What about Cory Spinks? His style is a strange amalgamation of running and holding and falling.............and none of it seems to work for him very well. ::
I always laughed at the faithful hatton supporters who gushed over how Hatton used his feet to jump in and throw shots. it's easy to do that against the Eamon Magee's and the rest of the Euro-garbage he built his base on. When he stepped up and fought better guys he often resorted to lunging in off-balance as though he were stumbling in early morning after a night of drinking...looking to hug the wall as his only means of remaining upright. The Hitman morphed into the Hugman.
Never understood the action fighter tag some people continued to hang on him through the end of his career. He was just as much a cancer on the eyes as John Ruiz.
Hmm, it's close, but running tips it for me. Dirrell's running and flopping Vs Frock was about as pathetic as it gets.
So clutch-humping, flopping runners with horrible footwork seems to be in the lead. Add Zahir Raheem to the list. Is that guy still around?
Holding easily . If you run but not hold it's a fair game . The other guy should fucking learn to chase with some urgency and cut off the ring and it's a cool fight. When fights suck because one guy is running it's mostly due to the fact that the other guy doesn't wanna or doesn't know how to properly chase. When a fag is holding it's just fucking lame. Throw a punch and then 10 second break in action with fucking gay ass holding and then again and again wash rinse fucking repeat . Fuck that shit.
holding is worse as it's illegal...and used as a tactic can win fights, like Ruiz mastered if someone runs then at least they'll lose the round
No way one is worse than the other. Both kill fights. It was why I hate Duran and Leonard. They were the opposite extremes of shitty styles. Pernell Whitaker had the worst style ever as it was 50% of both.
Holding for sure. At least with running they are trying not to engage by keeping a distance. With holding, they are forcibly constraining the other fighter so he can't even throw punches. Its awful. See Lewis vs Akinwande. One of the most disgraceful displays of holding ever.
Ever seen Sergio Pussy fight? It is easily as bad as any Hatton, Duran or Ruiz fight. Both are awful and the scoring rules should reflect. Take the Direll/Froch fight. If I were judging and Direll was landing triple the punches, I am giving Froch the round on ring generalship. If someone is running, I am not scoring it for them.
After Bonecrusher's work against Tyson and Akinwande's masterpiece against Lewis, I'd have to side with holding.
Martinez doesn't hold anywhere near as much as Hatton, Duran or Ruiz. I think you can add Molina to this list. His bs display against Kirkland should have got him dq'd long before the trainer entered the ring.
Martinez's favorite combo is a wild left hand/right hug to the waist anyone who says he doesn't hold much is blind
Aesthetically, Martinez is a much easier fighter to watch then most of these other names being bandied about.