Yeah because wins over Ortiz, a blown up Hatton, a featherweight named JMM, and an over the hill ODH suggest that only an all-time great like Duran or Hearns could possibly beat him. Will you even acknowledge that for a welterweight champion, an awful lot of PBF's opponents have been junior welterweights or worse? (Mitchell, Judah, JMM, Hatton, Ortiz) Does anyone else here feel that PBF needs to fight and more importantly defeat a whole lot more good fighters before it's appropriate or meaningful to have a discussion where we basically dismiss every existing fighter's chances of beating PBF?
When people start talking about Mayweather being a TOP 10 fighter all time the question "really?" pops into my mind...REALLY? Yes he has won titles in many division has moved up very fast, but how many all time great fighters has he defeated? He has beaten some good fighters and a few very good past their prime fighters(DLH/Mosley). Top 30 okay...crack into the top top 15-20 if he beat Pacquiao...but as of right now in the top 10 or 15? Really?? Maybe base on potential...what he COULD HAVE done...not for what he has done.
How about you let people have their own opinion once in a while instead of telling people what you think they should think. Castillo beat Floyd. Margarito might not be quite as good but he's MUCH bigger and punches harder and has a great chin.
you must to think like this. this man have very nice car, everyone on the street will say "wow this man have nice car, look at that wheels". on the morning with every day this man drive car round same of the corner and everyone watch him. for year to the next year he drive this car round in the corner. one day he hit into with truck and he is dead. this is what happen. anyone can hit into the truck.
Yup...and stylistically Margarito will be tough fight..even for the GREAT Floyd Mayweather. But to Sly Mayweather beating Carlos Bumdomir is as good a victory as Margarito....:limp:
IMO Floyd is an all time great.. Sure I'd like to see hmm fight everyone. People in hell want ice water too... Bt from what we have seen, I think he is one of the best ever
Baldomir was a damn scrub! Margarito would have ran his ass out of the ring. Floyd didn't fight Margarito for a reason, and Sly knows this. I'm not saying Floyd would have lost, but style wise, it's a tough fight.
No. Not even close. Have you seen Corrales' 1-2? Corrales was a good infighter with good short punches. He did not fit this bill. Not even close.
Floyd is lucky boxing is weak right now. In the 1950's he'd have lost because he'd be fighting every 6 weeks or 8 weeks, no time for his hands to fix or for his legal issues to go away etc....and he'd be fighting guys who come to fight and didn't have coke or drink issues. If he was fighting guys like Griffith or Ortega we wouldn't be sat here with stupidity like "wait for him to get old" or "Only Hearns can turn the trick". He'd be getting old. Overnight. And because the guys they would be putting him in with would be just as marketable as him, there wouldn't be any Joe Cortez or Golden Boy there to protect him or his "O".
Yeah, pretty much. An undefeated record with fewer than 50 fights really doesn't stack up historically.
Its not necessarily a talent issue either- I don't want people to think that I don't think Floyd would have been competitive vs this guy or that guy- he would have. But they had losses that were due to exhaustion, fixes, injury problems, not being allowed to do what they wanted promotion-wise, or being forced to take fights at short notice etc. And thats before we even get to there being dangerous challengers for them to face.
People need to remember the ODH fight, and how susceptible PBF was to the jab. I recognize that all fighters struggle with a jab in their face. But those who overcome it, do so by countering it and pressing forward with their own jab.
I call that fight an anomally. PBF was somewhat intimidated by Oscar and fought negatively as a result. Nevertheless I thought he won 8 rounds.
:: so PBF shows some vulnerability, and looks highly beatable, the first time he fights a real welterweight, and your take is: "an anomally." You're hopeless. Poor PBF was intimidated. It doesn't count. ::
word. It was the first MEGAFIGHT for PBF and it was against none other than Oscar De La Hoya, the most celebrated fighter since a prime Mike Tyson. I think he was a little intimidated and just wanted to win the fight with minimal risk to himself.
You've been schooled on this before, fucktard. Oscar is the biggest/best opponent of Floyd's career. His performance isn't an anomaly, it's simply him fighting the biggest/best opponent of his career :: If Floyd was around before boxers could be spoiled brats, and have the luxury of fighting twice a year and cherry picking opponents, they'd be plenty more "anomalies".
Sly isn't gonna let something as trivial as actual events get in the way of his image of PBF as the best fighter ever.
:atu: at you calling me a "fucktard". 1. That's a self owning statement for who but a juvenile with poor command of the English language would use such a word? 2. You are known for being perhaps the least intelligent among us. That's why you get so angry so often. The less someone can express themselves the more frustrated they become. I have to really decend low to even respond to your "offerings".
word. Except I don't say he's the best ever. I just say that he's a firm TOP 5 P4P all time. Which is more than reasonable.
Im curious to hear your theory as to why dlh stopped throwing the jab. Do you think maybe Floyd's right hand counters had something to do with it?
My intelligence exceeds yours by margins your brain is too small to fathom, underling. It's actually quite surreal that an insurance salesman like yourself would be under the illusion that his brain power comes anywhere near the vicinity of mine :: :notallthere:
It's a fair question. And one I've asked myself. Putting aside for a minute that the fight was fishy, I think part of it was that ODH got tired. PBF was able to counter in spots, but not often enough to support the claim that ODH would've stopped jabbing all together for this reason alone.