I like his new mugshot (he has many):
Kid should have just adopted an aggressive, bob-and-weave style and stalked him, the old faggot would have ran away
Still hanging on to that superman curl from the early 80's. I saw him at an amateur boxing show in Tampa back in Feb '10. He's still pretty popular in that area, granted, it's large Puerto Rican population is the reason why.
Surprising news given it's the Camachos. Given their boxing styles I would think they're one of those close families who hug a lot.
Better yet instead of beating junior back in the day he should have just beat himself and kept his worthless seed where it belongs. In his nut sack.
Agreed. Even though "Macho" is one of the least appropriate nicknames for a fighter like Camacho, his son was/is much much worse. Senior at least took his shit kickings without looking for every possible way out.
Yup. Camacho wow you sure hit hard let's be friends. Come here you and give me a hug and junior is like wow you sure hit hard, let's be friends, but gotta run, add you on facebook later.
Well, in all fairness I think Camacho is the victim this time. His teenager son stole money from him to buy drugs and Camacho just gave him the 'teen spanking' the punk deserved.
Excuse me but you're not supposed to read the article. That's not how this works. We see a thread title and we just assume our own story. I'll let it slide this time...
Exqueeze me? baking powder? for someone with Fraud & another fellow convict toasting as a signature you are not supposed even to be able to READ the title thread...:finger:
Were you see racist here? I just pointed out toward the two fellow convicts in your sig: Fraud Gayweather and 0.5 cents. Both have visited prison. Or I am wrong? I was following your same line of though from your comment of 'not supposed to read the article'. I just took it a step further. Sorry if you didn't catch the joke.