Just got hooked on this one when guys at work started watching it, and I highly recommend it. Anyone else watch? It's really well written and entertaining. Has kind of the same comedic elements as Entourage with a bit of drama thrown in. And for you pervs out there I doubt there is a show on tv that shows more T&A then this one since the star basically bangs nearly every women he has more than a 10 second convo with.
I was really big on the first two seasons (and bought the 1st on DVD), but inconsistent programming here saw me fall off the wagon. I cant speak for later seasons, but when I was watching it was great.
Is it called "Kalifornication" in other parts of the World? In the US it's Californication. I have watched the first 4 seasons. It's an okay show, but the daughter is one of my least favorite characters in any show. Also the never ending will Hank and the ex get back together angle has grown old and they ought to move away from it.