:TLC: <iframe src="http://www.youtube.com/embed/iKVM5_O0DdU?rel=0" allowfullscreen="" frameborder="0" height="390" width="640"></iframe>
Neat but more of it could have been POV. If ever fights Mayweather they should mount a big camera on Floyd's shoulders so we could get POV shots the entire time.
None of this shit would be available for PBF since his sparring sessions are private affairs. PBF is the apocalypse personified. The fact such a figure exists in our society, besides providing compelling insight into the dynamics of the downfall of humanity, is in addition no doubt a leading indicator of the end of our civilzation as we know it. In this sense, his wealth is in fact a gift to those of us who would like to know: what does the actualization of a a bankrupt soul actually look like? Let's face it, fortunately, the majority of individuals as void of character and values as PBF don't usually succeed financially. But PBF's talent, and the mgmt team surrounding him, have managed to give us, the main stream, a window into the would-be undreds of thousands of mis-guided and soulless winners of a game that barely exceeds the sophistiication and depth of a Milton Bradley board game.
If there was somebody new to fightbeat and they read this post they might form the impression that you're not a fan.
well in case you didn't read closely, and got the impression i was comparing "boxing" to a milton bradley game, then i should clarify that that wasn't what i meant at all. the game i was comparing to one of milton bradley's was the game to get the biggest rims, the shiniest necklaces and the most expensive clothes. nobody toying with the idea of following boxing should be turned off by evidence that at least one of the sport's existing fans (me) sees PBF for what he is: a piece of shit. and that he recognizes that his existence, whether you like boxing or not, is a bad sign for our civilization, and that he typifies the individuals we can safely classify as part of the problem and certainly not part of the solution. if you can explain to me how this has anything to do with the merits of boxing as a sport, its entertainment value, or the degrading of its many admirable champions and stars, then please do, and if i see fit, i will recant whatever it is i've said that in fact could crive away new fans.
OK, but are you for or against my idea of mounting a large camera on Floyd's shoulders so we can get full POV camera shots against Manny?
Against......all we will see for most of the fight is the crowd, Mayweather shoulder rolling all night...
It's David Byrne. But I am a very artistic and creative flower. Just like a total free spirit & stuff, you know?
There are much worse humans than Floyd. You're one of them for example. You play all nice and sweet here, but we all know you have about ten women locked in your basement. You don't like fighters that are elusive, in or out of the ring, and that's your prerogative. But to spout all of this stuff about the end of our civilization, bankrupt soul, downfall of humanity etc exposes the crazy inner serial killer that you are......
I see why alot of his opponents get overwhelmed.I mean ,how can you avoid all that while he's stalking you
If the mosley early doors vs margarito turns up vs pac, will he have his best chance to hurt pac the most, even send pac to the canvas?