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And Yuri Boy Campas was 56-0 when he took on Tito Trinidad and 72-2 when he fought Nando Vargas :bears:
makes sense, an easy fight for mayweather jr and a big payday. honestly i doubt a berto fight would sell more than 200,000 extra buys. berto has no name and has fought no one. not to mention berto will demand several million dollars more than spadafora. this fight will sell at least 600,000 to 700,000 homes and mayweather jr will make at least 15 million dollars.
if the public expects this to be a competitive fight then they deserve to be ripped off for being poor consumers. a lot of non boxing fans who order this fight will be entertained simply by watching mayweather jr dominate a fellow felon and win impressively.
even as a belt holder the guy was very mediocre and should have been knocked out by a guy mayweather jr beat easily with one hand. since then he has been shot in the leg, went to prison, and has not beaten a top 30 contender in several years. maybe not a bum, but its debatable.
Yeah, I got no real sympathy for people that buy this, or bought Wrestlemania to see Mayweather and the Big Show.
If Floyd needs to a fight a southpaw to prepare for a megafight with a southpaw later this year (hopefully), then he can fight Collazo, hell even a rematch with Zab is better than Spadafora.
http://community.detnews.com/apps/blogs/taxingdetroitblog/index.php?category=Floyd Mayweather Jr. IRS flattens Floyd Mayweather Jr. -- again From The Detroit News: http://community.detnews.com/apps/b...p?category=Floyd Mayweather Jr.#ixzz1IOyTyTYa
REED Always Thought the Sparring Session Took Place btwn Floyd's Fights w/Goyo Vargas & Emanuel Augustus, which was an Out of the Ring Gap of like 8 Months or So... REED:scratcher:
Mayweather was starting a camp, and Spadafora was ending a camp, that much is generally accepted. How the fuck does Floyd get into so much trouble with the tax people?
Well, Now we KNOW Floyd will Fight Again... REED's NEVER EVER Given a Flying Fuck about How Much "Money" Mayweather Had (or Any Other Fighter, for that Matter)...It's Bad Enough Dude Carries Backpacks w/THOUSANDS of Dollars in them @ a Time, but Now he's "Tweeting" about his Money???...WHO Gives a Shit, Homey???... Even if Floyd Bragged Incessantly about the Size of his DICK, he COULDN'T B MORE Immature than this Infatuation w/PUBLICIZING his Financial Exploits Makes him Look... REED:kidcool:
Did U FORGET to Attach a Laughing Smiley???...Spaddy was TALLER, but Hatton was Naturally BIGGER, STRONGER & More ATHLETIC...Spaddy WOULDN'T even have a Puncher's Chance Here & Despite his "Boxing" Skills, Dude was a SUAR Defensive Fighter... Prime for Prime, Hatton ENGAGES Spaddy @ Will, ROUGHS Him Up on the Inside & STOPS him by the Mid to Late Rounds...Spaddy vs. Hatton WOULND'T Look Much Different than Malignaggi vs. Hatton...Only Paulie had a Better Set of WHEELS & Better DEFENSE than Spaddy Did... REED:scratcher:
I just dont see it. I think Spaddy boxes circles around Hatton. And i also think spaddy beats Paulie M. Spaddy is a slick Boxer. I always saw Paulie as a poor Man's Spaddy.
As for Mayweather vs. Spaddy, Despite it CLEARLY Being a SHITTY Matchup, REED would Admittedly Watch it...But ONLY as a PPV REPLAY on a Regular HBO Telecast...If it's PPV, REED WON'T Even Go Out of his Way to Find Out the Result, on Fightnight... REED:hammert:
Malignaggi won a tite at 140. Spaddy won a title at 135. He had some very basic defences before he ran into trouble vs a guy that Cotto blasted out in 4 rounds. Spaddy made the excuse at the time that he was tired, and true enough it was his 5th fight in a year, but he never liked grinding pressure and the guy Sosa had him in serious trouble early on. Sosa wasn't even a threat at 140. Cotto busted the guys lip open and dropped him inside 4. Spaddy also looked desperately short of ideas vs Leo Dorin, who was blasted out in a few rounds by Gatti. Prime Hatton creases the guy.
Spaddy was a Jab & Pivot Guy w/ZERO Headmovement & ZERO Power...Prime Hatton had SUPERIOR (ie.,QUICKER) Footwork which would Allow him to EASILY Dictate the Terms of Engagement... If U Can't HURT Ricky Hatton, he's a NIGHTMARE...Spaddy WOULDN'T B Able to Earn Hatton's Respect...Spaddy COULDN'T Punch a Lick @ 135, Whereas Hatton was a TRUE 140 that Could Wing it @ '47...Even a Fighter as Skilled as Floyd had Issues Keeping Hatton @ a DISTANCE, but the Thing is, Floyd was Able to HURT Hatton & Make him Pay for his Transgressions... REED Just CAN'T See Spaddy Doing That... REED:kidcool:
As Reed has pointed out, Hatton actually had better feet. People forget this. Hatton could move in and out, and if you can't hurt Hatton, you can't discipline him. It took Hatton, a shot Hatton, exactly 1 round to figure out Malignaggi. Lazcano, Oliveira, Tackie........I would put money on them to beat Spadafora. The only reason Spadafora is even relevant today is because the repeated hiatus kept him relatively fresh.