Well, I did say it was a guess. But honestly, and you're not dumb, do you really think Overeem is clean?
Ummm, but you quoted my post. I'll admit it confused me, because I thought we were tight and shit. I mean, after all, I rigged the contest so you could win.....oops.
Steve_Dave and Shania Twain have really made me start to think differently about Canada. I sure hope he doesn't let Justin Bieber screw things back up.
Says who? When was the last time Overeem went through the same testing procedures that Lesnar and GSP were?
He was independantly test for the Rogers fight. Wouldn't lay my life on it but heard that k-1 has a drug testing policy and it was confirmed by fighters who fought for them.
Plus, Shane Mosley, Jameel McCline, Shane Carwin, Holyfield are all fighters that tested clean yet have been found to have a ped supplier, wich I'm sure, was only to heal faster from an injury. Don't kid yourself, it's easy as hell to beat the test
Lol @ "independent" testing And it is widely speculated that part of the reason that he fights K1 is because they don't test.
You're right. Both of these children are making this so called"small but educated board" a complete waste of time. The last thread was closed because little trip kept throwing a tantrum and couldn't let it go once he failed. A2M caused the original flame war, gets banned, comes back two days later and then starts a brand new thread called "grasping at straws" to continue the bullshit? Are you kidding me? How is this thread even up??:admin: Trip don't you have fry shift to manage? TLC what are you on spring break? It's just plain sad. Most of you guys are cool and if you disagree you manage to find a way to at least recognize educated points. Even if shit talking occurs. But trip and TLC you're going to keep this board from ever getting past 20 active members. Either decide you want to be an educated MMA fan and have intelligent discussions. Or continue trying to be the coolest guy out of five. Peace out. It's the weekend and Im gonna get laid and not think about this retarded circle jerk any longer. Bob, Gold, New, God, even jarhead thanks for making this threadjust bareable enough for me not to throw my phone outthe window. Though I'm sure Trip could sell me a new one on my next trip to the mall;) Holla
I agree with you that it is easy to beat. It's just unfair for you to throw GSP under the bus like that.
Just as it is unfair of you to throw Overeem under the bus. To me, it's obvious that both of them are on something. Overeem just get picked on because he's not liked around here and not a UFC poster boy. Shit, Lesnar and Carwin ( who was actually busted for roids ) gets less shit than he does.
Chris Lauer Professional Fighter Join Date: Sep 2002 Location: Japan Posts: 95 When I competed in K-1 I was required to give a urine sample before the fights right after the doctor check. One thing you need to think about is that K-1 is for heavey weights. We are all natuarlly large people. So much more so than others. I am 240lbs. I have been that weight for over a decade, but my body has matured on its own since my early twenties. I look more muscular now than did then even though I weigh exactly the same. I can not vouch for everyone in K-1, but you have think these people are full time fighters, the top guys are trainnig really hard, because that is all they have to do, and I garuntee you that resistance trainnig is part of the regimine. With that said the unrinalysis is not the best way to test for testorone boosters, so if someone was going to abuse steriods they could find ways to mask that use. Also in Japan I would not say steriods per se are legal, but there are steriod like meds that can be obtained otc, or prescribed very easily that you can not get that way in other countries. This you have to be very careful with. For example you can get what is considered cold medicine over here otc, but you would need a presicption for the same meds in the US. For me personnaly I have completed 7 unrinalysis tests last year, and I would not want to take that risk, even if offered to me by a Japanese doctor.
Cmon man, have you seen how much he has grown over the past few years? It's obvious. There is nothing obvious about GSP.