Wlad will have a hard time getting off against a mobile quick opponent. Haye will make him look real bad at times.
I don't believe I've seen any mobs in the ring back when Haye and Klit were smashed in the ring by the likes of Purrity, Thompson and Sanders, who couldn't even make it to top-50 back in the 90s. There's a reason boxing fans all over the world despise both Haye and Klit: they're fake phony frauds, pure and simple.
Yes but Haye brings superior afletifism and skillz, yo. Has anyone else noticed how Haye, basically, has a rudimentary 1-2 and then some very wide, looping shots?
I am watching all his fights with the commentary turned down. Like any fighter, it is easy to break him down into positives and negatives. Against Carl Thompson, Haye was outjabbed with ease by the older Thompson. "The Big Ragu", a guy on youtube, a pretty fair analyst, questioned Haye's assertion that it was the making of the weight which killed him in the Thompson fight. Critically, Ragu questions how Haye could have been so drained at 200 but continued to fight on there for two years after the fact :dunno: I'm not even sure that Haye has a dominant jab. He seems to be some sort of a half-assed speedy slugger. I was impressed by the 1-2 which dropped Ruiz, but Ruiz came out to begin the fight by plodding manfully forward- straight into the power shot. Yet, even at that, Haye wasn't able to finish him, and resorted to clubbing behind the head. 8 rounds later the fight finally ended, yet Haye did not score a knockdown from the 5th round on. Haye thrives off, and needs, flat, dead-spots in fights. Against Harrison, Ruiz, Barrett and Valuev, Haye was able to break off and take time outs, before resuming an attack, or throwing a punch, etc. He won't get those flat-spots versus Wlad. I think he will have to really really come up with something very special to get this one done. I'm not sure he's that special of a fighter and I'm not sure Adam Booth, the so-called "Magic One" has formulated any special tactics. When old-ass Roger stopped a British TV crew in the lobby of a Vegas hotel in December 2007, he told them what Hatton would need to beat Floyd. The Jab. Hatton didn't have it, or didn't produce it, but Floyd did and i am sure Wlad will too. For all the talk and all the hype and all of Wlad's supposed flaws, this is still boxing and the jab is still key.
Wlad also is cut prone. He's got quite a bit of scar tissue around the eyes. If Haye can open those old wounds, Wlad might start getting desperate and be lured away from his gameplan only to get careless and leave himself more open. We basically all know what Wlad will bring. Not quite sure how Haye will approach this fight. If he'll be cautious or looking to put doubt into Wlad at the offset. I'm not sure if Haye is coming for a payday or looking to actually become the undisputed world champion.
I agree with a lot of this. What's Haye looking for? A respectable effort where he doesn't get his fairly limited brains scrambled, in return for a paycheque, or all the marbles??? I think he is, true to his form, going to try and make things as awkward and as obtuse as possible. Its a question of whether he gets to Wlad before Wlad gets to him. Haye's energy runs down pretty quickly and Wlad will be able to time him much easier as the fight goes on, if it goes on. As for the cuts, again I agree. Wlad has been cut before, mainly by head clashes. Haye is the shorter man and will be leaping in and they will clash, with Haye's head coming up through and into Wlad's face. It will be up to Wlad to minimize this by keeping Haye on the outside and timing his lunges, disciplining him with right hands on the way in. That said Wlad is probably going to incur some sort of facial damage and Haye will be using his braided hair to aggravate the matter. Haye's modus will be leap in, clash, club to the back of the head and use what he thinks is his superior-speed to get out before Wlad can lean on him. When Wlad was cut vs Brock, he actually kept his temper, doubled his jab output and eventually set the big right up. <iframe width="480" height="390" src="http://www.youtube.com/embed/nIKWa0pTxvo" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe><object style="height: 390px; width: 640px"><param name="movie" value="http://www.youtube.com/v/KNYam_0nNQM?version=3"><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"><param name="allowScriptAccess" value="always"><embed src="http://www.youtube.com/v/KNYam_0nNQM?version=3" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowfullscreen="true" allowScriptAccess="always" width="640" height="390"></object>
Anybody else picked up on Hayes weight fluctuations?? 222 for Ruiz, but 210.5lbs for Harrison? 217 for Bonin, and then back down to 199.75lbs for Mormeck?? Supposedly he was drained for the Thompson fight, but had no difficulty putting on weight and losing weight more than 2 years later. He even managed to take off another 2lbs, near as makes no difference, between the Mormeck and Maccarinelli fights.
Am I telling the truth??? Do folk have a bee in their bonnet over the Germans?? Every time I turn on the BBC or Sky News I see Paxman or Boulton telling me about the imminent collapse of the Euro, quickly followed by Kelvin McKuntzie telling me how lucky they all are to be still using Sterling. This is in turn followed by Danny "Beaker" Alexander announcing more years work for less pay. Will you be striking this June? You might be relying on that other pet peeve of the British, Michael O'Leary, to get your arse out of England and into Germany yet. :laughing:
Haye will be as nervous as hell & come out winging, hoping for a miracle. Wlad will keep his head & break him down methodically. Haye will start complaining to the ref, looking for a place to fall & trying to find some way to mitigate the inevitable stoppage loss.
Or Haye will go walkabout, drawing glowing praise from the British commentators for his "scientific approach and cool patience".... Haye will land headbutts and rabbit punches and probably be deducted points before finally being decommissioned any time after the 5th round, whereupon he will declare Germany to be an unsafe place for non-Germans and go scuttling back to England a veritable hero. :shit:
Yeah also very possible. I'm sure that any stoppage other than a clean one shot K.O will be deemed "controversial", & that Wlad would have "got away with murder in there". Also, before (insert controversial incident here) happened, Haye would have been "getting the better of the exchanges", & would have "never really have been in any trouble", or hurt in any way.
It's part of the reason why I am hoping that Wladimir and Vitali go to the UK after they are through with Haye and Adamek respectively. I think the British public and the British press shouldn't be allowed off so cheaply for Hayes affairs...Wladimir should do what Floyd did, show up in London to promote his next fight. Preferably against Chisora.
First off I never said he was rudimentary. I said he had a rudimentary 1-2. Basic, fundamental, core. I never said that he or his 1-2 were total rubbish, merely that they do in fact constitute a large part of his arsenal to the extent that whatever else he has flows from them. As for bolstering Wlad's resume, I am glad you brought it up. I want to see solid pic, sold predictions as to how the fight will end. No more of this silence followed up by "We always knew Haye/Lacy/Sam Peter was shit" routine.
I, too, have a very low opinion of David Haye and believe Wladimir should be able to beat him with ease
Good stuff. I think Haye has certain limited talents. I think he doesn't punch as hard as his fans think he does and his reviews in the UK press have been favourable to the point of absurdity. I'm not saying Haye can't win, I would never rule anyone out in a HW title fight, but the reasons posited as to why Haye will win and how lead me to believe that these people don't actually know anything about boxing and follow the sport only in the most tangential sense.
Most of you guys talking sh*t on Haye. Everybody knows you f*ckers damn well are secretly hoping he lays one flush on Wlad and knocks him the f*ck out! You know you want it!!!! Don't f*cking lie!!! Nobody on this f*cking board wants Wlad as champ! Everybody want to see him in a real fight by now. Not fighting a bunch of zombies and midgets with no pedigree or skill. People are secretly supporting Haye on here. That's the damn truth!!! :rock1:
That probably is true. I'm not looking for people to open their hearts, just give me their plain opinions from a boxing point of view. Those outlets who have been so openly pro-Haye have built up their guy in the most outlandish fashion, and don't actually appear to know anything about boxing. That's not especially healthy for the sport.
Of course you will. The Klitschkos have dominated boxing for much of the past 7-8 years or so. And it really hasn't done sh*t for the sport in terms of interest and the quality of their fights is just absolutely garbage! There needs to be a shift. Haye needs to crunch the motherf*cker and take the belt. Boxing needs it to happen. The fans need it. There needs to be a major change even if it's short lived. Wlad as champ is just awful. Taking advantage of a massively depleted pool of talent in a sh*t era.
I wouldn't. I see it as a DISTINCT possibility though but I want Wlad to level him. Beat him the fuck down. Mash him up. Brutalize him. Haye talks too much and is too smug.
If Haye brings it and gets the job done, all the hype will be worth it. Hell even if he loses but at least makes Wlad taste canvas and puts him in a war and tears his face up a bit, that's still a hell of a better job than any of the asswipes Wlad has been fighting over the past 6 or so years. It's just the hope that Haye is coming to win and not just coming for a payday.
This coming from a Fraud F*ckweather fan!!! :atu: Wlad doesn't talk sh*t because he doesn't have anywhere near that talent but he's definitely a smug SOB who's taken advantage of the sh*t era of bums he's fighting. The guy is due for a beatdown! Haye is by far a much more marketable fighter than Wlad's boring ass! Better for the sport!