Arreola- he's a dangerous come-forward guy who can punch and take a punch. Secondly, the risk Adamek took, as a decidedly smaller guy, in fighting Arreola, was higher than the risk that Khan took with guys like McCloskey, Barrera, Fagan, Gomez, Lawton or any of the other sundry no-hopers he fought. Khan has routinely come in taller, heavier, longer and far fresher than the guys he was fighting. Barrera was border-line shot, and they still had to manufacture a reason to stop the fight after the 4th when it should have been declared an NC after the 2nd. Adamek by contrast accrued a good few miles in his wars with Briggs and his fight with Dawson...before moving up and unifying at 200 and then going on again to Heavyweight.
Discussion has nothing to do with Vitali. Sorry. Come out and fight Steve, or fuck off. Comprende? Adamek vs Khan, pfp people??? It's gotta be Khan, right?? Egg-Lifter for the Grifter!!!
adamek beating klitschko would be a glorious triumph for a heavyweight skeptic like myself but i still wouldnt consider him one of the ten best fighters around.
Hard to say. Khan is much better, but Adamek has a better resume. The way I like to rate pound for pound puts a little more stock in ability than accomplishment (that's what actual rankings are for) Essentially, if everyone was the same size, who would he the best? Looking at it that way, I'd pick Khan over Adamek, so I'd probably rate him higher p4p.
Pretty much wraps it up then. Major titlist in three weight divisions, first fighter ever, IIRC, to win titles at 175, 200 and Heavyweight, yet not one of the best fighters around. OK. Would it be enough to get him ahead of Amir Khan on the pfp list, though?? Or do wins over Kotelnik and Fagan prove just too big an obstacle to surmount?
Oh I see. :: So I'll tell you what Steve we'll deal the cards and you just say GIN whenever you feel like it.::
my eyes tell me khan is the better, more talented fighter. if khan fought mayweather jr he would be able to compete. he already is able to compete in the gym with pacquiao. those are the two top dogs around. when adamek faced a guy of that ilk he was outclassed.
:atu: :atu: Like Spadafora vs Mayweather?? Neil :nono: You need to get your eyes tested. My eyes tell me that Khan has no concept-zero concept of inside-fighting, leaps in, flurries, can't really hit for shit, can't hang with people who can match him physically.
Pound for Pound is about RECENCY, Dude... "Recently", Adamek's Been Feeding on a Diet of CRAP...Michael Grant, Kevin McBride, Vinny Maddalone (:scared:), Jason Estrada, Arreola...The Only LEGIT Contender in that Mix is Arreola...Moreso, Grant & McBride Actually LASTED the DISTANCE w/ Adamek... Pound for Pound is about WHO you Beat, HOW you Beat them & WHAT you've Done Lately...Arreola's Really THE ONLY Meaningful Guy Adamek has Fought SINCE the Cunningham Fight...While Adamek's OVERALL Resume is Better, Khan & Ward have Beaten a Better Crop of Opponents LATELY...& They've Done it Rather IMPRESSIVELY as Well... REED:mj:
P4p top 10 1. Floyd Mayweather 2. Manny Pacman 3. Andre Ward 4. Wlad Klitchko 5. Amir Khan 6. Juan Manual Marquez 7. Bernard Hopkins 8. Nonito Donaire 9. Tim Bradley 10. Sergio Martinez
It's about who the best fighters in the world are, right now. Hopping around weight classes can certainly help prove that case, but isn't the essence of p4p.
P4P's gotta be = 'who's the best fighter in the world today relative to their weight class'. Adamek'll get credit when his career's over for the trajectory of it, but p4p ain't about judging careers, it's about right now. And right now Adamek is a heavyweight (like Pac is a welterweight and should be judged solely as a welterweight in p4p rankings for as long as he fights there).
Absolutely. Because Adamek is now a heavyweight. :dunno: It's the kind of cracked reasoning that had people rating Chris Byrd higher than Wlad Klitschko ten years ago after Wlad splattered him all over the ring for 12 rounds. 'Ah but imagine if he dropped 3 weight classes, he would be unbeatable'. Fucking stupid.
Difficult to image the case for saying Bernard Hopkins is a better fighter than Nonito Donaire in 2011.
Oh, so pound-for-pound is about recency. Adamek has fought a slew of guys who held height and weight advantages, power and strength advantages. I don't care how weak a division is, Adamek runs the risk of being steamrollered in every fight he has, so far removed from his original fighting weight. There comes a point where the size difference becomes so big that any disparity in talent retains less signficance. We're not talking about a bean-pole filling in as he moves incrementally along, 3lbs here, 4lbs there, from hell, 135 to 147 is 12lbs but 3 divisions. Adamek routinely takes on much much bigger men. Truth be told, there is NO WAY that Amir Khan moves up 25lbs and wins a title right now. And I don't care how recent his win over Zab Judah is, Judah is himself the definition of anti-recency. What has Judah done recently? Oh yeah, he beat a guy for a paper title.
truth be told if khan went up to super middleweight and fought will McIntyre he'd beat the daylights out of that bum. no different than what adamek has been doing his past 3 fights
Pound for Pound is all about how men would perform if they were a different size to what they are, that is to say, the same size as their hypothetical comparators.......well Adamek is fighting guys who are a different size to what he is, and was. If that doesn't encapsulate pound-for-pound, then I don't know what does. Zab fucking Judah....:: Anyone who thinks a shot, oft-ko'd. doesn't-want-to-be-there Judah constituted more of a threat to Amir Khan than Arreola or Grant constituted to Adamek needs their head looking at. You take on a guy who is that much bigger, that much heavier, that much stronger, who knows pretty much what he is doing, and you run real risks. Eventually they have to walk you down, subject you to some incoming. Thats where your balls and heart are checked. Adamek has shown ring-smarts and a chin 40lbs north of where he started. Khan isn't taking any risks. If anything he is the guy coming into the ring heavier, taller, younger, fresher than his relatively jaded opponents. As I say, you run Khan up to 168 and see how he gets along.