Mosley probably, though not in as particularly useful a fashion as Leonard. Mosley was an early pre-cursor {no pun intended} to the Leap Amateurs of the day. Speedy Slugging, Power-Boxing and all that good nonsense. It worked a treat with a guy like Oscar but was utterly useless with little more than a tall rangy guy with a good right hand.
Leonard. It is one of my first memories as a kid. I couldn't elieve how fast he was and he threw punches properly. Mosely threw punches much like an angry retard who is upset at the driver of the short bus.
Somebody find and post the video of Leonard in the Olympics when he was unleashing ridiculous flurry after ridiculous flurry. Juxtapose that video with the one of the ludicrous flurry that Shane unleashed against Antonio Diaz towards the end of that fight. I would like to compare those. Flurrying speed is equivalent. Combinations (accurate telling punches strung together) go with Leonard. Single Shots, possibly Shane.