Foot speed? Floyd's footspeed is nothing special at 147. Again, this aint 130 pound Floyd we're talking about.
Shake, what you're misunderstanding is the bit that "The opponents do similarly well against common opposition etc". Meaning, they are considered the same class of fighter, but when the fight happens, it's a style mismatch. THAT's why it's a style mistmatch, because it's all about styles rather than one fighter just being WAY better than the other. Your examples are awful because they all list one fighter that's simply much better than the other ::
Fights where two guys have done (or go on to do) comparably well against common opponents but their match up turns out one sided. Like Frazier did comparably well against common opponents as Foreman, Duran and Hearns ditto, Norton & Shavers ditto etc. By the looks of the lack of good examples in the thread it seems a pretty rare occurance....I must admit I can't think of many more beyond the ones in the OP off the top of my head. Locche-Cervantes maybe Pacquiao-Barrera Mosley-Margarito
I'm clueless at the minute, really I am. One that came to mind straight away was foreman vs frazier, but that's been said already. :kidcool:
That is really tough, because usually a lesser fighter beats/makes it more competitive than expected against a better fighter due to styles, but two fighters with similar levels of career accomplishments, plus age/weight/stuff doesn´t play into it and it is one-sided that is very tough. How often do you find even money fights these days?