Per ESPN...Ortiz fought with a broken jaw starting in round five. In addition, his jaw was broken in two places. I suspect the second (and more severe break) occurred in the last round before he retired. The night of the fight I wrote that between one of the earlier rounds you could see Ortiz lean in and whisper to Garcia (Garcia whispered back). At the time I assumed Victor didn't want the camera to pick up him talking about an injured hand. It's possible he told Garcia then that his jaw was broken. Check out Rafael's article. Based on the extent of the injury and knowing it was broken prior to the final round...does that change opinions? "Victor broke the jaw in the fifth round. He felt a weird sensation because he couldn't close his mouth all the way," Arellano said. "So he was holding his glove underneath his jaw to keep it closed because it was hanging open. Victor fought four or five rounds with a broken jaw and every time he would throw punches, he would take his glove away from his jaw and it would just drop. He said every time he got hit on it, it felt like someone was slicing open his body it hurt so much. He didn't know what was going on." Arellano said Ortiz eventually began to gag on "thick blood in his mouth. The doctors said it was extremely dangerous because he had internal bleeding, which they said they could tell by the thickness of the blood. This was a lot more serious than anyone anticipated at first when we just thought he had a broken jaw."
His jaw looked normal before the 9th round. In the 9th round they showed the replay of his jaw getting hit with a HUGE left hand, thudding right into the back part of his jaw, and it started swelling quickly, and that's exactly where the break looks to be in the pics since. Like Hut said, I wouldn't take it at face value. It's possible, but his jaw certainly didn't look broken before the 9th round.
Lol. Yeah. This is the worst smoking gun thread in history. This loss disgraces Fraud's legacy anyway you slice. Ortiz will be on the shelf for a year from fitting a tune up.
Ortiz is actually a brave warrior who fought with a broken jaw for 5 rounds. - Golden Boy, Department of Truth.
:: Fuck off Oscar.:flip: Wayne McCullough:,,12533_7842287,00.html
The line seems to keep moving further and further back with each story on this one. On fight night, I could swear that Victor said earlier in the round (9th). The following day, it was suggested that he told Garcia after the 7th round, which is more in line w/ Garcia's point that he should have stopped the fight "one to two rounds sooner." Now, Arrellano is telling people (he told Rick/Boxingscene) that it was as far back as the 5th round. At this rate, two months from now we'll be fielding the suggestion that it never fully recovered from when Mayweather Jr. "cheapshot" him
And you're correct about that, and that's pretty much what the video evidence tells us. Huge meaty left hand thuds into the rear part of Ortiz's jaw, kind of moves it, and Ortiz immediately looks a bit shocked and uncomfortable. His jaw was broken in the 9th round, as Ortiz originally stated. "Ortiz is a warrior, he soldiered on since the 5th round with a broken jaw!" - Musze, Ortiz fan #1.
:: Boxing is a sad parody of what it used to be. Ortiz, Khan, guys like this are "Super Stars" today, making millions, I am not even sure they would get the gig as a sparring partner back in the 50's or 60's...just on toughness alone, they would fail the test. Ortiz has quit twice. Its not that which bothers me. Its the propaganda, the nap-tucking of the storyline.
Irish, he's actually quit 3 times as a pro. Floyd was a quitjob, the headbutt was his way out of the fight, and when he got suckerpunched he simply stayed down for the 10 count. Remember him popping up just after the count with a big smile on his face? ::
If the guy didn't have a history of quitting people would give him a pass on this. Sadly for Ortiz, he is a quitter and this does nothing to improve that reputation.
Victor did say the 9th round in the post-fight interview. I'd be curious to see what round it was I mentioned where Ortiz told Garcia it was initially broken. The point being, it is/was a severe injury. What i find amazing is how guys expect a guy like Ortiz to behave like Ali would have or did. :dunno:
The Peterson fight was appalling, too. He won the first 5 rounds of that then literally stopped trying. I had money on him by decision at really good odds so i was apoplectic. Complete capitulation.
Wow, I forgot about that. I watched that live too and was just thinking WTF, it seemed like he could be on the verge of a stoppage - he was getting to Peterdude and looking clearly the better fighter, then wham, just stops fighting. Just can't keep it together mentally and goes through the motions for the remainder of the fight.
I didn't fault him for quitting. When he broke his jaw is irrelevant to me. The writers criticizing him wouldn't even make it through an article with a broken jaw, so they need to STFU as well. I was just glad to see him lose again. The hype surrounding his career is bad enough, but he and his entire camp are just a pack of jackasses.
You have a tendency to say some very naive things. A broken jaw isn't exactly visible to the naked eye watching on a TV screen and swelling isn't always immediate.
Of course it is, in the 9th round you can see Ortiz's jaw become dislodged, and bother him. And you can see the punch that did it. There's simply no evidence before round 9 to suggest something other than the huge left hand landed in round 9 broke his jaw. Ortiz even admitted it was broken in that round, anything said subsequently is bullshit.
Different expectations though. Those writers aren't world ranked professional fighters who get paid huge amounts of money to endure pain and physical punishment.
He owns and operates a timeshare from inside Victor's mouth. The space wasn't rented at the time so he just happened to be sitting at the point of impact just as the break occurs. Why are you questioning his take? You dare to disagree??!!??
good point made on twitter by mr ryan bivins. would have been interesting to hear tarver commentate the lopez ortiz fight since he fought with a busted jaw against harding.