I've never been as pissed off with a fighter than I was with Dawson that night. I'm a 'hater' for life after that fight.
The Audley comparison is very valid. Hut didn't mention anything about them being similar in terms of ability or accomplishments, but they are both wastes of talent. They both have solid talent, skill, and physical make-up, but completely lack the fighting spirit and whatever other intangibles it takes to be a great fighter. I'd love to know what the hell Neil and Xplosive see in him, I really can't see what there is to like. Horrible fighter.
Dawson has infinitely more talent, heart, fighting spirit, and everything else you could want a fighter to have compared to Harrison. It's like I found some quick handed club fighter and compared him with Howard Davis
RiCardo Williams jr has a silly boxing gloves tattoo under his eye ands fighting 6 rounders now but this scrap with Lenk is damn good
Ward struggling, but the funny thing is, it's more with Doorson's size than anything he's doing. Doorson does look the significantly bigger man in the ring.
damn, Ward is whooping him. But that's why I hate the fight being at 168, we simply can't know if the making the weight drained Dawson big
over and over, Ward comes towards him and Dawson greets him with a pawing right jab on the gloves... He threw maybe two left hands in that round... early, he countered with one, right on the button... did he throw it again? OF COURSE NOT