No one should buy cunt Mayweather's ppv anymore

Discussion in 'General Boxing Discussion' started by Rainmaker, Jun 10, 2011.

  1. cdogg187

    cdogg187 GLADYS

    Dec 3, 2002
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    Beyond The Pale

    he's not in his prime, Hanz

    his prime was 10 years ago

    you can't dissect his career at all below 140, you just can't

    it alone makes him a great fighter

    you have to beat legendary fighters to be a great fighter?

    name some great fighters for me... tell me who is great... If Floyd Mayweather isn't a great fighter, then surely you can name 30 guys or so who you think are greater and they will have legendary names all over their resumes, correct?

    if he is "nothing", surely you can name at least 5 Junior Lightweights EVER who would have a realistic shot at beating him... go ahead, do so

    you haven't dissected anything, you've nitpicked the last 5 years or so and completely ignored the remarkable 10 years that came before it, because it is convenient to your current gripe

    you can trash Mayweather for fighting Marquez, perhaps Hatton, Mosley, you could say he was uninspiring against Hoya... but you cant really trash him for Baldomir or Judah... they were holding legit belts... he beat them both easily... you could say that he avoided Margarito if you want... but how can you trash him for fighting Victor Ortiz? boxing sucks terribly right now, the fighters just aren't very good, the talent pool is thin... but is Victor Ortiz not the best welterweight not named Manny Pacquaio currently fighting? didn't he just win a title off of Berto? how is it not a legit fight? because Mayweather is so much better? he's not handpicking the guy, the guy is what currently passes for a good fighter... who should Mayweather fight? you want to blame it all on Floyd because he is a terrible person, not because it is logical... all of this is as much Pac's fault as it is Floyd's ... outside of Pac, how exactly is Ortiz not a worthy fight? who exactly is it that Floyd is ducking?

    Go back and watch Mayweather in his actual prime (many years ago) against Diego Corrales, watch him make it look like easiest thing in the world, 5 knockdowns, complete domination, Corrales couldn't lay a glove on him... watch that and come back on here and tell us all he's "nothing" and 'not a great fighter"

    I hate Floyd as much or more than you do, but you can not take away what the guy did as a young man
  2. Hanz

    Hanz Roberto Duran

    Jun 21, 2004
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    To me he's a very good fighter, not a great fighter. A great fighter doesn't go life and death with a shot inactive Oscar and squeak by in a 12 round decision in the biggest fight of his life where performance means everything. And he doesn't jab and run for 12 rounds like a fairy against Baldomir or fight guys way past their best days (Mosley) or take fights putting his opponents at completely ridiculous disadvantages in size (Hatton and Marquez fighting well out of their best weightclass). That to me is a guy taking advantage of fans and the sport in general. It's why the f*cking sport today is looked at as nothing but a joke.
    I got nothing against what Floyd did 10 years ago but what he's done over these past few years undoes everything else. Roy Jones had some great performances in his early career but then he took advantage of his contract and was handpicking fights against complete scrubs nobody had ever heard of, milking his bogus HBO contract to the point where fans were doing a Roycott and demanding he fight the best. Regardless, the guy had to make a rap song just to remind people that he actually fought competition worth a sh*t at one point which people may have forgotten about.
    Mayweather is a good boxer and he's lucky to be at the forefront now that the superstars of yesteryear have retired or are shot (Trinidad, DLH, Tyson, Holyfield, Lewis, Vargas, etc).
    But he's a running joke and has made a farce of the sport and of himself. You think what he did 10 years back means he deserves respect? I respect him for what he did then. What's he done in the past 5 years? Fought a couple of shot fighters, fought a couple of tiny men outside of their weightclasses, not wanting to fight a dangerous fighter in Pacquaio, and retiring for a year to 2 years inbetween fights.
    Tyson had a huge fanbase before prison. His rep and popularity took a massive hit post-prison. Sure people will remember Tyson as a great fighter pre-prison but they'll also remember the ducking handpicking cheating motherf*cker post-prison too. Same thing with Floyd. Some fans will remember him for those early years but many many more fans will remember him as the guy who chicken sh*tted out of a fight with Pacquiao.:dunno: On top of that, he fought in a crap era where his best fight was against a shot Oscar.
  3. Dog Jones

    Dog Jones WBC Silver Diamond Emeritus Champ

    May 3, 2010
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    On the forum index, I read this as "No one should buy cunt"
  4. Neil

    Neil tueur de grenouilles

    Jan 3, 2006
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    The Cal Ripken of Alcoholism
    im surprised and a bit ashamed of cdogg for typing more than a paragraph in response to panz's typical hyperbole
  5. cdogg187

    cdogg187 GLADYS

    Dec 3, 2002
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    Beyond The Pale
    sorry, Neil :Wah:

    why you hurt me like that, Neil?
  6. Hanz

    Hanz Roberto Duran

    Jun 21, 2004
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    Neil's the biggest Floyd nuthugger there ever was. Of course he's gonna say that.:lol:
  7. boxerpuncher

    boxerpuncher Undisputed Champion

    Jan 23, 2003
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    Why don't you stick to talking about things you actually know something about? Like let me see..........................nothing.

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