Not much more to add, don't waste your money or grey cells on this entertainement black hole. Stupid story full of holes, crappy actor play and repetitive action. Huge waste of time
The most pointless recent remake in a slew of pointless recent remakes. The Arnie version was an absolute classic. MTF
I don't understand. These people are getting paid millions to produce, direct and write films, yet they manage to fuck up. Are they hiring the right personnel? Where does it go wrong in the process of making a film with such a huge budget and supposedly "Top professionals" at the helm?
I thought we're supposed to go and watch those movies for the hot chicks? Why else would they cast Beckinsale and Biel in the movie?
what looks amazing on script doesn't always translate well to the big screen. But the director and producer can't go back and change everything once it's done and once they've blown through the budget. They have to make the deadline and the movie has to get out there into the theaters at a specific time. Making movies is hard. Making good movies is much harder. What made the original Total Recall so good was Arnold. He was at the peak of his peak at that time if you know what I mean. He couldn't go wrong in anything he did. Every movie he made in that time was a blockbuster. And movies like Total Recall were ahead of their time 22 years ago. Nowadays, everything is CGI with pointless action and crap scripts and the audience is impatient and want to see new sh*t, not remakes. Who the f*ck would go pay to see this new Total Recall movie with a p*ssy like Colin Farrell anyway who couldn't punch his way out of a wet paper bag. Arnold had a billion times more screen presence than this guy. Sometimes it just comes down the actor moreso than the movie itself. The original Total Recall worked because of both Arnold and a great idea, a wicked script and a concept with lots of special effects which was ahead of its time. It's just how it is.
let's not forget Sharon Stone :hump::hump::hump::hump::hump: "if you don't trust me you can tie me up"
If people stopped paying to see these endless, substandard and fucking pointless remakes, eventually the collective penny would drop and Hollywood might go back to at least trying to create original, interesting and high quality films. until then I have to put up with these woeful rehashes, money-spinning 'franchises' and films which are basically copies of older films with different names and younger actors. MTF :shit:
I didn't think it was that bad. A few of the action sequences such as the elevators and car scenes were pretty good. At the same time one of the downfalls of the film IMO was there was almost too much action. Action sequences would just go on and on and it felt like you never got time to catch your breath. One of the things I think they did improve on was this one felt more realistic than the original. There were no trips to Mars and no mutants. There was a lot of complex hand to hand combat kind of in the vein of the Bourne films although not as good. Colin certainly lacks the charisma of Ahnold and that made it kind of hard to care much about him since the character development wasn't much, other than you realizing he didn't like his job and he had a friendship with Bokeme Wodbine. 5.5/10 and I would not want to sit through it again.
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