Dudes work ethic is impressive,especially after being in the sport as long as he has.Old Man Mosley is toast <iframe title="YouTube video player" width="640" height="390" src="http://www.youtube.com/embed/0JN8Nque1Sc" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>
Awesome! thanks for posting this. The core is the most important area for any sort of fighting. I've noticed a consistency in combat sports that all the top level athletes have extremely strong abs and lower back. Some top level fighters have big arms, some don't. Some have big chest, shoulders and legs, others don't, but they all have a strong core. It is far more important then just helping with taking body shots, it's what connects the entire body together and allows it to work as one, the end all be all in fighting. I know I sound like some infomercial for an ab routine but research it for yourself and I bet you would agree.
You're 100% correct; here's the research from the mayo clinic! http://www.mayoclinic.com/health/core-exercises/SM00071
Well the good thing is I have been doing that same workout for over 10yrs. I got the movements from a fitness guru Al Bianconi. amazing to me that its the same exactly!:scratcher:
I did notice that whenever Green jabbed you to the body Oates that he'd back up and rotate his wrist around a little bit, he was hurtin' more than you were.