Watched this film last night and thought it wiz quality. Ah wiz a wee bit surprised at the flashes o’ ultra violence and torture, quite disturbing. Overall, a good spy thriller and makes me wish we (the UK) were on better terms wi’ the Ruskies. Ah’d love tae visit there but Ah just cannae get past them trying tae poison us.
Don’t take the attempt to poison y’all personally. That was done by the government, not the people. Most atrocities are committed by governments, if the people approve it’s usually because they were duped, they were idiots or a little bit of both. So feel free to visit Russia whenever you want.
I found it appallingly un-interesting, fell asleep about 2/3rds of the way through and had no interest in re-visiting the rest of the movie. I went into it thinking it might be a sleeper, but was shocked by how disinterested I was in it. Characters were thin as rice paper.
Yep. Totally agreed. One can get that much from the trailer but for me, it's Jennifer Lawrence and the tits.
Jennifer Lawrence has nice tits. But we already knew that from The Fappening. Jennifer Lawrence's butt-hole didn't take a picture of itself.