You must be kidding here. Tyson talked about wanting Ruddock to kiss him with those big lips. He told people that he would fuck them till they loved him. He went to kiss Lennox lustfully after their fight. He obviously hated women like gays often do. And he had the gayest voice ever. Like it or not, it is obvious Tyson was a butt-pirate
Mohawk Bum took the punches that made little-Micky cry and quit. Also the Mohawk Bum was same size as Tyson and hurt Lewis more than Tyson's best shots. I'd pick Mavrovic over any version of Tyson
no way...i have never seen a bigger bum in my life than Mohawk Bum something must have been up Lewis that night...he was going through a divorce or something :dunno:
the fact that Mohawk Bum landed a single punch on Lewis is proof that any top 20 heavyweight would have KO'd Lewis in round 2
No, it proved that the Mohawk Bum was much better than many of the so called champions of the past. Tyson would have been a lower top-10 contender in Mohawk era
put "me" ? i'm not even a pro fighter.. this is about Lemmon as a boxer and his career I thought? Lennox is a punk though IMO... see how Rahman punked him
Lennox was old, tired, overweight, not motivated, flabby, had the wrong shoes on, was put off by the other guys hairstyle, wanted to put on a show etc etc etc....:shit: Lewis was a formidable heavyweight, but he looked less than "monstrous" on a great many occassions- by any comparison one cares to make.
LL won that fight. No need for excuses. Not even one about having only two weeks notice before the fight.
All of that is besides the point- what I was saying was that as brutal and as powerful as Lewis undoubtedly was, he had some pretty soporific outings of his own which people have either forgotten, are ignoring, or never knew about in the first place.
Make NO Mistake, Lennox Lewis was a GREAT Heavyweight, Historically...& he's Top 5 @ WORST, in a Head to Head Sense, All-Time...As Such, Sucking Dick as a PastTime SHOULDN'T B Held Against him... REED:mj:
He's a School Teacher in FINLAND, Brother LOK...Even Jaws, Replete w/PIPECLEANER Arms, Caucasoid ETHIOPIAN Physique & SUAR Punching Technique, is MORE of a Threat... REED:mj:
Lennox has a weird following, I guess he's like Brit, Canadian, Jamician and he pulls from some places.. but aside from all that if you look at it fairly, he is one of the worst if not THE worst to have been champ!
I never understood where all the "Lewis is gay" stuff came from, other than his having a british accent anyway, he was a great fighter who could have been undefeated if he'd been a little less lazy
It was the whole English, tea-drinking, Candian, polite and respectful reputation. I mean, he drinks tea, loves his mom, and doesn't rape wimmins. Hes obviously a flamer.