Floyd is ducking pac? <object width="448" height="374"><param name="movie" value="http://www.worldstarhiphop.com/videos/e/16711680/wshh2jmPLdbHd5ZW5U42"><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><embed src="http://www.worldstarhiphop.com/videos/e/16711680/wshh2jmPLdbHd5ZW5U42" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowFullscreen="true" width="448" height="374"></embed></object>
well..technically he's right. He said "we only want to fight the biggest and the best out there".... he didn't say "I" emphasis on "we" "we" could mean anyone that is African American or anyone that is a part of his promotional company :say:
Everyday I'm HUSTLING.... He works hard, is dedicated, the most GIFTED boxer, the most accurate puncher and counterpuncher today, uses his mouth extremely well to gather interest in his fights. Only signs on the dotted line for fights he knows he can win and that's pretty much ALL of them except one: Manny PACQUIAO. So he ducks and dodges, makes up rules for not taking the fight as he goes along. Takes breaks from the boxing career, then returns for tuneup fights rather facing the FACE of boxing: Manny PACQUAIO. He is stronger, bigger, and been more of a welterweight than Manny for longer periods of time. Would be favored to beat Manny while making over $50 million+, would be considered the best of his generation, would have major endorsement deals securing his financial future FOREVER. BUT in the back of his mind, there is DOUBT that he can do it, so he throws all that away so he can keep his O and keep bragging to his nuthuggers, misleading them every step of the way.
SLIGHT Inaccuracy in this... The "100% Random Drug Testing" Thing ISN'T 100% True...Last REED Heard, Manny agREED to Random Testing UP TO 2 Weeks from Fightnight...While it May B Splitting Hairs, that's NOT Exactly 100% Random Drug Testing... Jus' Sayin'... REED:hammert:
Everyone knows his stance....He wants Pacroid to take the tests. The second Manny agrees to it the fight gets signed.
There Needs to B a MIDDLE GROUND Though...A COMPROMISE...Pac has just as Much Leverage as Floyd Does, Arguably MORE... The 14 Day Cutoff was a REASONABLE Compromise in REED's Opinion... REED:Lok:
Here we go again!!! :: Fight will not happen unless Manny runs out of cash. It doesn't really matter who is to blame. We will have to hope that Floyd can fight well against the guys he fights, ditto for Pac.
Floyd had an Interesting Response to a Question about Retiring Undefeated, from the Conference Call the Other Day... Q One last thing, Floyd. How important is it to you in your heart and perhaps for your legacy that you retire undefeated? F. Mayweather I feel like anybody-I mean anything can happen any given night. Anything can happen any given Saturday. Anything can happen, but, like I always said, if a fighter beats me, I want him to do it the fair and honest way because I've done it the fair and honest way for 16 years The Whole "Fair" Thing is CLEARLY Directed @ Pacquiao, but it Also CLEARLY Illustrates Floyd's Belief that Manny CAN INDEED BEAT Him... REED:hammert:
I'm not sure Floyd is the "fairest and most honest" guy in boxing. A lot of of his wins have seen him legally maximise every potential advantage to the point of unfairness.
No doubt, which is why it's crazy that some people seem SO certain Floyd beats Manny. That's preposterous, they have more confidence than Floyd does. I've said this all along but if it was an easy fight for Floyd, if Floyd and his team believed that, they'd just fucking sign the fight and collect an easy MASSIVE payday, steroids or not steroids. I can even understand Floyd being the favourite, but if the fight does happen anytime soon, it's almost guaranteed to be close. They both have styles to trouble the other, and it would probably be a pretty boring fight to be honest.
There cant be a middle ground. Floyd wants random drug testing to avoid being able to take things close to the fight that would clear your system quickly So allowing a 2 week grace period for no testing, allows for pac to take whatever he wants within that 2 week period (assuming he is taking something)
REED is Admittedly IGNORANT about PED's, it's AFFECTS, etc...Having Said that, it DOESN'T Seem Plausible that Pac Could Take Something that would SIGNIFICANTLY ALTER The Fighter he is, in a Mere 2 Weeks... REED:dunno:
Nah... ASSuming Floyd Beats Ortiz & Pac Beats Marquez, the Demand for this Fight will B as HIGH as it Ever was...Which Makes it even SADDER that this Fight is Probably NOT Going to Happen... What Floyd FAILS to Realize is that he CAN'T Escape from "Manny Pacquiao"...Even if Floyd NEVER Fights him, he'll ALWAYS have Manny's Name Thrown @ him in Boxing Conversations & Interviews...So While Floyd Focuses on Retiring "Undefeated", Most Media Sorts will Add, "Yeah, but he NEVER Fought Pacquiao Either"... REED:dancingBaby:
Exactly. If Floyd were to retire without facing Pacquiao i think it would hurt his legacy more than if he actually lost to him at this point.
It isn't splitting hairs, he took 2 weeks off the table immediately after the first negotiations and said that up to the day of the fight was the only acceptable way henceforth. I find it funny that Pac is the one refusing to take the tests that all of Floyd's opponents are taking now, yet Floyd is the only one being accused of ducking.. if Pac never agrees to take the tests, it hurts his legacy at LEAST as much as Floyd's.
http://www.fighthype.com/pages/mayweather-pacquiao-negotiations-timeline-1.html JANUARY 7, 2010 * Mayweather reveals a 14-day cut-off date was offered to Team Pacquiao, but they refused. JANUARY 8, 2010 * Richard Schaefer, Bob Arum and Michael Koncz confirm that a 14-day cut-off date was offered, but rejected by Team Pacquiao. JANUARY 18, 2010 * Team Mayweather declares random blood and urine tests with no cutoff dates for all future opponents. FEBRUARY 13, 2010 * Mayweather makes it crystal clear that his terms are full random drug testing all the way up to the fight. "I gave him a chance, up to 14 days out. But my new terms are all the way up to the fight. They can come get us whenever, all the way up to the fight, random drug test. That's what it is," Mayweather stated in an exclusive interview with David Mayo of The Grand Rapids Press. http://www.mlive.com/mayweather/index.ssf/2010/02/...
Mayweather made the terms once. He doesnt get to change the terms. Who the fuck is Mayweather? 14 days was good enough initially, it's good enough now. Take it or leave it FLOYD.
July 6, 2010 Arum hints that Pacquiao has only agreed to the 14-day cut-off. "We don't care who's doing the test. They stopped taking blood 18 days before [Mayweather-Mosley], so that shows they can do it and be fine," promoter Bob Arum would tell Lance Pugmire of the L.A. Times, hinting that Pacquiao's agreement to a 14-day cut-off should be sufficient for Mayweather considering that USADA took no additional tests 18 days prior to his bout with Mosley. As far as the random blood and urine tests are concerned, it's still unclear as to whether or not Pacquiao agreed to any terms other than a 14-day cut-off, but Arum continues to talk as if he hasn't. "If there's information that emerges in the final 14 days, we can go to the [state boxing] commission and ask for more tests. We can work it out. No one's looking to pull any fast ones," Arum added.
Well youre not expected to, thats just the media not doing its job. Everyone hears 2 weeks and they just assume you cant do anything within that time, but thats not true. The thing in question which is why floyd wants olympic testing is EPO, current drug testing in boxing/mma doesnt test for it at all, the only test available is done by the WADA which does olympic testing. EPO only takes a few days to work, which is why they always require random testing. You can easily use EPO within a 2 week period and gain benefits from it
it increases your read blood cell tremendously which basically makes it so you dont get tired no matter how much effort you exert its what cyclists use to bike a zillion miles, so imagine what ti does for 36 minutes of boxing. The more red blood cells you have it also greatly increases your ability to put on lean muscle. Your muscles repair themselves at a very rapid pace
What are the positive and negative side-effects of EPO, and are they visible, tangible, computable, these effects??
well the negative side effects would be if you do it wrong u can kill yourself, but thats very rare as I said above it basically increases stamina and ability to put on lean muscle
Cheers. So.....all this Cranial expansion, better hair, pitted skin theories...would be down to something else?