So first Khan was protected... and now he was moved along too fast ??:scratcher: A guy of his caliber has to lose at some point, move him along any slower and his career would never have got off the ground before he is KO'd on some B level promotion.
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Autoglass Repair, Autoglass Replace!!!:Rubio: I reckon they might be replacing on this one rather than repairing. ::
Shit...Papa Garcia really believes in his SON...if I was him I would jump on that KHAN rematch...easy MONEY.
Gotta give pops credit, he has a true spirit and winning attitude I have never seen. "You know when you visionize things..."
He reminds me of Lou Ferrigno's father in Pumping Iron. They could have easily renamed the Pumping Iron DVD as "Matty Ferrigno Sounds Off". It should have been one hour and 12 chapters worth of Matty Ferigno soundbites. Garcia Sr is the exact same. He just mouths off and mouths off and we have to pause to remind ourselves that this guy is, at best, like a tertiary party to all of this business. He doesn't actually matter.
Yup....Khan was did good in round 1, because he use the jab to set up combinations. And wasn't jumping in with slappy happy flurries.
I don't post as much anywhere, I am a bit busier these days. Plus despite the fact the boxing is great, it's not as great currently.
AgREED regarding the comments about the HBO hype job... Max saying Garcia had given up because he touched gloves before the 3rd rounds...HELLO - they did that before every round I believe, even before the fourth... But, most comical was Lamps proclaiming right before the last knockdown that after saying the fight was over (after the second knockdown), that Khan was done, that Khan had now taken over the fight - this, in true Lamps fashion, as he Screamed in ecstasy as Khan did land one, perhaps two shots after the third knockdown, while completely ignoring the BARRAGE of punches raining down on Khan from Garcia. Fuck HBO and their hype machine, trying to build fighters into ppv attractions. Just show the damn fight.
Hahaha, I agree, pretty lame showing by HBO, especially that cunt fuck, goggle eyed piece of shit penis face, cunt eyed bitch Kellerman.
I had the English feed and I find it hard to believe HBO's could have been any more biased. These guys were basically saying Khan was dominating and Garcia was "chasing a ghost" every second until the knockdown shot landed.
British commentary on there own fighters is the worst. While khan was winning the first 2 rounds he was still caught with some good counters. Khan was way to reckless.
Thanks for reminding me. Nothing more satisfying than watching a British fighter get KO'd amidst the sickening nuthugging fest that occurs with the Sky team, I'll check it out.