Aaron Pryor could do that with the best of them Vicente Saldivar showed flashes of it, too (he was TERRIFIC)
Aaron Pryor for me. Robinson had an insane workrate. Any film I watch on him especially pre-retirement, seems like he was ALWAYS throwing. But I'm not sure that classifies him as a swarmer because he wasn't always trying to get inside. When inside he would do some great work but he would slowly work his way inside. Duran for sure. Swarmer with excellent defense. His feints, angles, head movement, and hand speed would always throw off even the most technically skilled of fighters. Pacquiao is similar to Duran in that aspect. He has more speed but he's not as skilled as Manos de Piedra was.
To me, Im just classing swarmer as a lead volume puncher. Paul Williams for instance is effectively a swarmer and fits here.:Thumbs:
Odd topic + unclear parameters + random examples = people naming their favorite fighters = one overrated douchebag always will get mentioned = fuck Duran Lamont Peterson, Amir Khan, and maybe dlh are some of the guys who I think fit the OP better than the guys you've listed, but who knows? It's an odd topic, like I said, and it's your idea. That said, if you listed the 4 fighters in your OP and said "what do these guys have in common?", no one would come up with 'moving swarmers'
how are my two little bitches doing? at least mws makes some decent posts and just happens to have pacquiao and duran climbing up his ass too far to be objective. cdogg, otoh, you're just a bert sugar wannabe loser.
How's that film-watching going? learned enough to actually debate? or are you still playing with BoxRec like the mental midget you are? I shit on you, I could literally shit on my keyboard and the resulting post would be more worthwhile than anything you've typed in your life
Is this post supposed to mean anything? Was it supposed to be funny? Insightful? If so, typical fail. btw, you don't debate, you puss out, you change the topic when you are getting trounced, and you misstate your previous positions ("EASILY") and are too stupid to admit it when you are pinned down. The only reason your insipid overuse of :mj: and :: one character responses are tolerable is because it saves us from your lame attempts at making substantive posts.
I think if the OP wasn't crystal clear, what I had in mind was by the time a few posts had been made. Lead-volume punchers who tended to use their legs and the ring, rather than just coming forward trying to get inside. Pretty simple. Calzaghe Pac Vitali Williams Robinson Pryor Taylor etc Everybody else seemed to catch the gist pretty quick. Except you. Amir Khan and Oscar De la Hoya? Come back and show me some fights where they averaged over 90 shots a round, please. Lamont Peterson averaged 30 a stanza versus Maidana.
Remember that scene in one of Floyds 24/7's where they had Roger and his "Wall of Fame", and Roger was asking this guy who the best Latin fighter of all time was, and the guy says..."Uhhhmmm....De La Hoya???"" :: And Roger looks at him and says..."Whaddafuck you juss say"? :laugh11:
:: Yeah i remember that. Warmed me to him slightly 'Who's the best ever Celtic player, son?' 'ehhr......Georgio Samaras?'
Believe it or not, Juan Diaz threw a lot of punches (Probably because he could not crack an egg); also, remember Zach Padilla?
Yeah, Hut. Look at Trey's post above this one and tell me again how everyone has caught on pretty quick.
:: Thanks. btw, I finally took it to mean guys who run around and then attack with combos. Volume during the attack, but not necessarily volume overall. That's dlh, L peterson ("hut" "hut" "hut" which I thought you would favor), and Khan. Then you threw the 90 punches a round shit out there...
To me 'swarmer' means lead volume puncher. Guys who'll force openings with a high out put rather than wait for them, as opposed to 'counter punchers' or 'sluggers' who will both look to make a lower output pay, in different ways. Admittedly 'swarmer' suggests an up-close style, but there are rare guys who break the mould, which is why i started the thread.
Agreed. And I think it's a good thread, as you do occasionally get a guy who is a volume puncher/swarmer, yet doesn't fight inside AT ALL, and is a pure mid range fighter, just like Pacquiao, Vitali etc. I'm amazed that so many people have missed the point of the thread and just listed bog standard swarmers. :: at Juan Diaz.