Again, VIDEO FOOTAGE. I don't watch most contemporary fights live either but I catch them on torrent the next day. It's the same fucking footage. I suppose I can't have an opinion on Godfather II either because I didn't see it on the first day of release. Talk sense and quit trying to pull rank.
Yeah, the whole "I watched it live" thing is one of the weirdest arguments there is... it makes no sense... it is totally illogical
It's MOSTLY Silly, but it DOES Give U PERSPECTIVE that Can Sometimes B LOST, Watching a Fight Years Later...For Instance, Watching Floyd vs. Manfredy or Corrales is ALOT Different NOW, than if U'd Seen it Back when it Actually Transpired... Manfredy had like 1 Loss & WOULD have Been Named "Fighter of the Year", had he Beaten Floyd...& Corrales was Akin to a Superfeather Version of a Pre-Zaire George Foreman; a Stone Cold KILLER... REED:mj:
But is the perspective of the time the correct perspective? It certainly enriches & deepens your picture of their career but does it give you any better an objective view on it? At the end of the day Mandredy was wildly over hyped, that's ultimately the truth, though not the perspective of journalists & allot of fans at the time. The Lacy win is another one like that. That's not revisionism, it's perspective(by the same token some wins grow in significance with time).
Bit of a wrestling match, but a fantastic, absorbing fight. Duran was relentless, Leonard, quite flustered, but had his moments and never gave up.
My point about watching it live had nothing to do with it giving me a better or worse perspective. It was a direct response to Hut's accusation that people with an opinion opposite his never watched the fight and based their opinion on reading a synopsis. So my response was quite simply, "Fuck that noise. I watched the fight before your ass was born."
Here's the Thing... @ the Time, Manfredy was THE MOST DANGEROUS Opponent Floyd Could have Chosen, After Taking Genaro Hernandez's Title from him... Manfredy was Fresh Off of Upsetting Arturo Gatti & was Actually Ranked HIGHER than Floyd was @ 130, Prior to Floyd Beating Hernandez & Becoming Champion...On Top of that, Floyd Faced Manfredy No More than like 6 WEEKS After he Beat Hernandez & Manfredy had like 1 Loss TOTAL...RING Magazine Let it B Known that the Winner was their Clear-Cut Choice for 1998's "Fighter of the Year" & HBO Let it B Known that the Winner Would ALSO Get a Multi-Fight Contract to B on their Airwaves...There was ALOT Riding on this Fight, to Say the Least... It was Really 1 of the More AMBITIOUS Moves REED's EVER Seen from a Young Fighter, yet Floyd Rarely, if EVER Gets Credit for Beating Manfredy Anymore...& if a Guy Merely Boxrec's the Name "Angel Manfredy" that Certainly WON'T Give them an APPRECIATION for the Task Floyd Had @ Hand... As Crazy as it Sounds, Manfredy MIGHT have Been as Much as an EVEN MONEY Pick w/Boxing People @ the Time, yet Hindsight & Revisionist's History NEVER Seems to Recall that... REED:dancingBaby:
This is a great point, the general perspective of the boxing fans and media changes over time though the results of the fights never change. One thing I think everyone can respect Leonard for is that he was never scared of a rough fight. In Angelo Dundee's book A View from my Corner he said that when he came into leonard's camp to prepare him for Hagler, Leonard was going to try to go toe-to-toe with Hagler! It took some convincing to get get him to realize it was be much smarter to box.
why do all of your potential opponents have to waste money on a plane ticket to come see you? Karl Calzaghe? I'm not wasting money on a ticket... why don't you fly to CT instead?
That was a couple of years before my time and definitely good info in appraising Floyd's willingness to take on risks and challenges (at the time anyway).
If you REALLY want to fight, you need to come and see me in person rather than type on an internet message board. Tell you what: I'll meet you halfway in Colorado Springs next month at the USA Nationals if you are intent on settling with me in person, and it will be your ass. Karl
is Co Springs the halfway point between connecticut and houston? your geography as fine tuned as your journalistic integrity.
yeah, thats the HALFWAY point between Texas and Connecticut, idiot:tick: what will you be doing at the USA nationals, earning some restraining orders? doing a little Sugar Ray Leonard Olympic Trainer work?:limp: you bring all of this abuse on yourself, you deserve every bit of it... nobody would care if you disappeared
I will be there and hope to finally meet you in person. Be a man and show up, and let us settle this once and for all, OK? It is just a fight, nothing more, and I am going to make you hard feelings afterwards.
:: In earnest, though, Hut is right, friend. You are (& don't take this to heart) too old for this kind of foolishness.