Worry not. Once Floyd loses the 0, Slurps' staff will abandon his same sex attraction much like he did Roid Joke Junior. Slurps' stAFF needed a Father growing up.
I love how staffy starts a thread asking for a 'one word' description of his wank-fantasy and then can't help himself so he posts three different words between clean-ups. MTF
What's funny is Floyd can't keep Manny's name out of his mouth. He's actually trying to convince people that the drug testing is still an issue. He's repeating the same BS he's been saying for years now. "If he's got nothing to hide, take the test" Which is a complete non issue right now. He has agreed to any testing.
Nonsense. I'm no more a fan of Floyd than Cdogg is of Ezzard Charles or Hut*Hut is of Roberto Duran. It's just that it's acceptable to be a fan of the ESTABLISHMENT fighters and so they are not criticized.
That's 2 words bitch... And I only bring it up because Sly wouldn't let me use: AHHHHHHH MAZINGGGGGGGGGGGGGGG.
There you go again. I have to say, I admire you Christopher and your pretty girlfriend, Natalie. It's disturbing how easily handsome Englishmen can acquire information from the students in your class. I visited your home this morning, after you left. I tried to play husband, I tried to sample the life of a legal professor. It didn't work out, so I took a souvenir.... Her pretty head!
You know what I mean. Fighters whose careers have been approved by the establishment (Bert Sugar/Ramonza etc)