Round one: box-bot by slap bemusement. Interestingly, Garcia looks quick enough to catch Khan and hurt him, though. MTF
Khan is dominating but his strategy seems to be to blast him out. Garcia has him timed already though.Garcia may catch him and balst him out.
Any decent fighter that fights Khan should absolutely GUN right hands at him... his defense against right hands is fucking RETARDED... He can barely pick them up from this guy who is throwing them slow and wide as fuck. When he does, he instinctively moves/awkwardly skips to his right, totally off balance... he's wide open for a left hook follow-up
Bayless could have easily stop that....Khan did not respond at all.... before the punch...Khan was already throwing those slappy flurry punches...
Khan took two HARD ass shots...and ate them...OHHH they are landing BOMBs....Khan might still KO this dumb fuck....either guy could get KO'ed...
Could see that a mile off. Khan's shitty little slap flurries counted for absolutely nothing, then his shitty chin did the rest. Frankly, he did well to survive as long as he did. He was gutsy to keep going, but he is really, really shit. MTF