Watched this last night and thought it was really funny. Jennifer Anniston looked very, very hot in this one. :jaw: Charlie from Always Sunny in Philadelphia had some commendable will-power there. <iframe width="560" height="315" src="" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>
could have been renamed 'horrible movie'. completely derivative, 'hangover' rip-off, and most of the jokes strained so hard to be funny but missed the mark. colin farrell's whole character was cringeworthily unfunny, just cheap rip-off of various cliches that have been mined a dozen times already in other movies and tv shows. and just no soul to the movie; there was scope to say something about the experience that people go through every day when they go to work, but instead it was completely divorced from reality in every sense. sorry, i am not cheery lately.
It was passable I guess. Aniston was sexier then she ever has been and I like Charlie Day a lot as a comic actor. Otherwise it was pretty forgettable.
Agree with this. Aniston's character was something else.... giggity. Charlie Day kills me. Something about the pitch of his voice, very squeaky and hilarious.
Overall the movie wasn't great but I liked jason bateman in this. Aniston was as sexy as I've ever seen fact, she was the biggest surprise.
Some of you guys are really hard to please and some borderline miserable fucks. If you can't find enjoyment in a fun movie like this then I feel for you.