Everytime the guy is in a good scrap there's something wrong with him... http://sports.yahoo.com/box/news?slug=ro-rogers_manny_pacquiao_foot_cramps_111311 I was left with the impression the "win" wasn't satisfactory for Pac and team. I had the feeling Pac wasn't sure if he won and the sustained and loud boo's reigned down on him surprised and hurt him. Freddie Roach didn't seem he felt Manny won clearly. This fight hurts Manny more than JMM in my opinion.
Didn't roach say on the corner to pac that he was behind on the scorecards, in the latter rounds of the fight? It was a Marquez win, no doubt. If I watch the fight again, i'll still say Marquez won.
Even if he telling the truth about the foot cramps it doesn't make sense it would show up only on fight night. He should have felt similar things during training and sparring.
I think he might be telling the truth about the cramps as he said the same thing after the Mosley fight, but yeah it's a bit weird they'd only show up on fight night, unless they were related to nerves or something.
That's just It, PRIOR to the Fight, Roach & Ariza Claimed Pac had "His BEST Training Camp EVER"...Roach Even Suggested that Manny REALLY Wanted to Put Some HURT on Marquez... Now they've Gone to the OPPOSITE Extreme... REED:limp:
People call me classless when I say I cant wait for his Parkinsons to advance, but I maintain it. Roach is a piece of shit. If he didnt have the shakes, he'd be one of the most hated figures in the sport. But because he has the shakes, he gets a pass for being a prick. Fuck that!
Well that bullshit you hear all the time from almost every fighter's camp. However foot cramps shouldn't just appear only when fighting. It's not like a guy off the street playing a new sport and using muscles they aren't used to exerting. Those cramps should have showed up in sparring from time to time. If they did they should have went to a foot specialist immediately and not just expected them to go away. This is especially the case as Manny complained about them in the Mosley fight too.
Roach is Usually Pretty STRAIGHTFORWARD about Manny's Camps...REED's Heard Roach Express CONCERN about Pac Arriving to America LATER than he'd Like &/or the Number of Distractions Pac has... REED Doesn't Know that he's EVER Heard Roach Say "Manny Had his Best Camp EVER", Until THIS Fight... REED:Lok:
Well i just don't think it matters either way. If Pac is having cramping issues with his feet and they appeared in previous fight(s) they should have had them looked into before training camp even started.
I wish Pac would just say that Marquez is a great fighter and Pac has won 2 close fights rather than saying he cramps or his socks hurt. Just give Marquez credit.Why not just say those fights could go either way. The judges like my style better. There is no shame losing to Marquez or fighting close with Marquez.
Manny said the sae shit after the Mosley fight. That was the reason he didn't KO Shane. He lost to Morales because of the Winning gloves, wasn't the first Marquez fight bad socks? It's always something with the guy.
He has too much love in his heart....... Manny is gonna have face cramps after Floyd is done with him.
Pac and Roach are filth. Arriza is filth and Khan is an opportunistic cheating whore. None of them deserve a pass. I think part of the problem with corruption and cheating in boxing is that the rift, the fault, the tectonic friction is potentially so seismic that everyone tip-toes around it. Its gotten too big and threatens to blow boxing apart, so they move gingerly around it. Roach is a key mover in that area, and he's a rude guy to boot.
It was hilarious when Roach was talking about he'd beat up Roger. Roger was a world class fighter. Freddie was a fuckin BUM. Roger woulda fucked up Freddie when they were fighters, and obviously would still do the same.
Did he say that really? Dude was nothing but a tomato can club fighter. Roger Mayweather would have decapitated his ass.
I'm not buying any of the excuses either, nor did I put any stock into the "our best camp ever" insistence going in. One thing worth mentioning, though, regarding this one - Marquez stepped on Manny's foot while punching, no fewer than a dozen times during the fight. Bound to happen in righty v. lefty matchups, but just curious if same frequency occurred during Shane fight. If so, there's the pattern for foot cramps, and why it's not happening as often in sparring. Of course, they're not the first two righthanded fighters Manny has faced. Just saying, there's an outlet for support (to a small degree) for this one. But in the end, it's still excuses.
But Jake, Manny is a lot more active than Shane. Manny moves his entire body constantly (upper body and feet), whereas, Shane has a lot of upper body movement, particularly his hands. By the way, Marquez was doing a lot more bouncing around in this fight, too that's what may have led to more foot stepping.