It's in spanish, so learn spanish you bums! "Sà era yo… estoy cansado de mentirle a la gente y a mà mismo. Estaba bajo el efecto del alcohol y cocaÃna y era la primera vez que lo hice" "Yes, it was me...I'm tired of lying to people and lying to myself. I was under the influence of alcohol and cocaine and it was the first time I did it".
Jeez, I guess this confirms the theory that Oscar is such a fake, even real photos of him, appear to be photo-shopped. :doh:
I knew it was real all along. Hence my recent thread about how come everyone gave him a pass on it. Next up: Eddie Murphy and the male prostitute. Richard Gere and the rat up his ass.
Too bad the photos weren't in Black and White....he could have said they were deceiving to the eye, that Oscar was in fact displaying awesome hand-speed and conditioning, and that the appearance of heels and fish-nets was down to poor-grade film.
That is pretty embarrassing. Pretty appalling, in fact. From a fans' perspective, there is no defending that (and I would cringe if someone tried). However the last person in here should be Xplosive - he has every right to hate anyone he chooses, but he is a hardened supporter of one of the biggest scumbags & under-achievers in the sport, right there in his avatar. De La Hoya is a cross-dresser and that is indefensibly shameful, but REED, your man never showed one ounce of the balls during his career that that cross-dresser did. I have the class not to defend De La Hoya here though, whereas you will always maintain the weak facade Jones had a pair. He didnt.
Why would he be smiling? Would you be pleased to know that a cross dressing, pop singer kicked your ass?
I dont recall Roy Jones ever running for his life in his biggest fight, nor do I recall him taking a dive. Roy vs DLH isnt even worth discussing. Roy was the better fighter, and the greater fighter.
I figured they were as well but, not for any reason other than the amount of photshopping on the web. It wouldn't matter who the subject was. I do recall a few people that know photoshop saying if they were fake it certainly was a very well done job though.
Didn't he SUE the ho that leaked them for defamation? Admitting that it was real now is pretty interesting in light of that.
Among other things, Oscar also admitted to faking injuries to cancel/avoid fights. Poor little Oscar, started drinking beers because he is a latino and in latino families the wifey is at the kitchen and the husband drinking a beer on the yard. Somehow that led to dressing as a woman in underwear, cocaine and wanting to die. The worst part is that it all led to a lame confession over the media. Get the fuck over it and deal with it. Plenty of people have tried coke, plenty of people has struggled with it, decided to get done with it and cleaned up their life without all this bullshit.
Hoya should go all out with the coke thing, Pryor-style... wander around the streets with dozens of hemorrhaging stomach ulcers, randomly beat the shit out of people