    <div class='quotetop'>QUOTE</div><div class='quotemain'> <div class='quotetop'>QUOTE</div><div class='quotemain'> <div class='quotetop'>QUOTE</div><div class='quotemain'>
    :YeahRight: [/b][/quote]
    As usual your comeback is weak. If you believe that I said something idiotic, try to refute it....IF YOU CAN?

    While you're at it refute this:

    If a person has the NATURAL URGE to kill a person as soon as that person upset them...does this justify murder?

    If a person has the NATURAL URGE to have sex with his mother (and she was willing also)....does this justify incest?

    Can the Homosexual gene conspiracy theory be applied to Polygamy, Incest, Pedophilia, Beastility, bisexuality and any other DEVIANT behaviour?

    I'm waiting Mr Liberal Homosympathizer.... [/b][/quote]
    I've never brought the "gene" up. :huh:

    I believe that at some point during very early development these things just form for themselves.

    Most people are Heterosexual, but some develop a little differently and Homosexuality occurs.

    Of just about every Gay person I've ever met (all 10 or 15 of 'em :D ) I have always asked them this question: "When did you first realize you were different?"

    EVERY SINGLE ONE OF THEM told me that they felt different at kindergarten age. They knew, even then, that they were different from the other boys and girls.
    Now, this is before the ages when a kid becomes sexually aware or curious.

    How do you explain that away?

    I've never met a gay person who said "Well, I just decided to start sucking cocks for the hell of it when I was 18. I decided I didn't like Pussy anymore" [/b][/quote]
    Well considering its not exactly accepted by society, you ever think that some of them would rather blame their sexual preference on their genes instead of simply saying that they prefer something that's not the norm and risk ridicule?

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