if they had the luxury of playing 5 times maybe Mesi and Robben wouldn't have bottled it on the penalty shots
Drogba shouldn't even have made the final. He was on a yellow and handled. Referee missed it. Thats a lot of luck.
They are just making an example of him, in my opinion, he's done wrong but 12 games for conduct that is superficially violent at best is a joke.
12 games for handbags and some snarling. Meanwhile cheaters and simulators - outright sport ruiners, get slaps on the wrist. Somebody on up high should have a real think about the culture they wanna foster on football pitches
Barton gets the rep he does because he's a Scouse Scally whose half-brother killed a black kid that was screwing some white dame. Thats why he's the bete noire of the Gary Linekers of this world. Its not got a damn thing to do with his on-field reputation. Every time I turn on the tele I see programme after programme about the "hard men" of football, misshapen fellows with odd hairlines from the 1970's in badly fitting strips being eulogized as "Real Footballers".. Yet Barton gets up to a bit of their stuff and he's banned for 12 games? Its bollox. I don't like Barton, think he's too fond of the sly dig and the tweets, but 12 gams? Nah. Not having it.
The second guy in the bottom row looks a little like a very young chris waddle with a fake bandito mustache. Obviously thats not the answer but i just thought I'd take up bandwith.
:: I promise I didn't cheat....I had no time to cheat...i've just finished work, saw that pic and pointed him out straight away. I know, you can say it...i'm bluddy good :bears:
He fucking cheated. How can you laugh at a time like this, a time of cheaters??? :: Okay........one for the non-cheaters......who is this bewt.....
Fuck knows. My guess is he's an ice hockey player...If he isn't an ice hockey player, he certainly looks like one ::
They didn't have colour film back then, thats how far back that is. Anyways this guy is a major league player in the world of Association Soccerball.
That must mean that Newcastle are the current best team in Europe as they were the last team to beat Chelshit, right? Yeah, I could live with that... MTF