Fiance has got friends coming to town on Saturday night and I'm gonna have to go out for dinner or to a sports bar. Figure a way to salvage the night would be to persuade everyone to go somewhere that is showing the PPV. Does anyone know if there is any way to find out which spots are going to be getting the fights? :sream:
unless I magically stumble across a PPV stream that actually works (which happens once every 5 years or so) I won't be watching the fight until it ends up on YouTube a few days later It's one thing to get a stream for a regular HBO or Showtime bout, but the PPVs are obscenely difficult to come by in my experience, I almost never find any that are the real deal
cdogg, I wasn't talking about a stream...I was talking about a bar that might be showing it. boss, Strikeforce and the UFC have or had a list of sports bars that were going to show the event...thought maybe there might be something similar for boxing...
Call or Google Any of those Sports Bars that R More GUY Oriented, Instead of 'Family' Oriented...Like a "Hooter's" or Hooter's WANNBE Type Places...N Dallas there's Hooters, Winghouse, Buffalo Wild Wings & Plenty of Other Establishments... REED:Lok:
I've got an android there an app? Reed, thanks...we do have Buffalo Wild Wings here in Pittsburgh, I'll try them.
First and last time I watched Floyd fight was against Mosley at a Boston Pizza. I was pretty drunk and got so excited but stupid ancinent Mosley couldn't finish him. I'm not sure how to help you Floyd no matter what he says is not that big of an attraction at all. You will find UFC ppvs everywhere but boxing ? Good luck. Especially a boring fuck like Floyd zzzzzzzzzz
If you live outside the US and near a military base they'll be showing it on AFN (Armed Forces Network) which is how I'm going to see it. Of course you're going to need access to the base so you'll to know somebody who either lives or works there.
it's funny, other than Hooter's there are almost no places anywhere in Colorado that play boxing matches anymore. none of the well-established have them. no one gives a shit about boxing anymore here in CO.
You may be correct, but I believe the problem is probably the difference that boxing promoters charge establishments to televise the ppv show compared to what the UFC charges. So I googled to see and found this... Jan 6, 2010: and here from July 2011: "Bars and clubs are usually charged between $500 and $1,500 to show UFC events, depending on the size of the businesses." Compared to... Bowe Golota 2 december 1996: As a commercial establishment, Melody Lane Lounge should have paid NSS for the right to show the event, which would have cost it $987.50. and finafuckingly I found what I was looking for: "When I go to sell [UFC] in a bar or a restaurant, they understand they're going to get 3 hours of entertainment. Every fight is a great fight. Most boxing promoters, they'll put on a good main event. But you might not find out who's on the undercard until the last minute, and then it's usually junk. The undercard is not important to them." He said boxing is too often out of touch and off the radar: "Over the course of a year, we might do three big boxing matches, tops," Hand said. "UFC is running every month. And a year in advance, I know the date and site of those shows. If you own a sports bar and you can buy a UFC event for $1,000, and you know you're going to pack the place, why would you buy the Floyd Mayweather fight (Sept. 19 head-to-head v. UFC 103) for $2,200 and not do as well?" As a Las Vegas resident, that's interesting to hear. Las Vegas bars and restaurants typically pay in excess of $2,500 to air UFC fights. But it's also the desire of the UFC owners, the Fertittas to limit the number of outlets in Sin City. It's a wise business move considering The Fertittas' casino group, Stations, is the main provider of "closed-circuit" viewing in Las Vegas. That approach is fine in one city, unfortunately for boxing, it seems like the sport's overlords often try to make viewing their cards difficult nationwide: "People ask, 'Do you think UFC will kill boxing?' " Hand said. "It already has. Boxing's dead. "Look, the next [Floyd] Mayweather fight is the same night as UFC 103. Does that make any sense?" xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx This is just one area where the UFC has kicked the living shit out of boxing promoters/boxing. UFC has the monopoly so they can sell to commercial establishments at a rate below what would maximize their profits short term, but is better for the sport long-term because they continue to build a fan-base by giving access to their best product to potential new fans by keeping pvv costs at a rate that pretty much all establishments can afford.
That's actually great stuff. And to be honest - all the places that used to show boxing matches are now showing UFC instead. Even our local Hooters will show UFC over boxing if they are on the same night.
A few of my friends and I wanted to go out and watch it tonight. "Sorry, we only show UFC now." - every sports bar in town. But no, you cage fighting fags are correct, the sports are not in competition.
Jesus I can't believe that, that fucking sucks. There's no such thing as "sports bars" over here in England, and even if there were, they wouldn't show live boxing as it's on at like 4:00 am here. But wow, seems like UFC really is taking over boxing in America. In England it's different, boxing is far more popular.
"no, no, no you see what happened is that a bunch of eastern europeans suddenly became awesome at boxing and now all of the american guys are being picked off early in their careers by some Pole or Lithuanian... but there's as many american boxers as ever, they just can't beat these awesome Eastern Bloc guys" -Irish
Tell me about it. I'll never understand how a grown man could admit to watching that embarrassing trash.