I like Donito, but I liked him better before he wasn't so full of himself. Now he clowns too much. And that excessive confidence will be his downfall. But not tonight.
I do not see this fight being that close. The SouthAfrikaner is not even punching. He is playing tag, not fighting. I hope the judges don't fall for this bullshit like HBO has.
I thought the judges scored it right. This fight wasn't close at all. Mububalablala was a bullshit artist, a slapping faggot.
Pavlik looked just like he has for his last several fights. He's just as stationary as Trinidad was and telegraphs his punches more. If he's not completely set, he can't do shit against a mover. Donaire was a fun fight. I thought the fight was wider then the HBO announcers also, but maybe a little closer then some of the judges............and the punch stats were wildly off in this fight. Guy counting for Mathebula must have been hitting the button twice for every land. The South African had some nice rounds countering Donaire in the middle to later rounds but was not able to keep it up for most of the fight. He did get better as the fight went on, at least until Donaire busted his face up in the 11th. When he came out in the first, he looked like a fuckin' Weebelo, wobbling and tripping over himself with those clumsy ass punches. I instantly told myself............that's why you don't normally see 6 foot featherweights.
rigondeaux will beat the fuck out of donaire. too bad arum is deciding to waste everyones time with an arce fight, then nishioka
Thought he won pretty easily but looked outsized and clearly has problems being made to lead. Reminds me a little of a young James Toney, in some ways, always looking to counter with big shots. Counter-slugger.
Neil once again basing his know nothing opinions on a completely unproven fighter. I like to know who Rigondeuxexexexex has beaten to even deserve to fight Donaire. Neil was for years said Donaire sucks and wins because he fights smaller men. He just beat a Junior welter and lost nary a round.Now what?
Exactly. Awesome counter-puncher, ineffective when he's forced to lead. I think that's why he resorts to dropping his hands and showboating - not because he's a cocky fighter (at least not entirely), but to bait the other guy into throwing punches at him so he can look to counter.
donaire is good but i dont see the hype. i saw the fight, and i wasnt impressed. i never said the guy sucks. seeing both guys live it is obvious rigondeaux is the sharper, harder puncher. faster hands and better defense as well. donaire would have a punchers chance, that is all.
Donaire's last 3 opponents have fought to survive. Rigondeux will come to fight & he'll end up on his back, quote me on that.
I'm not sure about that. Who was the guy who was hitting him and giving him big bright red cheekbones? In any case, I feel sorry for Donaire, fighting all these negative guys, I'm glad others feel likewise. :crafty:
Yeah, Rigondeaux might fight cautiously too actually.....battle of patience, whoever gets over anxious and takes the lead loses that one,
Bollix. If either of these guys are true warriors, they will throw caution to the wind, forget what pain feels like and just go for it. In fact, if they don't BOTH win I will be seriously disappointed. Back in the day, BOTH guys used to win, thats how good they were and thats how hard they tried.
Is Rigondeaux afraid of pain? I can't see him bopping, shirt-less, to the strains of the Detroit Emeralds on a roasting hot day in 70's Detroit in the middle of a spray of water from a busted fire hydrant. Sounds like a grabber from here. A bit of Profokiev, games of chess, occasional photo-shoot with riot police in Jochen Peiper Country, that sort of thing.
I've said a few times now I think Donaire is regressing. He's looked sloppier recently, and I also think his effectiveness is going to take a significant dip at 122, where he is fighting guys at least his size. He is still an excellent fighter though, no doubt about it. And personally I don't get the hype with Gondo, he seems good, but I think it's a bit fucking early to be picking over Donaire. He's been a pro for 2 or 3 years and his best win is who, "Put the tea on" Kennedy? :: I mean really. Maybe wait until he actually beats someone decent before picking him over Donaire, who is undeniably a top 10 pound for pounder.
At least in part he's sloppier because people he's having to chase guys down. Hard to tell how much is down to that, how much is down to fighting bigger guys & how much might be down to age.... dunno. It'd be good if the people promoting him did their job and matched him against somebody who will come at him.
Call me crazy but I'd love to see Donaire get really ambitious and fight Gamboa. That style match up works for him & i think he could pull the surprise and win that. Nikoshioka is all wrong for him and Rigondeaux would probably be awkward too. I think he'd probably struggle against old Rafael, too.
I think he'd simply be too outgunned against Gamboa. Gamboa has his limitations, he is also short with short arms, but his handspeed/power combo is some of the best in boxing. Donaire's defense isn't good enough, and I don't think he'd hit hard enough at 126 to give Gamboa too much to worry about. I'd pick Donaire against the other 3 sooner than Gamboa.